《The zebra crossing at a high-traffic and accident-prone junction in Sai Wan Ho, HK.》__Rose Ho

I was not all play and no work while in Hong Kong last year

I cared for Hong Kong, the place where I was born and where I’ve spent most of my life (to now).

The attached was a request to a young District Councillor to widen the zebra crossing at a high-traffic and accident-prone junction in Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong. Continue reading

《A Volunteer Docent at History and Cultural Points in HKS District》__ Rose Ho

Last year, I spent considerable time in Hong Kong for family reasons.  During my spare time, I became a volunteer docent taking people on a historical and cultural tour in the HK Southern District which stretches from Pokfulam, Aberdeen, Ap Lei Chau, Repulse Bay to Stanley.

[Click the Wind Tower image on the right to enjoy the History and Cultural Points in HK South District.] Continue reading

《Ode on Melancholy》 by John Keats__江紹倫中譯


No, no, go not to Lethe, neither twist
Wolf’s-bane, tight-rooted, for its poisonous wine;
Nor suffer thy pale forehead to be kiss’d
By nightshade, ruby grape of Proserpine;
Make not your rosary of yew-berries,
Nor let the beetle, nor the death-moth be
Your mournful Psyche, nor the downy owl
A partner in your sorrow’s mysteries;
For shade to shade will come too drowsily,
And drown the wakeful anguish of the soul.
淹沒你清醒靈魂中的苦惱 Continue reading

《Chickens and Ducks》__ Chan Sui Man (71)

A dark government’s bound to corrupt,
“Privilege for the related” draws disgust,
Concealed tax returns breed mistrust,
Donald ducks under people’s gusts!

【In the USA, thousands of protesters demanded President Donald Trump to release his tax returns. Giant inflatable chickens that resembled Trump were carried along to symbolize ” that Trump is too chicken to release his taxes.” 】

《Ode On Indolence》 by John Keats__ 江紹倫中譯


‘They toil not, neither do they spin.’

One morn before me were three figures seen,
With bowèd necks, and joinèd hands, side-faced;
And one behind the other stepp’d serene,
In placid sandals, and in white robes graced;
They pass’d, like figures on a marble urn,
When shifted round to see the other side;
They came again; as when the urn once more
Is shifted round, the first seen shades return;
And they were strange to me, as may betide
With vases, to one deep in Phidian lore.
叫我見了好奇 Continue reading