《新茶詠寄西川相公》盧綸 (748-799) 江紹倫英譯

《New Tea Song for Prime Minister Si Chuan》LU Lun

三獻蓬萊始嘗  I sent the Prime Minister a gift of fine tea thrice to sample
日調金鼎閱芳香  After his daily duties he takes in the fragrance ample
貯之玉合才半餅  Putting half a cake of the remaining tea in a box of jade
寄與阿連題數行  He sends it to his brother- in- law with words of accolade

《送萬巨》《送李端》《晚次鄂縣》《塞外曲》盧綸(748-799) 江紹倫英譯

送萬巨《Seeing Wan Zhi Off》

把酒留君聽琴  難堪歲暮離心  霜葉無風自落  秋雲不雨空陰
人愁荒村路細  馬怯寒溪水深  望斷青山獨立  更知何處相尋

With zither song and wine I beg you to stay
It is heart-renting to part on this year-end day
Frosted leaves fall where no winds blow
Autumn clouds rainless their shades flow

On the narrow path of this deserted village who would not grieve
Facing the deeps of this frigid river what horse would not fear
Alone I stand in search for green hills to appear
Hoping to meet you where you had disappeared Continue reading