《留別華仁諸公》李彥和 (1897-1989)

《留別華仁諸公》Shield 54_LeeYWLee Yin-wo poetry

依山黌舍靜  學術富平章
席散賢猶博  尊前我欲狂
俳諧忘歲月  繾綣又參商
珍重百年意  莘莘亦棟樑

今朝辭講席  何以謝諸生
問字車頻顧  臨床艾未成
向榮叢杞梓  拔萃此菁英
緬想玄都美  依依重寄聲

憶黃山堂接席初 相看抱璞采璠璵
商量絕學詮新義 捘討遺詞訪異書
肝膽照人交恨晚 文章傳世道其餘
鐺鐺又與鐘聲散 肯為分携足跡疏

李彥和老師1952-60任教九華。維基百科; 蘋果日報

《歸宜興留題所竹西寺》 蘇軾 (1037-1101)

way home

My Way Home to Yi Xin    江紹倫譯

For ten years west winds carried my dreams back home
This time I have decided to lead a rustic life my own
I repeatedly seek for the sweet well water of my native land
And bring something homely with me across the river to east bank

My life now is free from responsibilities or gains
A good year promises high yields of produces and grains
On my way home from the mountain shrine there is good news
Even wild flowers and singing birds make up a grand view

《滿江紅》 江紹倫

《滿江紅》  江紹倫

 Tune: A River in Red        On Air Toronto to Hong Kong           By Kong Shiu Loon, summer of 2013

The silvery bird soarsmoonkonghung copy
Above all clouds float
Leisurely gallantly it goes

Lo the expansive sky
Serene luminous fine
My mind opens valley wide

Twenty-three days I visit places familiar
Forty-six years what ups and downs my career

I went abroad to seek knowledge to apply
My venture was not to keep wings from flights

Now that I had gone through the universe
I dedicate to promote world-wide my Chinese culture

What events in the old country
Deliberating current scenes and resent history

So much had changed for people
Their souls afflicted ample

How I watched cultural legends and lore destroyed
How I anticipate old values reaffirming with joy

Whence a delightful grand purview presents
New colours intense

胡笳十八拍 13,14,15 (东汉) 蔡琰 [文姬]

Eighteen Refrains on Tartar Pipes 13,14,15 Cai Yan [Cai Wenji] (ca. 177-?)
Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译

This late in life my successful repatriation is not expected,
My blouse’s wetted by tears as my Tartar sons are hugged tight.

With the Han emissary and a four-horse-drawn carriage standing by,
Wildly I wail but who cares even when my wailing voices die?

In life-death departure, grieving for my boys the sun shines no more; return them not to me before they grow up?
A step farther away from them my feet cannot move,
Though their images are disappearing, my love for them is not remov’d.

At thirteenth refrain the tempo accelerates and melody turns grave,
No one but me know that I fall apart into an abysmal cave.

Repatriated without my sons for upbringing,
My heart forever starves of all my longings.

Everything thrives or dies according to the seasons,
But my sorrow and bitterness never waive with reasons.

In this whole wide world we’ll ne’er meet again,
Late at night in my dream you two come to me again.

Dreaming of holding your hands I’m split between joy and grief,
Awake my heart pangs never stop to offer me relief.

By fourteenth refrain my sobs and tears mingle,
Like a stream flowing east my thoughts tingle.

The tempo accelerates at fifteenth refrain,
Who’d recognize sulking and anger sound like twain?

处 庐兮偶殊俗,愿得归兮天从欲。
Staying in Tartar camp at odds with their custom,
Heaven grants my wish of returning home I fathom.

Repatriating to Han I’m gladly satisfied,
But sadness in my heart is intensified.

The sun and moon shine all over but not on me,
For I can’t bear being separated my sons from me

Under the same sky yet we can ne’er meet,
About each other’s well being where to seek?