“道可道 非常道” __ Don Chen

photo小兒從西北大酒店(Northwestern University)發來短訊,失驚無神:「道可道,非常道。」

我迷茫,這個ABC(America Born Chinese) 中文還在「學過兩個月,識得八個音」水準。何以突然來一句連父親也不大了了的說話呢?


害怕他不明白,再用英文補上:「what does it mean?」

兒子回答:「Google it。It’s a famous Chinese quote about Daoism。」



他寒假時看了Martin Scorsese 「The Departed」。這電影的劇本來自香港冠軍電影「無間道」,小兒可能在網上查到劇本來源,查來查去,link 來 link 去。「無間道」去了佛教,又去了道教,教出教入,最後google出了老子道德經的開篇名句「道可道,非常道。」。


西樂革命中的唐詩 __ 江紹倫

作者從 羅曼羅蘭(Romain Rotland 1866~1944)研究貝多芬的人生和音樂,寫下《歌頌美因茲時期的貝多芬》,《貝多芬的人生》,和《約翰‧克爾斯朵夫》說起。第三本書是小說,有四冊十卷,以貝多芬的生命和創作歷程為素材。1915年,這本巨著給作者帶來諾貝爾文學獎。

再帶出 古斯塔夫‧馬勒(Gustav Mahler 1860~1911)的《大地之歌》, 一首巨型交響樂曲,共六個樂章。



2014 Jan 06 in Toronto

2014 Jan 06 in Toronto

一片溜冰場                …..    清晨
一條條冰柱                …..    早上
一片蒼茫暮色             …..    下午五時|
一陣陣風起                 ….     入夜
一勾明月                    ….     晚上十時
一個(可能)創新紀錄 ……. 今晚零下25C (加風效,零下35C 至 40C)


《宿業師山房待丁大不至》 孟浩然 (689-740) 江紹倫譯

Overnight at Master Ye’s Lodge up the Mountain Meng Hao Ran(689-740)  江紹倫譯

夕陽度西嶺Lost behind the western peak the sun vanishes meek sunset

群壑倏已暝The valleys around suddenly become bleak

松月生夜涼A rising moon cools the pine trees the night is chill

風泉滿清聽The music of springs on wind’s wings has our ears filled

樵人歸欲盡Nearly all woodcutters have found their ways home

煙鳥棲初定Birds are safely roosted wherever in the brume

之子期宿來Hearing of your coming to spend the night here

孤琴候蘿徑Holding my zither I watch for you to appear

A “brutal” cold day __ Rose Ho

2014 Jan 02 (Thurs)

My Trail

My Trail

After so many days of idling, it’s time for me to check out my trail again now that everybody in the house has left after the Christmas gathering.

Chillingly cold…that I recognized.

Minus 12 on the thermometer on the window pane
Minus 6 inside the car in the garage
Minus 17 inside the car as I parked it before getting off on my walk
….and all these were before the windchill factor.

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