(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)
It is nauseatingly pathetic. Tiger, please stop bombarding us with your sorry puppy images of a born again reformer. Just go and play golf, and let your ego be massaged by the applauds and cheers of your fans. Leave us, the rest of the world, alone.
A controversial new ad from Nike has just been released, featuring Tiger and his late dad. It is creepy. Here is the actual ad on YouTube and what Jimmy Kimmel said about it.
Tiger, you recruited your mother’s help in your last press conference. Now this time you channeled the spirit of your father, Earl Woods. (Don’t be silly, not that Elle Woods, Reese Witherspoon’s character in Legally Blonde. Mmm, blonde, eh, there may be a hidden message somewhere.) At the end of the day, it is the support from your wife that counts. Are you really been forgiven, or still rehabilitating?
It is creepy. Just like in the TV series “Ghost Whisperer”, but in black and white, Tiger staring into emptiness, with blinking eyes, seemed to be listening to a scolding by the voice of a ghost, his father, “What are you thinking, son!?” And just like all of the ghosts in Ghost Whisperer, Earl has unfinished business with his son gone rogue, that prevented him to step into the Light, to crossover. Not yet anyway. 死唔眼閉。Spooky.
Hey wait, Earl, don’t be too harsh on the boy. He is only following the 12 steps program of the Sex-Addiction Anonymous (and the advice of his media consultants). First, called a mea culpa press conference, with hand over his heart and apologized, then apologized more, and then some more, then turned religious. Viola, 立地成佛, and a bland new Tiger, fit for a new ad.
有相為証 (see photo below), catch the similarities?
P.S . Step aside, Jennifer Love Hewitt. Coming soon to a channel near you, a new realty show: Tiger, the New Ghost Whisperer.