“ATV2013 Hong Kong Loving Hearts” Voting

Vincent LeungIn 2011, Father Deignan was voted on-line and selected as one of the Loving Hearts of Hong Kong in an ATV programme (亞視2011感動香港年度人物).
This year, Vincent Leung (‘65) was selected as a candidate for the same title.
Voting from the public will be closed on September 19, 2013.
To vote, please click here and then click 『人物推選』投票 to cast your vote.

[Anecdote: “In Mr. Francis Kong’s book of Wahyanites, there are only 2 students who know English, and Vincent is one of them.”]

A Selection of Autunm Poems by Fan Cheng Da (1126-1193) Tr. by Kong Shiu Loon

《秋日田园杂兴》__范成大 (1226-1193)mid-autumn_e

Autumn (7)

中秋全景属潜夫    棹入空明看太湖
身外水天银一色    城中有此月明无

How beautiful the Mid-Autumn Fest it’s all for me
I sail in the serene clear space the TaiLake I’ll see
Beyond my soul water and sky a silver constellation
I wonder how city folks could see such illumination Continue reading

Ah My Native Land__江紹倫

5_1Ah My Native Land

Winds through ten thousand pines sound musical
Green leaves on a thousand hills shine beautiful
Playful clouds create shadows from the sun
Waves of thriving rice on the plain a sight so fun
Birds roost in the midst of fine woods
Fishes glide in pristine shallows feeling good
Such heartfelt dreams end I linger
Awake I pine for my native land ever

《崢嶸歲月》 【賭城奮鬥記之一】__陳柏齡



塵噹   2013年八月 LA。





關慧,這就讀加洲洲立長灘大學的留學生,是我們這群人到賭城打工的前輩。這位先知先覺,文革爆發前就已捷足先登到香港的大哥哥,吭幾句粵曲有板有眼, 他的舉手投足,自有一番世家子弟風范,因為他是佛山梁園的後人。




Returning Swallows__江紹倫

Returning Swallows4_1

Swallows always return here in spring
They delight seeing flowers bloom along the lane
Gliding beneath the eave they flex their wings
Mud in beaks they build nests for the young to live in
Flying in pairs they contest in precision not speed
Once their young calls for feeding they toil indeed
Parents take turns bringing nourishment from fields and hills
Generations repeat the same love and care by Nature’s will