《Spring Drawing 2》by Robert Hass (b1941) 江紹倫譯

《春展  2 __ 羅伯特‧哈斯  江紹倫譯

Robert Hass

Robert Hass

A man says lilacs against white houses, two sparrows, one streaked, in a  thinning birch, and can’t find his way to a sentence.

In order to be respectable, Thorstein Veblen said, desperate in Palo Alto, a thing must be wasteful, i.e., “a selective adaptation of forms to  the end of conspicuous waste.”
即是說造形必須展示明顯的廢棄 Continue reading

《送別 》 王維 (701~761)

下馬飲君酒    問君何所之
君言不得意    歸臥南山陲
但去莫複問    白雲無盡時

《Parting》      Wang Wei            江紹倫譯

Dismounted I drink with you
Enquiring what lies in view
You say things are not according to will
You are retiring in the South Hill
I’ll ask no further you just be gone
Clouds will drift freely on Continue reading

《桃源行》 王維 (701-761)

Visit the Legendary Peach Blossom Valley (in parts) tr. by SL Kong

漁舟逐水愛山春  兩岸桃花夾古津
The fishing boat follows the river into the mountains in spring
On both banks peach blossoms shine in timeless sprints

坐看紅樹不知遠  行盡青溪忽值人
Watching the flaming trees from the boat he knows not the distance
Reaching the end of the stream he has met no human instance

山口潛行始隈隩  山開曠望旋平陸
A narrow cavern leads the stream through a lonely way
Where the cliffs part a plain stretches far on a shinny day

遙看一處攢雲樹  近入千家散花竹
In the distant grove giant trees appear like hanging clouds
Nearby a thousand homes stand amid bamboo flowers

(樵客初傳漢姓名  居人未改秦衣服   居人共住武陵源  還從物外起田園) Continue reading



Winter (1) tr.by SL Kong; calligraphy by T.C.Laiday_e


The setting sun lowers the hills so the moon could hang high

After my nap I stroll around the river banks my spirit delight

Frosty winds have stripped trees in a thousand woods bare

Leaning on my staff I count how many heron’s nests are there
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《四时田园杂兴》__范成大 (1126-1193)

writen by T.C. Lai秋日田园杂 (8)


Autumn (8)  translated by SL Kong; calligraphy by T.C. Lai

On the newly paved yard smooth as a mirror
All families thresh the harvest grains in frosty fine weather
Singing and laughing the joy rambles like gentle thunder
The rhythmic frail beats go on until dawn without hinder

Autumn (10)  translated by SL Kong; calligraphy by T.C. Lai Continue reading

《In Praise of Autumn》_《Autumn Thoughts》 by Kong Shiu Loon

fall coloursIn Praise of Autumn 

A season you are
Not like any other
Golden leaves lingering on trees
Ready to mix with other colours to please

Wonders in your cloudless sky eternally shine
Bounty melons fruits and corn witness farmers’ pride
Where sheep and cattle graze meadows are left bare
Migrating geese get busy their long flights prepare  Continue reading

白居易詩 英譯__江紹倫

Visiting West Lake in Spring   錢塘湖春行

Lone Hill north looks on the Jia Pavilion east
Beneath low clouds the lake water brims at ease
On the sun-warmed trees orioles compete to trill
With mud in beak to where goes the swallow
Seeing so many flowers my eyes are dazzled
On the short grass soft banks horse hooves show
How can I stroll the east bank enough I love so
Under green willow shades the White Sand Dyke glows

Tune: Eternal Pining

As the BianRiver slowly flows
So is the Si River chattily goes
They reach the ancient dock at Gua Zhou
The distant hills in the south mark my sorrows

My longings continue to show
So do my complaints endlessly go
They will cease whence my love returns to me
Now I stand alone on moonlit balcony
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Jumps and falls__ by S.L. Kong

I watch at the park a girl of five or four
Hands outstretched she jumps repeatedly to catch a hanging ball
The autumn morning sun is shining ever so soft
It warms and encourages the girl to jump more and more
Sitting nearby her mother is concerned her daughter may fall
She calls her to stop the jumps once for all
Nearby an old man mutters as the mother tells the girl her fun was ample
‘Tis not the ball but the reaching the man continues with his mumbles