《梅岭三章》陈毅 (1901-1972)
断头今日意如何 创业艰难百战多
此去泉台招旧部 旌旗十万斩阎罗
《Poems for Plum Mount – I》Chen Yi
You chop off my head today I say ordinary
A hundred battles not enough to create a new country
I go now to mourn the souls of comrade martyrs
And dispose the Death Lord hoisting ten thousand banners
南国烽烟正十年 此头须向国门悬
后死诸君多努力 捷报飞来当纸钱
《Poems for Plum Mount – II》Chen Yi
The south has been under fires and smokes for ten years
Hung high in the Capital this my head will surely appear
My surviving comrades will fight to win our cause
Victory news will fly like celestial oblations for lives lost