白居易詩 英譯__江紹倫

Visiting West Lake in Spring   錢塘湖春行

Lone Hill north looks on the Jia Pavilion east
Beneath low clouds the lake water brims at ease
On the sun-warmed trees orioles compete to trill
With mud in beak to where goes the swallow
Seeing so many flowers my eyes are dazzled
On the short grass soft banks horse hooves show
How can I stroll the east bank enough I love so
Under green willow shades the White Sand Dyke glows

Tune: Eternal Pining

As the BianRiver slowly flows
So is the Si River chattily goes
They reach the ancient dock at Gua Zhou
The distant hills in the south mark my sorrows

My longings continue to show
So do my complaints endlessly go
They will cease whence my love returns to me
Now I stand alone on moonlit balcony
Continue reading

Jumps and falls__ by S.L. Kong

I watch at the park a girl of five or four
Hands outstretched she jumps repeatedly to catch a hanging ball
The autumn morning sun is shining ever so soft
It warms and encourages the girl to jump more and more
Sitting nearby her mother is concerned her daughter may fall
She calls her to stop the jumps once for all
Nearby an old man mutters as the mother tells the girl her fun was ample
‘Tis not the ball but the reaching the man continues with his mumbles

《崢嶸歲月》–【賭城奮鬥記之二: 工會, 工種】__陳柏齡


在賭城工作,無論賭場大小,都需要被踢入會,入工會。 Union due 每月廿三元。

工會總部在downtown。兩層高的建築物好像是政府部門。找工的地方就是在這地方的二樓,那裡有大堂尃作job dispatch 用。

簡陋的的地方有如大陸的飯堂,擺了幾張長板凳和桌子, 天花板掛有吊扇, 燈光半明半亮,墻上貼了些宣傳文告,宣傳工會是工友的靠山,福利好,近視人有眼鏡配。文告沒有說,「沒有工會,就沒有工作.」。到這裡來的求職者就如駕駛需要交車牌費,真也好,假也好,立刻交錢。物有所值啊!


Iron Chef Travelogue — Episode 10 __David Wong

Iron Chef Travelogue —  “Edinburgh” 10_7

The Scottish people are hardworking people…..
Scotland has a few famous things: the kilt, wool and whisky. The rough weather would demand adaptation in many ways. Their wool is lovely, soft and durable….
Edinburgh is a relatively small city with may be ½ million people…

Click the Castle to read the story.


采自《香海千歲宴雅集銀禧記念》編輯及出版者:香海千歲宴雅集編印委員會, Book3編校者:陳志民、李佳、盧聲雁,一九八零年庚申九月十九日出版。



陳存仁醫師 (1908-1990)撰    大千 (1899-1983)書                  

虞文彬醫師 談話, 陳志民記Book2


附: 養生十六宜