
(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

第一次上圖書館, 在中學時代。中一那年, 學校剛成立了一個小型圖書室, 趁大隊走去拿了張圖書証, 還借了一本書回家。結果那本書, 一放在櫃頭就整整一年, 原封不動, 連書也沒有打開過, 到學期尾, 唯有硬着頭皮去還書, 給圖書館長教訓了一大頓, 還好, 沒有罸錢。

以後就一直再沒有踏足圖書館。到中五, 為了會考衝綫, 臨渴掘井; 但在家裏讀書, 因為天氣炎熱, 邊讀邊抹汗, 很不方便, 便又上公立圖書館, 嘆其冷氣。

上大學, 每晚都往圖書館跑, 抱着厚厚的教科書, 講義, 美其名是讀書, 趕功課, 其實花上大部份的時間, 在咖啡室和同學們打牙較。有時, 夜車開得太多, 實在太累了, 就伏在書桌上, 打起噸来。

卅多年前, 在加拿大的華人還是不多。這裡的公立圖書館對中文書並不重視, 收藏極少。有位朋友郤想出一個妙法来, 他每星期都到他附近那間圖書館, 不論是那類的中文書, 都大批地借回来, 一星期後, 連看也末看, 就拿回去還, 又從新再借一批, 周而復始。結果圖書館的記錄, 就顯示到中文圖書的借出率很高, 一定是很受歡迎; 圖書館也就撥款購置一批又一批新的中文書了。

漸漸移民多了, 對中文圖書的要求高漲, 再不需要人為的提高。各圖書館紛紛設立中文圖書部。成為我們平時閲覽中文書, 報章, 雜誌的好去處。

曾記得, 多年以前, 圖書館又有過新的妙用。有一位先生, 從美國回港, 登報誠徴女友, 先友後婚。聲明每天長駐大會堂公立圖書館, 歡迎有意的女士前来”單睇”, 看過夠飽。如合心意, 才上前應徴。

書中自有顏如玉, 此君一定是熟讀聖言書者也。

A Drug War

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

A drug war is raging, in Ontario.

It started as a cost cutting exercise. The Ontario government wants to cut the health care budget by limiting the cost of generic drugs to 25% of their brand names (now at 50%). The government pin-pointed the expensive cost of the generic drugs, as compared with other countries like US and UK, is due to the “professional allowances” fee paid by the generic drug companies to the pharmacies for stocking their drugs on their shelf space. This professional fee will be outlawed.

The government says the “professional allowances” inflate the cost of drugs up to 82 per cent higher than in other jurisdictions, and increase the money spent on prescriptions for seniors and social assistance recipients under the publicly funded Ontario Drug Benefit program, which amounts to $800 million annually. It also insists the “professional allowances” paid to pharmacists have been abused because the money doesn’t always go directly to patient care, as required by law.

Generic drug companies warned that such cut could make it difficult for them to afford the development and production of some medications.

Shoppers Drug Mart warned this cut in income will lead to stores closing, pharmacists laid off and store hours shortened. This protest was joined in by the the other big chain, Rexall, the next day. The war is on.

As expected, we the ordinary citizens are the immediate collateral damages. Before any benefit of this cost cutting measure even dribbles down to us consumers, if it ever will, we are already facing shortened store hours, cutting of services, increase of dispensing fees, delivery charges and the whole nine yard.

How come in any war between the big government and big coporation/unions, we ordinary citizens are as usual, be the first casualty and were left holding the bag?

We are left scratching our heads. For sure the arguments put forward by both sides are all valid, 公説公有理, 婆説婆有理, but here we are, always ended up the real losers.

This reminds me of a popular puzzle that circulates around on Internet.

Three guys walk into town. They go into a hotel and ask for a room they can share. The clerk has just the thing they want for thirty dollars. The clerk sends them to the room, takes out the ledger, and realizes that he made a mistake. The room costs only twenty-five dollars. Now he has to divide five dollars evenly three ways. Can’t be done. So the clerk pockets two dollars, tells the guys that he made a three dollar mistake and gives them each a single. Now, each man paid only nine dollars for his share of the room. Nine times three equals twenty seven, plus the two in the clerk’s pocket equals twenty nine. Where’s the other dollar?

While you are trying to figure out where did the other dollar go, you have already lost track of the fact that the clerk pocketed your toonie. You are already the real loser.


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

報載, 在美國田納西州, 有位末婚女士, 收養了一名八歲蘇聯男童, 但數月後, 因那孩子天性暴烈, 恐嚇要將養母及其家人燒死, 急急買了張單程機票, 令他獨自坐機回返蘇聯。退貨。世界輿論哇然, 蘇聯當局更要停止美國人收養蘇聯兒童。

收養外國兒童, 是個時麾事儀, 出名的明星如 MADONNA, ANGELINA JOLIE, 都收養了一大批, 我們升斗凡民, 當然都要相爭效法。再加上在電視屏幕經常上演 JON & KATE PLUS 8 , 媒界不時都報道 OCTOMOM, 成為風頭人物, 真教人羡慕。最近 KATE GOSSELIN 還有時間參加跳舞比賽, 還會有自己的電視節目, 至令一般人都以為, 教養孩子, 是件輕而易舉之事。况且我們只收養一两個, 就心滿意足了。

北美電視盛行真人秀節目 (REALITY SHOWS), 簡化了我們日常生活上的問題, 什麼難題都能給你解决。個人及家庭問題, 請收睇 DR. PHIL, 健康及美容有 DR. OZ, 上癮問題找 DR. DREW, 什麼難題, 都有真人秀專家, 能為你解答, 一切都可迎紉而解。

致於孩童教養問題, 我們又有真人秀節目“超人保姆”(SUPERNANNY) 。不論是任何問題兒童, 一經超人保姆的指導, 都變為模範小公民。為人父母也該不會太難吧。

其實, 専家指出, 收養兒童, 並非容易。尤其是年紀較大的孤兒, 他們早期的人生經驗, 可能是非常悽慘痛苦的, 教養他們, 需要更多的耐性和 TLC (Tender Loving Care) 。再加上語言, 文化, 習俗的不同, 又突然移居到地球另一邊, 面對一批陌生人, 問題肯定多多, 不是收看真人秀就可以想象得到。

這次事件, 是美國商品社會的極端表現。人與人之間的交往, 都轉化成商品交易, 連收養兒童, 不稱心滿意, 也想原貨奉還, 真是天下奇聞, 令人震驚不焉, 嗟嘆世風日下, 世態炎涼。

據蘇聯兒童權利專員宣稱, 已有三戸蘇聯家庭, 願意收養該男童。這至少有個比較滿意的結局, 若將孩童再送美國, 難免那女士不會把他放在 E-BAY, 公開拍賣。這是美國嘛, AFTER ALL.

最後以白居易的燕詩, 與為人父母者, 大家共勉。也希望那位女士, 有一天能明白到, 為人父母, 是個犧牲, 又是光榮。



四兒日夜長, 索食聲孜孜














(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

It is nauseatingly pathetic. Tiger, please stop bombarding us with your sorry puppy images of a born again reformer. Just go and play golf, and let your ego be massaged by the applauds and cheers of your fans. Leave us, the rest of the world, alone.

A controversial new ad from Nike has just been released, featuring Tiger and his late dad. It is creepy. Here is the actual ad on YouTube and what Jimmy Kimmel said about it.


Tiger, you recruited your mother’s help in your last press conference. Now this time you channeled the spirit of your father, Earl Woods. (Don’t be silly, not that Elle Woods, Reese Witherspoon’s character in Legally Blonde. Mmm, blonde, eh, there may be a hidden message somewhere.) At the end of the day, it is the support from your wife that counts. Are you really been forgiven, or still rehabilitating?

It is creepy. Just like in the TV series “Ghost Whisperer”, but in black and white, Tiger staring into emptiness, with blinking eyes, seemed to be listening to a scolding by the voice of a ghost, his  father, “What are you thinking, son!?” And just like all of the ghosts in Ghost Whisperer, Earl has unfinished business with his son gone rogue, that prevented him to step into the Light, to crossover.  Not yet anyway.  死唔眼閉。Spooky.

Hey wait, Earl, don’t be too harsh on the boy. He is only following the 12 steps program of the Sex-Addiction Anonymous (and the advice of his media consultants). First, called a mea culpa press conference, with hand over his heart and apologized, then apologized more, and then some more, then turned religious. Viola, 立地成佛, and a bland new Tiger, fit for a new ad.

有相為証 (see photo below), catch the similarities?

P.S .   Step aside, Jennifer Love Hewitt. Coming soon to a channel near you, a new realty show: Tiger, the New Ghost Whisperer.


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

舞臺西 (STAGE WEST), 顧名思義, 是在加拿大西部發展起来的晚宴劇場 (DINNER THEATRE)。它在卡技利和多倫多, 都有劇場, 而且還是這類晚宴劇場的表表者。

它最吸引人的地方, 就是娛樂成份特別高。晚餐與表演都是十分精彩的。各觀衆在視覺, 聴覺, 和味覺上, 都得到最高的享受。

在戲劇啟幕前两小時, 就是進膳時間。

場地本身就是一間大餐廰, 一圍圍的枱椅, 也有一些卡座, 分佈在場地內, 都是面向前邊大舞臺。

在劇場邊一間大房內, 放置了一行行的食品, 是自助餐形式。客人就排隊輪着去選擇, 拿回座位来進食。

菜式包括了各種沙律, 冷肉, 麵飽, 還有一些經常轉換的熱盆, 例如奶油魚柳, 海鮮大會, 檸檬雞柳, 火腿豬肉卷, 焗三文魚, 蛋奄列, 青口, 凍蝦等, 真是琳榔滿目, 非常豐富。而且經常供應的, 還有燒牛肉, 可惜不是特級牛肉 (PRIME RIB), 所以評價平平而焉。在卡技利劇場, 還有壽司供應。

飯後, 甜品枱就更加目不睱給了。各類蛋糕甜點, 任君品嘗, 例如黑森林蛋糕, 模士蛋糕, 天使蛋糕, 蘋果批, 紅蘿蔔蛋糕, 朱古力蛋糕, 芝士蛋糕, 各類小點, 布甸和生果等。很多人都選擇了滿滿的一碟, 拿回座位, 邊看戲邊吃, 又一樂也。

劇場上演的劇目, 以白話劇居多; 演員很多時也包括了一些熟識的名字, 例如米奇隆利 (MICKEY ROONEY), 唐尼奥斯蒙(DONNY OSMOND) 等。

有時也會上演一些輕鬆的歌劇 (MUSICALS) 。在卡技利, 我就看過著名的有関六十年代嬉皮士生活的毛髪 (HAIR) 。在多倫多劇場也看過因拍成電影而出名的油脂 (GREASE), 窈窕淑女(MY FAIR LADY), 屋頂上的提琴手(FIDDLER ON THE ROOF), 約瑟夫與神奇彩衣(JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT) 等。

製作和演出, 都是一流水凖。這都是超值的娛樂。

比薩 — 意大利薄餅

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

第一次嘗到比薩 (PIZZA), 是在學生時代。

當時,友人説, 比薩是北美的著名食品, 要大開眼界, 大快朶頤。

結果我們一行四人, 来到多倫多最熱鬧的央街, 在一間意大利餐館, 叫来了一大個。

這裡的比薩是圓形的, 出菜時放在一個高高的大鐵盆上, 熱力四射, 也早巳切成三角形的小塊。我們各人拿了一塊,放在碟上, 斯斯文文地用刀叉来進食。

第一次嘗到比薩, 覺得很新奇, 它的味道, 舆其他食品絕然不同。底層是塊烘乾的餅皮,中間是酸中帶點甜味的茄醤, 上層是各穜配料和局焦了的芝士。入口時又軟又硬, 酸酸的, 加上有彈性的芝士, 感覺真是特別, 新鮮。

以後, 比薩就成為我們主要糧食之一。它的主要成份,也包括了加拿大食品指南 (FOOD GUIDE) 之四類組別 (FOOD GROUPS): 疏菜水果, 粮食類, 奶類, 和肉類。所从整天早午晚,都進食比薩,相信也應無大害。上星期多倫多星報, 報導有間餐館, 正嘗試推出, 用雞蛋和煙肉作配料的早餐比薩, 希望以後也不需要吃隔夜冷比薩當早餐了。

當然,製造比薩, 是要有一些技巧的。比薩工人在作底層的餅皮時, 要用力將麵粉團拉開,再向上抛出, 使其在空中旋轉, 而且抛出數次, 達成為一塊圚形薄餅為止。在家裡製作, 也不太難, 不用抛粉團, 只需要把粉團拉開来, 能舖在比薩碟上, 巳經可以。餅皮可以很薄 (THIN CRUST STYLE), 也可以厚如芝加哥的 DEEP DISH PIZZA。

然後, 在薄餅上塗上蕃茄醤。因為食品的味道,主要来自茄醤, 所以用什麼材料, 香料来製造這茄醤, 就十分重要, 也是各比薩店的商業秘密。

再在上面放下各種配料, 例如香腸, 煙肉,青椒,磨菇, 甚至波蘿,火腿等。最後, 也是最重要的, 就是舖上大量芝士。

再放在焗爐內, 烤約二十分鐘, 至餅皮烤得鬆脆, 茄醤滾沸, 而芝士也完全熔化, 焦黄的一層, 舖在餅上, 那就是聞名的意大利薄餅 — 比薩。

但比薩不能焗得太久,不然就會變成為一個, 上面是橡根, 下層是卡紙的, 不能入口的癈物。

北美人認為, 比薩雖来自意大利, 但這裡的貨色, 早巳勝過老家的; 這點我又不能苟同。

有一年, 到歐洲旅行, 在羅馬街頭 WINDOW SHOPPING, 見到一間比薩店 (PIZZERIA), 正出售熱騰騰的比薩。這店的比薩, 都是長方形的, 一盆盆放在廚窗, 顧客要多少, 就切多少, 再過磅以重量付錢。

那塊比薩, 皮厚而且鬆化, 茄醤味道十足, 加上芝士又多, 又夠熱, 真教人齒甲留香, 回味無窮。

Avid Reader

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

April, this is the month of “Keep Toronto Reading Festival 2010”, presented by the Toronto Public Library, to promote Torontonian reading habit.

I like to read, popular fictions, mostly.

During my early years, there were 兒童樂園, 唐老鴨 (Walt Disney comics), 財叔 and other 連環圖 (老夫子came much later).

I was introduced to Jean Webster’s Daddy Long-legs by my tutor, and that opened my eyes and heart, wow, such a romantic story. I right away fell in love with this imaginary world of books; and welcomed Enid Blyton (Noody, Famous Five, Secret Seven), Lucy Maud Montgomery (Anne of Green Gable), Charles Dickens (Old Curiosity Shop, Oliver Twist), Jane Austen (Pride & Prejudice), Robert Louis Stevenson (Treasure Island, Kidnapped) …… throughout my school years.

In high school, I also read the中國學生周報, 青年樂園 every week, and 金镛, 古龍, 梁羽生的武俠小説.

Somewhere between home and school, under the stairway of a building, there was a used book store, which I browsed frequently, buying a Perry Mason or Agatha Christie or a Charlie Brown comic book now and then, especially during the summer holidays. Lying on the crouch and read them all day long. That was the luxury of youth. Later I diversified into other spy action, adventures like Ian Fleming’s James Bond series, read a few 瓊瑤, 衞斯理的科幻, and亦舒的短篇.

During university, my ambition was to read all 80 of the Agatha Christie detective novels, Poirot, Marple and all. Whenever I saw a title I haven’t heard of, I bought the book. But to my dismay, I found out occasionally a publisher simply reprinted a book under a new title name. I could spend whole nights reading; during weekends, of course.

I got acquainted with Dr. Scarpetta, Medical Examiner (Patricia Cornwell) and Dr. Temperance Brennan, forensic anthropologist (Kathy Reich), even before any CSI, Bone was made and became popular TV series; and read Michael Crichton’s “Jurassic Park”, “Rising Sun”, “Disclosure”, and later “Timeline”, “State of Fear”, “Next”. Some made into movies. Unfortunately he died early.

I was impressed by the movie “The Spy Who Came in From the Cold”, that starred Richard Burton. The unexpected ending sent me sitting straight up in the theatre. So I tried John Le Carre’s “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy”, but found it dry. It described the psychological aspect of the spy Smiley in detail, with not much action; it was not for me at that time. Next I tried Elmore Leonard, but his were mainly strange adventure stories, again not the type of mystery and action I was looking for.

As for the Whodunit mystery along the style of Agatha Christie, after finished all the Agatha, I picked up Martha Grimes and P.D. James. Theirs are written in the good old English, and to solve the murders, you have to pay close attention. Grimes specialize in using the name of an inn or tavern for each of her book title. Many of James’s mystery novels take place against the backdrop of the UK’s bureaucracies such as the criminal justice system and the health services.

As for modern day detective stories, Sue Grafton has a series with alphabetical titles, started from A, “A is for Alibi” to up to now, “U is for Undertow”, with PI Kinsey Millhone. There are only 5 more alphabets left for the series, so what titles to name after that? That’s another mystery for the author to solve. The other mystery series I read occasionally is Sara Paretsky’s sexy Chicago investigator V I Warshawski. Nowadays, authors not only develop their storyline, they also like to write about the personal life and mental conflicts of their characters.

I seldom buy any new book now. From the public library, I can borrow all sorts of books; fiction, mystery, action, romance and chick lit, and read them to my heart’s content. On my bookshelves, you won’t be able to find any new book of Robert Ludlum and his franchised writers, of John Grisham, Stephen King, Dan Brown or titles like “Confession of a Shopaholic”, “Twilight”, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”, “The Go-To Girl” ……. Once again I am back to this imaginary world of books; and, feeling younger already.


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses) 
我一直認為, 在北美的餐室點菜, 不要選擇牛扒, 因為這裡一般的飱廳, 很多時會把牛扒煑得太亁, 比不上香港一間普通餐廰. 

但説到特級燒牛肉, 又作別論.     

吃燒牛肉 (ROAST BEEF), 不要貪平宜, 一定要吃特級牛肉 (PRIME RIB); 因為這種牛肉, 是半肥瘦的, 肥羔和牛肉纖維, 混在一起, 黑 (肉)中帶白(羔), 有如雲石一般, 所以又稱雲石肉 (MARBLE MEAT). 這種肉入口特別香, 細細嘴嚼,又覺柔軟嫩滑.       

提起特級燒牛肉 (PRIME RIB ROAST), 不其然就想起了美國威爾蒙州 (VERMONT) 柏林敦市 (BURLINGTON) 的 WINDJAMMER 飱廳. 那裡的燒牛肉,遠近馳名. 如果碰上餐期, 排隊等位, 可以捱上個多鐘頭, 但岀餐的是一塊有一寸厚, 佔滿全碟的著名特級燒牛肉, 這早巳值回久侯票價.         

這塊燒牛肉, 週圍巳燒得香脆, 中間還是粉紅色的, 芳香撲鼻, 入口又特別鬆軟,滑柔柔的; 一咬之下, 濃香肉汁,浸了出来, 真是別有一番滋味.         

本来, 加拿大也曾有過, 一間燒牛肉專門店 MOTHER TUCKER’S, 也是以特級燒牛肉馳名. 每晚的食客, 都要大排長龍的. 有一次, 我要求要一塊五成熟 (RARE) 的燒牛肉, 大廚師特別從廚房拿出另一塊剛出爐的, 給我切下恰到好處的一大片, 真是教人回味. 後来MOTHER TUCKER’S轉了東主, 改變了生意形式, 換名 TUCKER’S MARKETPLACE, 再沒有燒牛肉, 生意也大不如前了.  
現在想吃特級燒牛肉, 在THE KEG和一些高級餐廰, 還是可以吃到. 但是叧外有些餐廰, 這菜式卻只是它們的 WEEKEND SPECIAL 而矣. 


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

巳是很多年以前, 當兒女還小,毎年夏天, 都喜歡驅車,到各地旅遊.

有一年,到過美國東岸,飽嘗那裏的龍蝦餐, 另有一番滋味.

我們從多倫多驅車南下美國, 再向東轉, 横過風景優美的威爾蒙州(VERMONT), 新罕布什爾州(NEW HAMPSHIRE), 和緬因州(MAINE), 到逹東岸面向大西洋的沙洲港(BAR HARBOUR).

沙洲港, 是避暑勝地, 遊客很多, 昂貴酒店林立. 聽説數十年前, 大富翁如洛克斐勒, 都有別墅在此. 它附近的阿加底亞公園, 更吸引了無數熱愛野外的行山人任.

我們在沙洲港海邊漫步, 在一個舊碼頭內, 見到幾間簡單的屋寮, 叧一面是個兩層高的陽臺, 放置了十来張的枱椅, 原来這是一間別具風格的餐館 — FISHERMAN’S WHARF.

客人走進屋寮, 從一個大水池內仕君選擇游水龍蝦, 有大有小,過磅付錢,價格適宜.

招待員把龍蝦放入網袋, 再放入大鍋内用海水煮熟. 顧客領取了煮熟的龍蝦,到陽臺上找到空座位, 就可以安頓下来, 大快朶頣了.

那裏的龍蝦既新鲜,肉又嫩, 再加上是用海水来煮,保存原有鮮味, 而且蝦羔又多, 其味無窮. 我一次就吃了兩隻,加上啤酒一瓶, 真是有點香港大笪地風味.

白焯龍蝦, 在這裹的 RED LOBSTER 也吃過,但風味卻是大不相同.

轉眼間,二十年過去,兒女長大成人,早巳成家立業.很久也沒有驅車遠遊.總是希望有一天,能作舊地重遊, 重嘗那海邊風味,但又恐怕,那早巳是人面全非矣.

An Internal Memo

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)


Government of Canada

To all Ministers (Seniors and Juniors)

No more meltdown at airports xxxxxxThe opposition is threatening work-to-rule action after saying new documents abusexxx boots throwing orxxthat outline previously unknown allegations of Afghan detaineexx tequila xxxwon’t significantly aid a parliamentary probe into the Conservative government and top military officialsxxxx The 2,500 pages of information released this week mainly relate to the work of military police investigators between 2006 and 2009. Their release appears distributing punching bags to re-channel the rage to comply with an ongoing Military Police Complaints Commission probe into detainee abuse in Kandahar working our butts off xx xx xxx xxxx xx xx xx x xx xxxx xx unappreciative basto comply with an ongoing Military Police Complaints Commission probe into detainee abuse in Kandahar compiling a Celebrity GoFly List all xxx xxx xx xx xxx will include government ministers big or small xx xxx xxx guarantee fast-track through airport customs xxx xxxxx xx xx xxxxx in the mean time xxx xxx xxxx for a chat, speech or photo-op over a cup of rolled up the rim Tim Horton coffee xxx xxx xxx xxx use the government jet But the government has still failed to comply with an order by the House of Commons to hand over another slew of sensitive military and diplomatic documents needed to re-calibrating all at arms length federal organizations House Speaker Peter Milliken is expected erhaps next week to rule on whether the Tories are breaking the law sending in our army of new board of directors to redirect policy and management If the government flouts the parliamentary order to release the information, opposition parties say they are planning to go on the attack by stalling the government’s agenda just as the Conservatives are stalling the agenda of the majority in the Commons follow China’s example with Google, to oust the oppositions to the wilderness xxx xxxx xxx xxx xxx xxx repeat and re-repeat Afghan censorship xxx xxx xx xxxx xxx xxx flooded Ottawa with black-out documents xx xxx xxxxx xxx xx x nothing to hide xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx to buy time If the government flouts the parliamentary order to release the information, opposition parties say they are planning to go on the attack by stalling the government’s agenda New Action Plan: Own the political Podium xxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxx New Chinese Model said Bloc Quebecois House leader Pierre Paquette One Party Rule Mentality xxx xx xx xx xxxx xxx xxxx Attention: Opposition in disarry xxx xx xxxx xxxx xxx xxx picking up rocks to hit own feet xx xx xx xx window of opportunity xx xx xx xx xx xx xxxx xx our chance of majorityxx xxxx xx xxx xx xx xxx x xx xxx xxx xxx xxx xx xx xx xx xxx xxx xxx xxxxx xx xx xxxx xxx xxx xxxx xxx xx xx xx xx x xx xxx xxx xxxx xx xxx xx xxx xx xx xx xxx xxxx x xxx xx x xx Liberal MP Marcel Proulx admitted that that could be part of the strategy for the future, but the party’s hopes still lie with the Speaker’s decision to order the government documents released