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那一天我們會飛(2015)   大家樂 (1975)    青春兒女 (1959)
青春兒女(在九華) [李潤明老師(’75; 1987-  )剪輯]。

~ 蘇中平校長。

WYK Coat of Arms

WYK Coat of Arms

The Shield 1955

The Shield 1955

From – Chop Suey – Wah Yan College Hong Kong memories

[Wah Yan Kowloon coat-of-arms]

Our post last week mentions that in WYHK, there is a coat-of-arms honouring Saint Ignatius of Loyola. Our brother, WYK, also has a coat-of-arms in honour of Saint Francis Xavier.

This coat-of-arms has appeared on the Shield《華暉》, the school magazine of WYK, for many years. The attached photo #1, which shows the cover of the Shield 1955, is an example of its early appearance. Continue reading

《In Remembrance of Fr. Albert Chan, S.J. (1915-2005) 》compiled by Yu Fong-ying (61)

IntroductionFr Albert Chan

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the passing of Fr. Albert Chan, S.J. who died in Los Gatos, California in 2005. He entered Wah Yan College Hong Kong about 1932; before that he was in the Sacred Heart College in Canton. In July 1934 he became the first novice of the Society of Jesus in Hong Kong.* He was ordained in 1947. Both before and after his ordination, Fr. Chan taught at the Wah Yan College, in both the Hong Kong (1942-45, 54-58) and Kowloon campuses (61-62 Upper Six).   Continue reading