
生死這問題,是古今中外任何人都關心的。尤其是哲學家和宗教家,往往由此開始發展其宗教式哲學。在西方,可能對生死比中國人看得更嚴重,更認真。例如西方佛教,其思想「苦諦」,就應該是其建立理論及修持方法最關鍵之一。所以在「苦諦」上,就會講到「二苦,三苦,四苦,五苦,八苦 」,以至一百一十種苦。講出人生各種苦。當然死之苦,應是苦中之苦。基於此 「苦 」所建立的哲學及宗教,當然就是對現實人生充滿各種苦的喧染和誇張。





外省的人大多數不了解廣東人的組成及來源,也不知道為何叫做“廣東”,更會有些外省人會奇怪,為何秦漢時期的“百越之地”、少數民族眾多的廣東,現在除了在粵北的深山上有一個“瑤族”外,其餘地區全是清一色的漢人?為何韶關南雄縣的“珠磯巷”及肇慶封開縣這兩處相距甚遠的地方都被稱為嶺南文化的發源地?為何近代史上只有廣東人大規模地遷徙外國,並誕生了孫中山這樣改變中國歷史的人,以及“辛亥革命”這樣改變中國歷史的轉折?這些都涉及到漢民族發展歷史上的眾多重大事件,並且是一環扣一環地一直發展到如今!以下詳細講述! Continue reading





Captain Mike Yam (74) writes …

Captain Mike Yam(74), Michael Luk(76), Allan Lee(70, David Ho(70), Manager Wilfred Wei (69)

Captain Mike Yam(74), Michael Luk(76), Allan Lee(70, David Ho(70), Manager Wilfred Wei (69)

Our spirit was very high.  This was actually visible even before the games.  We had had regular practices every week (except I skipped 3 weeks due to a minor operation) and I could tell that our team was getting stronger towards the tournament.  Michael Luk had improved so much on his serves and return serves while Allan also improved on his already excellent blocks.  David was practising hard between his tight schedules. Continue reading

Wilfred Wei (69) reports…

Captain Mike Yam(74), Michael Luk(76), Allan Lee(70, David Ho(70), Manager Wilfred Wei (69)

Captain Mike Yam(74), Michael Luk(76), Allan Lee(70), David Ho(70), Manager Wilfred Wei (69)

Thank you Roger, Edmund, Tim, George , Andrew, Jeff and spouses Vinnie , Elaine, Millie and, most important of all,  Mr Ho (who came 3 times to cheer for the team and took the winning game video) for your enthusiastic support, cheers and encouragements on game day.

Thank you Andrew for taking pictures and thank you Chris for his support on Whatsapp despite being physically in Chicago and unable to attend. Continue reading

《背影》朱自清 (1894-1948)

[youtube_sc url=”_NoHJP0LlUM” rel=”0″]

我與父親不相見已二年餘了,我最不能忘記的是他的背影。那年冬天,祖母死了,父親的差­使也交卸了,正是禍不單行的日子,我從北京到徐州,打算跟著父親奔喪回家。到徐州見著­父親,看見滿院狼籍的東西,又想起祖母,不禁簌簌地流下眼淚。 父親說,”事已如此,不必難過,好在天無絕人之路!” Continue reading