So We Reach a Con-Census

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

Hey, my wife is correct, don’t give out any personal information. It’s all a con game. Now even our government said so. Our PM is always upright and politically correct.

So next time when someone confronts you with a load of questions, in person, over the phone or the Internet, the Statscan guy included, simply refer them to your lawyer.

What’s the use of the Census anyway?

Even if I have one washroom, but six bedrooms, is nobody’s business. I protest. This is simply intrusion on my privacy. I agree, even the POW didn’t have to answer that many questions.

I also agree with the press secretary of the Oval Office, op, sorry, I meant the PMO (Prime Minister Office). I agree that people deliberately gave out incorrect information in the Census, just for a laugh.  It’s a con game, after all.

What’s the use of the Census anyway?

In my advanced age, I admired the ethic of a journalist. I would rather go to jail, than to reveal the source of my information, period.

If you want my information, well, why don’t you follow the Chinese example, set up your neighbourhood watch, completed with the old ladies brigade, peeping out of their windows constantly. So next time, for any of my personal data, just ask the old lady down the road, quick and simple.

Or send in CSIS with their deep-cover spies, just listen in, or go through my garbage, to sort out my personal info. To tell you the truth, I wouldn’t mind having Evelyn Salt as my next door neighbour.

But please, no more questions. Our government is wise. What’s the use of the Census anyway?

Top 10 Reasons to Get Rid of the Long Form of Statscan Census

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

1. Because I said so, I am the boss
2. Lack funding, already spent a billion a few weeks ago
3. People don’t care, doing them a favour, save them time, fine and possible jail time anyway
4. Easier to hide unfavourable statistics
5. This is essentially gutting the Census, stupid
6. It’s just some numbers, no big deal
7. We are the new crusaders of ordinary citizens’ privacy
8. We will set up a committee to study it
9. Long Form pain for Short Term gain
10. Testing, testing, 123 …….. Fall Election is coming

All of Your Trouble (and You) will Perish Like Bubble

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

Attention all students, no blowing bubbles in the school yard.

This aggressive activity is banned within 5 metres of our school. This is a secretive law passed recently by your big brother, our government, in Ontario.

From now on, all schools will be patrolled by the fully geared anti-riot police force, i.e. the Bubbles Brigade.

Please study the accompanied YouTube video carefully.

Especially for those potential schoolyard bullies, please note carefully, you are not allowed to use your fists during any encounter with your fellow students. You can only use threat, and word of war, unless touched by a bubble.

Then Attack! That is the signal, the 莫須有罪名 you are waiting for, for a pre-emptive attack.

If you learn well, fellow bullies, one day you can be Officer Bubbles too.

只許POLICE 濫用公權
不許百姓吹 BUBBLE

Moment of Silence

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

Last night, a bird kept crying outside somewhere, persistently for over half an hour, until hoarse, then silence. We thought she must have lost her children to some predator.

This morning we received an email, our friend passed away Monday.

It must be a sign.

Last Christmas, we got together. He was in good health. We even talked about retirement and such. Then 2 months ago, he was in hospital, with a big tummy of fluid and wasting away. That was a  virulent case of invasive stomach cancer.

He was optimistic. He said, “Doesn’t matter what kind of treatment, but has to be fast.” Seize the time; that was the spirit. He sort of got his wish, not in the treatment (he opted for none at the end), but the duration and suffering of his illness.

Two weeks later, he was already talking about after life, how some people struggled to the end, reluctant to face death, and lingered and stayed around even after life. But there are those who moved decidedly on to their next life. He bravely accepted his eternity and fate.

Now he has moved on.

Bon Voyage, dear friend.

Object of Our Affection

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

We all love God, family and soccer, though not always in that order. And it all depends on what year it is, of the World Cup and you have a rich aunt in the family, who may leave you everything.

Traditionally, Sunday belongs to the Lord. He rules the pews of all churches. His word of wisdom whips the faithful into a religious frenzy with sermons of sin and redemption and charges the air with the electric buzz of his spirit.

But not this past Sunday.

Our Lord, please forgive all my brothers and sisters. They have sinned by flocking to the nearest restaurant / bar with the largest TV HD screen, instead of to Church. They’re so vain, dressed in orange, or yellow and red and blow their own vuvuzela horn.

But it was worth their while, to play hooky. After waited for the full 116 boring minutes, went even into extra time, the expected actually happened. Somebody finally scored (his real name is Andres Inlesta, of Spain).

The fans were rewarded. The World Cup and its new master were paired-up. This stirred up an electric frenzy and extreme maddened celebrations; fans spilled into the streets everywhere. But sorry to point out, though, my Lord, this frenzy surpassed all the other Sundays’.

And this also elevated Paul, the psychic octopus to the instant celebrity status, with a 100% accuracy in predicting winners of all the semi-final and final matches of this World Cup.

So my advice is, for those who do not have a rich aunt in your family to love, (and those who just lost the WYKAAO World Cup Soccer Fun Contest), start your Octopusy diet now, it may increase your accuracy in predicting the future winning lottery numbers.


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

中國人的心態, 甚為複雜, 很多時, 好像總是拿不定主意。

拿我們那個 Superior – Inferior Complex 的矛盾心理来説, 一方面, 我們肯定是大漢沙文; 中華民族, 穩據宇宙中心, 是顧名思義的中國。周圍的, 都是野蠻民族, 都是洋鬼子; 但另方面, 我們又尚崇洋, 外國的月亮特別圓, Make in China 相等於便宜貨式, 要用上来路貨, 才是上等人, 才够面子。

所以, 開門做生意, 還是擺脫不了這套陳舊思想。在中國, 有等公司, 一定要請一位洋人, 来作公司的代言人, 活招牌 (只要是洋臉孔, 有無經驗不大要緊), 就感到十分有體面了。

請個白種人顧員, 是否就是跟, 要住洋樓, 養番狗, 同樣的崇洋心理作怪, 還是”洋為中用”又一例証 !?

其實, 骨子裡, 還有點自卑感。中國人民早巳站起来了, 尤其在今天, 是個新紥之星, 經濟強國, 為什麼我們還是患着老毛病, 看不起自己。一心以為, 請個洋人充門面, 就是棒, 就能提高聲譽, 招来生意, 客似雲来矣。

這 “洋奴性” , 是個惡性腫瘤, 是個頑疾, 要痊愈, 是否還需倚靠, 外國昌明的醫學呢? 外國的月亮, 真的是特別圓嗎?

Nikki Yanofsky – I Believe

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

Nikki Yanofsky is a 16-year-old Canadian musical prodigy. Since her debut at the 2006 Montreal International Jazz Festival, where she won the hearts of the 100,000+ audience, Nikki has never looked back.

Most recently, Nikki was a featured artist at the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games held in Vancouver. Performing at the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics as well as the opening ceremony of the Paralympics, Nikki was introduced to a world-wide audience. Nikki was also chosen to sing “I Believe,” the anthem of Canada’s Broadcast Consortium. Written by Stephan Moccio and Alan Frew, this song quickly became a #1 hit on iTunes Canada and the Billboard Canada Top 100 chart.

Nikki has used her budding fame to help the underprivileged – becoming an ambassador for the Montreal Children’s Hospital, The Children’s Wish Foundation and MusiCounts. Nikki has also recently joined her fellow Canadian artists in recording K’Naan’s “Wavin’ Flag” for Young Artists for Haiti. Being sold on iTunes as a single and video, the proceeds will directly impact the lives of children, families and communities in Haiti through the relief and rebuilding efforts of Free the Children, War Child Canada and World Vision Canada.  (

Nikki Yanofsky – I Believe (by Stephan Moccio / Alan Frew)

There comes a moment when my heart must stand alone
On this lonely path I’ve chosen
like a house that’s not a home
sometimes when I feel I’ve had enough
and I feel like giving up
you willed me to be all I can be
now nothing can stop me

I believe in the power that comes
From a world brought together as one
I believe together we’ll fly
I believe in the power of you and I

This is the moment we have dreamed of all our lives
We’ll be the change we wish from others
We’ll stand tall for what is right
And in my heart there’ll be no doubt
The arms of the world will come reaching out
And embrace me to be all I can be
Now nothing can stop me

I believe in the power that comes
From a world brought together as one
I believe together we’ll fly
I believe in the power of you and I
I believe in the power… of you and I

I believe, I believe, I believe in-
I believe, I believe in you-
I believe, I believe, I believe in-
I believe, I believe, I believe in… you-

I believe together we’ll fly
I believe in the power of you and I

I believe the time is right now
Stand tall and make the world proud
I believe together we’ll fly
I believe in the power..
I believe in the power that comes
From a world brought together as one
(Of you and I)
I believe together we’ll fly
I believe in the power of you and I
I believe the time is right now
(Oh you and I)
Stand tall and make the world proud
I believe together we’ll fly (Together we’ll fly)
I believe in the power of you and I
(I believe in the power…of you and I)


我所决擇   孤單的途徑
正如, 那屋卻非我家
有時, 感到受够了
現在, 我, 巳勢不可擋

我相信, 那股力量
四方八面, 聚而為一
我相信, 一起. 我們定能飛翔
我相信, 那, 你和我的力量

面對挑戰, 我們穩然昂立
在我心裡, 全無疑問
擁抱我, 我的一切
現在, 我, 巳勢不可擋

我相信, 那股力量
四方八面, 聚而為一
我相信, 一起. 我們定能飛翔
我相信, 那, 你和我的力量
我相信, 那, 你和我的力量

我相信, 我相信, 我相信, 你
我相信, 我相信, 我相信, 你

我相信, 一起. 我們定能飛翔
我相信, 那, 你和我的力量

我相信, 只爭朝夕, 於今朝
穩然昂立, 令世界, 感到嬌傲
我相信, 一起. 我們定能飛翔
我相信, 那股力量
我相信, 四方八面, 聚而為一
我相信, 一起. 我們定能飛翔
我相信, 那, 你和我的力量
我相信, 只爭朝夕, 於今朝
穩然昂立, 令世界, 感到嬌傲
我相信, 一起. 我們定能飛翔
(一起. 我們定能飛翔)
我相信, 那, 你和我的力量
(我相信, 那, 你和我的力量)

Anguish Of An Ordinary Citizen

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)
(Video of an angry shopper stymied by G20 shutdown in Toronto)

I am mad. I am hopping mad.

Why are you closed? Why, why, why!? I want to shop!

Every weekend, I come to Eaton Centre to browse, to shop, to max out my credit cards, just to help out the economy, to fulfill my duty as an ordinary citizen, as a contributor to our financial community. And to spend, spend, spend.

Why did you shut it down, in the name of security?  Why did you shutdown the downtown core, to intimidate us shoppers, by the presence of such a horrendous police force?

Why couldn’t you keep all the guests up in Muskoka, in the safe haven of our cottage country? Look at the G8 gatherings, not a hint of violence; no protest, no riots. Then why bring the G20 back to Toronto? Were they not classy enough for the resort environment? Once when you set up shop with the enclosing wire fences, and a large police force, they acted as magnet and wild fire that attracted all the media-crazed bugs and thugs. All variety of protests zoomed into the downtown core, convenient and within walking distance. Ka-boom, all madness got loose. Was that what you forsee or hope for, with such outcome, to justify the need for more than a billion bucks to be blown away on one weekend.? If not, then why the government already denied to compensate businesses any damage done, way before they actually happened?  That’s amazing.

You can close and board-up parliament whenever you want, but, please do not, I repeat, do not close up our headquarters of consumerism, deprive us of our great shopping experience and entertainment,  ever again.

Why are you closed? Why, why, why!? I want to shop!

I am mad. I am hopping mad.


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

(Photo credit: Alaa al-Marjani / Associated Press A poster at a Najaf rally reads “Stop violence against women.”)

榮譽和謀殺, 是两個格格不入的概念。謀殺, 無論是自衛, 神經病殺人, 安樂死, 都是不甚光彩, 都是懦夫的行為, 都是犯罪的活動, 又怎會感到榮譽呢?

最近在安省, 魁北克, 就發生了幾宗同樣性質的謀殺傷人案件。在Brampton, 有位父親與兄長, 因女孩不願尊守巴基斯坦民族傳統, 堅持穿著西方衣服, 不載民族頭巾, 還離家出走數次, 致令父親在親朋眼中, 因管教不嚴, 大失臉子, 頓起殺人之念。

表面上看来, 這是個各民族文化與習俗不同的問題, 是個 ”如何教養子女”的問題。自古以来, 無論是那一個民族的父母, 都會遇上的。反叛的青少年, 是任何社會的通病, 肯定是個大難題, 但也不應動手殺人, 並引以為榮。這兇殘行為, 又點只習俗, 殺人咁簡單。

想深一層, 歸根到底, 問題的關鍵, 就是婦女在社會上的地位。有些民族, 是男人獨専的社會, 一切都由男人掌權, 操控, 女子並沒有什麼社會地位。一個女子的一生, 都要尊守:  “在家從父, 出嫁從夫, 老来從子” 的禮教, 這相等於中國人的封建思想, 在西方社會, 這類思想, 早巳被淘汰, 成為歷史的糠粕。如果一意孤行, 在這裡, 要維持這類封建遺毒到極端, 出動暴力, 繼而殺人, 就會被世人所唾棄, 成為社會的渣子, 民族的敗類, 何榮譽之有?

The Spy Next Door

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)                 


上周, 在 CBC 的一個訪問中, CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) 的 boss, Richard Fadden 透露, 加拿大有两省, 都有省會議員和市會政客, 受着外國的影響, 繼續他又談到中國及 BC 的官員。輿論哇然。                 

中國是個暴發户, 是個新貴, 是座等待開發的新金山, 當然就是人見人愛, 招来很多朱門朋友, secret admirers 和生意人。難道這干人等, 都是受着外國影響, 成為親中可疑人物? 還好, 中國沒有打世界杯, 不然, 球迷擁躉, 搖旗吶喊, 也都早巳被列為 spy next door 了。                 

况且, 加拿大本身就够架勢啦, 又怎會淪為外國服務的 spy 呢? 一個所謂西方民主國家, 能在幾年間, 有本事, 無聲無息地, 成為一黨専政, 而且當政者, 還是個 minority government, 但卻能如 majority 般執政。各反對黨不滿意嗎, 大可關閉國會數月, 以避風頭。什麼 scandals, 只要把一切文件塗黑 (redacted), 也就不了了之。又可以大派銀紙, 揮霍無度, 一般市民, 全無異議, 還是乖乖的, 做其順民。這樣的國家, 才是世界各領導階層, 夢寐以求的藍圖。                 

再看, G8/G20 開會, 為了防止 activists 示威暴動, 把多倫多, 一變而為一個警衛深嚴的城堡, 如臨大敵, 出動大量警察, 軍隊。一早就到處圍捕可疑人物, 也到處設起鐵網, 市民不能近5米内, 就會立刻被逮捕, 先斬後奏。更用上催淚彈, 橡皮子彈, 胡椒噴霧, 各樣武器, 加上一批又接一批, 源源不絶的防暴隊來控制動亂。這種 pre-emptive 高壓手段, 跟中國一向的鎮壓手法, 同是 police state 的鐵腕, 更青出於藍。 如果當年中國能有這 demo 来作借鏡, 又怎會有天安門事件咁失威呢。再且, 中加政制, 越趨相近, 又何需 spy vs spy 呢? 

這都清楚説明, 我們加拿大的領導人, 馴服有方, 處處都是順民。正如財政部長 Jim Flaherty 所吹, 加拿大是 envy of the world, 是經濟強國, 是值得自豪的, 而且在一個周末, 我們就可以花費了過億元, 来招待各地来賓, 那又怎會有 spy next door 咁低章呢。                 

只希望, CSIS boss 的透露, 不會在加拿大, 来一次 McCarthyism 黑手的政治鬥爭, 清洗運動, 就阿尼陀佛矣