《On Visiting The Tomb of Burns by John Keats》__江紹倫(53)中譯

《On Visiting The Tomb of Burns by John Keats》

The town, the churchyard, and the setting sun, 夕陽下這小鎮的教堂墓園
The clouds, the trees, the rounded hills all seem, 浮雲樹木山峰和圓
Though beautiful, cold- strange- as in a dream幻夢般的叢林美麗奇寒
I dreamed long ago, now new begun. 我很久以前所夢如今又在夢中
The short-liv’d, paly summer is but won 短促又白熱的夏季把時間轉讓 Continue reading

《On the Grasshopper and Cricket by John Keats》__ 江紹倫(53) 中譯

《On the Grasshopper and Cricket by John Keats》

《蚱蜢和蟋蟀 (濟慈)》
The Poetry of earth is never dead: 大地的詩吟永不消亡
When all the birds are faint with the hot sun, 當小鳥們給烈日曬得昏暈
And hide in cooling trees, a voice will run清涼的樹蔭下有一個聲音高唱
From hedge to hedge about the new-mown mead; 在籬笆裏外新割的草地上飄揚
That is the Grasshopper’s—he takes the lead 那是蚱蜢在領唱
In summer luxury,—he has never done在奔麗的夏日裏它歡樂無比
With his delights; for when tired out with fun 每吟倦了就跳入野草堆裏 Continue reading

《Lines on the Mermaid Tavern by John Keats》__ 江紹倫(53)中譯

《Lines on the Mermaid Tavern by John Keats》
《詠美人魚酒館 __(濟慈)》

Souls of Poets dead and gone, 遠離了的詩人亡魂
What Elysium have ye known, 你曾領略過怎樣的仙境
Happy field or mossy cavern, 有歡欣良田和苔綠穴洞
Choicer than the Mermaid Tavern? 比美人魚酒館更加美滿
Have ye tippled drink more fine 你可曾飲過更醇的酒漿
Than mine host’s Canary wine? 勝過店主奉上的加那利谷酿
Or are fruits of Paradise 或者產於天堂的鮮果
Sweeter than those dainty pies 又或精製的鹿肉饀餅
Of venison? O generous food! 啊豐盛的美食
Drest as though bold Robin Hood 好比綠林好漢與女伴的盛餐
Would, with his maid Marian, 用角杯豪飲美酒
Sup and bowse from horn and can. 用陶碗喝盡濃湯 Continue reading

《To Homer By John Keats》 __江紹倫(53)中譯

《To Homer By John Keats》

Standing aloof in giant ignorance, 我閒站在無知的高原
Of thee I hear and of the Cyclades, 聽人說起您及赤拉廸郡島
As one who sits ashore and longs perchance 我是那獨坐在海岸想望的凡夫
To visit dolphin-coral in deep seas. 渴望在海裏親見海豚和珊瑚
So thou wast blind;—but then the veil was rent, 您竟是盲人但帷幔不屬您所有
For Jove uncurtain’d Heaven to let thee live, 主神約夫掀開天幕讓你生活 Continue reading

《中國日本與世界隨想集 __(2)禮‧守‧責任與秩序》 __ 江紹倫 (53)


