河傳 溫庭筠(812—870)

湖上  閒望
雨蕭蕭      煙浦花橋路遙
終朝  夢魂迷晚潮
春已晚      鶯語工腸斷
若耶溪      溪水西
柳堤  不聞郎馬嘶

Tune: From the River                Wen Ting Yun(812—870)            江紹倫譯

By the lake
She watches vague

Everywhere rains
Distant beach and bridge in rainy haze

Eyebrows knit the songstress is sad as scenery prolong
All day long
She is lost in the evening tidal song

Her wandering lover is not coming home
‘Tis late spring
Her heart breaks hearing oriels sing

Ask the brook
West of the brook
On the long willowy pathway
When will she hear her lover’s horse neigh

雙雙燕 史達祖(1163-1220)


過春社了    度簾幕中間  去年塵冷
差池欲住    試入舊巢相並
還相雕樑藻井      又軟語商量不定
飄然快拂花梢      翠尾分開紅影

芳徑  芹泥雨潤
愛貼地爭飛  競誇輕俊
紅樓歸晚    看足柳暗花暝
應自棲香正穩      便忘了天涯芳信
愁損翠黛雙蛾      日日畫闌獨憑

Swallow Song              Shi Ta Zu(1163-1220)             江紹倫譯
Tune: Pairs of Swallow

Spring is half gone
Between curtains and screen on my door
Last year’s nest stays its mud hard and cold

Wishing to test on a ready made home
A pair of swallows visits to see on their own

Painted ceilings and carved beams they know
Twittering they debated their decision not known
O’er flower beds they wing to and flow
Their fork tails cast moving red shadows

Along the welcoming way
Where rain has moistened clods of clay
The pair flies low in a happy race
Competing on their swift flights so gay

On the evening they return late
Flying between willows and floral maze
They perch in the nest now fragrant and save
Oblivious of a message they were trust to convey

Her anxiety from longing shown on knitted eyebrows
The resident lady waits for her lover by day and by hour

示兒 陸游(1125-1210)


To My Son                   Lu You (1125-1210)      江紹倫譯

I know death negates many a worldly deed
Still I grief to see our country not united
Whence our royal force resumed command of the central plain
Tell me in a special rite so my mind will be in peace again

劍門道中遇微雨 陸游(1125-1210)


To the Sword Gate in drizzles               Lu You (1125-1210) 江紹倫譯

My coat dusty from wandering is not without a wine stain
I was happy and gay wherever far I strayed
Am I a poet I’m wondering
On a donkey I ride through the Sword Gate when it is drizzling

《春夜洛城笛》__(唐) 李白(761-762)

誰家玉笛暗飛聲    散入春風滿洛城
此夜曲中聞折柳    何人不起故園情

Flute Music in a Spring Night at Louyang          Li Bai(761-762) 江紹倫譯

From whose flute this music is stirring the air
Carried by the east wind to Louyang it enters everybody’s ear
‘Tis the farewell song Willow Branches that’s heard tonight
Who would not feel for our lost motherland nostalgia surge high

《望天門山》 (唐)李白(761-762)

天門中斷楚江開    碧水東流至此回
兩岸青山相對出    孤帆一片日邊來

《A View of the Mt. Heaven Pass》        Li Bai(761-762) 江紹倫譯

The Yangtze rolls on to split Mt. Heaven for a gorge
Billows hurl the eastward river to turn back north
As the green riverbanks watch from opposite sides
A solitary sail appears leaving the sun behind

經魯祭孔子而歎之 唐玄宗(712-756)

夫子何為者  栖栖一代中
地猶鄹氏邑  宅即魯王宮
嘆鳳嗟身否  傷麟怨道窮
今看兩楹奠  當與夢時同

Honouring Confucius at Lu   Tang Xian Zhon(712-756) 江紹倫譯

What did you strive to teach honourable sage
Busying yourself here and there in your time always
This being the Lu territory in bygone days
Palace the Duke of Lu had his family happily raised

Whence the Phoenix gone did you bemoan your ill-fate
The Unicorn absent you might regret your ideals berate
As we pour libations to honour you with deep bows
You can rest in peace we now defend your teachings with vows

鵲橋仙 (宋)陸游(1125-1210)

一竿風月    一蓑煙雨    家在釣台西住
賣魚生怕近城門    況肯到紅塵深處

潮生理棹    潮平繫纜    潮落浩歌歸去
時人錯把比嚴光    我自是無名漁父

The Magpie Bridge Resident Immortal       Lu You (1125-1210) 江紹倫譯

A fishing rod I carry in wind and in moonlight
A straw cloak I wear in mist and rain
My home sits west of the fishing terrain

Keep away from city gate if one should like to sell fish
And refrain from life twirls however one wish

On the crest of tides I sail
On level water I float with my boat
I sing in great delight on low tide home I go

People pretend they know me a hermit of fame
I’m just a simple fisherman without a name

《念奴嬌》 (宋) 張孝祥(1132-1169)

洞庭青草    近中秋
素月分輝    明河共影    表裡俱澄澈
悠然心會    妙處難與君說

盡吸西江    細斟北斗    萬象為賓客
扣舷獨嘯    不知今夕何夕

On Dongting Lake     Zhang Xiao Xiang (1132-1169)            江紹倫譯
Tune: Charm of a Maiden Dancer 

Green is Dongting Lake
Mid-autumn approaching
Unruffled no wind stirring

On thirty acres of wild space white as jade
A tiny dot my leaf-light skiff glides gay

Stars and moon each show brilliance subdue
Shadows vividly in view
Their pure clean essence emanate

Calm and free I feel
In awe I wish but unable to share this felicity with you

My exile in the southern town I strive to forget
As I self-reflect
I did everything in order and clean as ice nugget
In thin short hair I now wear clothes simple and plain
My skiff and I glide with no worry in this immense expanse

How I’d like to take the Yangtze for cooking water
And wield the Dipper my spatula
To share a feast wildly with my celestial roomer

I beat my bulwark in tune with my croons
What date is this night who cares to know

觀書有感 (宋) 朱熹(1130-1200)

半畝方塘一鑑開    天光雲影共徘徊
問渠哪得清如許    為有源頭活水來

Insight From Reading            Zhu Xi (1130-1200)     江紹倫譯

To the small glassy pond I plunge
To experience how light and shadows play for fun
Asked how ideas in the pond could be so deep and clear
The water comes from bustling springs far and near