洞庭青草 近中秋
素月分輝 明河共影 表裡俱澄澈
悠然心會 妙處難與君說
盡吸西江 細斟北斗 萬象為賓客
扣舷獨嘯 不知今夕何夕
On Dongting Lake Zhang Xiao Xiang (1132-1169) 江紹倫譯
Tune: Charm of a Maiden Dancer
Green is Dongting Lake
Mid-autumn approaching
Unruffled no wind stirring
On thirty acres of wild space white as jade
A tiny dot my leaf-light skiff glides gay
Stars and moon each show brilliance subdue
Shadows vividly in view
Their pure clean essence emanate
Calm and free I feel
In awe I wish but unable to share this felicity with you
My exile in the southern town I strive to forget
As I self-reflect
I did everything in order and clean as ice nugget
In thin short hair I now wear clothes simple and plain
My skiff and I glide with no worry in this immense expanse
How I’d like to take the Yangtze for cooking water
And wield the Dipper my spatula
To share a feast wildly with my celestial roomer
I beat my bulwark in tune with my croons
What date is this night who cares to know