《春霽》施肩吾(780-861) 江紹倫英譯

《Bright Spring Day after Rain》Shi Jian Wu

煎茶水裏花千片  In water boiling tea a thousand leaves dance in bubbles
候客亭中酒一樽  At the Waiting Pavilion a bottle of wine appears usual
獨對春光還寂寞  Alone in this bright spring day I feel singular
羅浮道士忽敲門  At my door just now a Daoist monk appears

《茶嶺》麥處厚(773-828) 江紹倫英譯

《茶嶺》麥處厚(773-828)  《Tea Mountain》Mai Chu Hou

顧渚吳商絕  Purple tea of the Gu Mountain a monopoly of Wu merchants
蒙山蜀信稀  Tea leaves from Mt. Meng in Sichuan are national presents
千叢因此始  These are the pioneer tea plantations to remember
含露紫英肥  Nurtured by dews the best purple tea is full-bodied and tender

《送眰師》張籍(767-830) 江紹倫英譯

《送眰師》張籍(767-830)  《For Master Zhi》Zhang Ji

九星臺下煎茶別  Beneath the Nine Immortals Peak we make tea to bid goodbye
五老峰頭覓寺居  For a temple place amid the Old Men Zenith we venture to find
作得新詩旋相寄  We must exchange poems while living in separation
人來請莫達空書  And bring new works whence again we meet in anticipation

《So, We’ll Go No More A-Roving》Lord Byron (1788-1824) 蕭若碧譯

[youtube_sc url=”ic2FGAdbqsU” rel=”0″]

就讓我們不再去浪蕩                   拜倫             蕭若碧譯

So, we’ll go no more a-roving,            就讓我們不再浪蕩
So late into the night,                        不再徜徉直至夜色迷茫
Though the heart be still as loving,     儘管愛戀仍滿載心腔
And the moon be still as bright.          明月皎皎仍高懸穹蒼

For the sword outwears its sheath,     因為鋒刃尖銳,劍鞘難以耐久
And the soul wears out the breast,     情懷迭宕,胸膛無法承受
And the heart must pause to breathe, 呼吸需要穩定心跳節奏
And love itself have rest.                    愛戀激情必須稍休

Though the night was made for loving,  雖然夜半正好談愛
And the day returns too soon,               況且白日轉瞬又來
Yet we’ll go no more a-roving,               但我們不要再去浪蕩
By the light of the moon.                       流連於良夜裡的月光

《琴茶》《夜聞茶山境會亭歡宴》白居易 (772-846) 江紹倫英譯

《琴茶》白居易 (772-846)  《Music and Tea》Bai Juyi

兀兀寄形群動內  To community activities I participate in delight
陶陶任性一生間  Happy always I take charge of all affairs in life
自拋官後春多醉  Retiring from office I drink high in spring days
不讀書來老更閑  Reading not often in old age leisure leads the way Continue reading

《背影》朱自清 (1894-1948)

[youtube_sc url=”_NoHJP0LlUM” rel=”0″]

我與父親不相見已二年餘了,我最不能忘記的是他的背影。那年冬天,祖母死了,父親的差­使也交卸了,正是禍不單行的日子,我從北京到徐州,打算跟著父親奔喪回家。到徐州見著­父親,看見滿院狼籍的東西,又想起祖母,不禁簌簌地流下眼淚。 父親說,”事已如此,不必難過,好在天無絕人之路!” Continue reading

《涼風亭睡覺》裴度 (765-839) 江紹倫英譯

《Sleeping at the Breezy Pavilion》Fei Du

飽食緩行新睡覺  After waking I eat and walk idly
一甌新茗侍兒煎  Then call my son to bring a pot of newly brewed tea
脫巾斜倚繩床坐  Reclining on a string bed and scarf off I am at ease
風送水聲來耳邊  Listening to the sound of tides carried by breezes

《新茶詠寄西川相公》盧綸 (748-799) 江紹倫英譯

《New Tea Song for Prime Minister Si Chuan》LU Lun

三獻蓬萊始嘗  I sent the Prime Minister a gift of fine tea thrice to sample
日調金鼎閱芳香  After his daily duties he takes in the fragrance ample
貯之玉合才半餅  Putting half a cake of the remaining tea in a box of jade
寄與阿連題數行  He sends it to his brother- in- law with words of accolade