縱筆 (宋) 蘇軾(1037-1101)


Impromptu Writing       Su Shi (1037-1101) 江紹倫譯

The Master of Eastern Rise lies sick and lonely in bed
Grey beard disheveled like windblown frost spread
My little boy is comforted seeing me red faced so fine
I laugh his misperception thanks to wine

題西林壁 (宋) 蘇軾(1037-1101)


Written on the Wall of Westwood Temple     Su Shi (1037-1101) 江紹倫譯

Viewed directly it is a mountain its peak seen from the side
The wonders different when perceived from near far low or high
If you failed to recognize Mount Lu its true face
Just know you are in the heart of the very place

臨江仙 (宋) 蘇軾(1037—1101)



Returning to Lingao by Night                 Su Shi(1037—1101)   江紹倫譯
Tune: Immortals By the River

Drinking alternating from sober to drunk I mark my name
Returning home ’tis not far from morning
My house boy in slumber continues with his thundering snore
Despite repeated knocks no one answers the door
I turn to the river with my cane to listen to its rhythmic roar

How I regret not being master of my own destiny
Whence could I forget life’s gain and vanity
Night still river ripples calm and soft wind quivers
‘Tis time I ride my skiff free the world my reign
To travel where’er the ocean of life sustain

《念奴嬌》 (宋) 蘇軾(1037—1101)

憑高眺遠    見長空萬里  雲無留迹

玉宇瓊樓    乘鸞來去

舉杯邀月    對影成三客

便欲乘風    翻然歸去
水晶宮裡    一聲吹斷橫笛

Tune Charm of a Maiden Dancer     Su Shi(1037—1101)江紹倫譯

I stand high on platform to look wide and far
The sky an expense of ten thousand li vast
Clouds left leaving not a strand of white
The moon glints with her soul pure and bright
Water reflects lights gleam back to the sky
The universe agrows with autumn green divine

Palaces and towers of ornaments and carve jade
They come and go carried by legendary crane
He who lives in dwellings of cool simplicity will appreciate
Our motherland picturesque like art in display
Through diligent strif these are seen with no delay

I get drunk and clap my hands in great delight
To the moon I raise my cup to invite
Together with my shadow three good friends we might
We dance and dance till dews alight
Unconcerned till day and year this night

O wind may I ride on your wings
And return home in a wink
Who needs the big bird its wide-spread wings
Inside the crystal palace
A single tune shatters my flute into two pieces

永遇樂 (宋)蘇軾(1037-1101)


彭城夜宿燕子樓    夢盼盼

明月如霜    好風如水    清景無限
曲港跳魚    圓荷瀉璐    寂寞無人見
紞如三鼓    鏗然一葉    黯黯夢雲驚斷
夜茫茫        重尋無處    覺來小園行遍

天涯倦客    山中歸路    望斷故園心眼
燕子樓空    佳人何在    空鎖樓中燕
古今如夢    何曾夢覺    但有舊歡新怨
異時對        黃樓夜景    為余浩嘆

Dreaming My Lover
Tune: Joy of Eternal Union        Su Shi (1037-1101)      江紹倫譯

The moonlight frost- white
The cool breeze water-like
There’s no extent to this serene night

Fishes leap in the haven
Dews roll from lotus leaves
My loneliness no one sees

‘Tis the third drum deep this night
The drop of a light leaf sounds loud
Awaken my sweet dream gone as a cloud

The night palls boundlessly
Where could you be
I pace the garden aimlessly

I’m but a wanderer in fatigue
Lost in a wayward path in the hilly sea
Looking for home my eyes could not see

Vacant is the Swallow Pavilion here
Where could you be
Why should a swallow be kept in nest unfree

Life is always a dream
One never wake up it seem
‘Tis all a change of past delights to present grief

Whence this yellow dream and dark night should once more appear
Would you hiss a deep sigh for me

六月二十七日望湖樓醉書 (宋)蘇軾(1037-1101)


Composed at Lakeview Pavilion When Drunk   Su Shi(1037-1101)       江紹倫譯

Dark clouds like spilled ink veil not every hill
White rains dash into boats like beads randomly drilled
Hurled from the ground a sudden gale dispersed clouds on high
Beneath the Lakeview Pavilion water is same as sky

飲湖上初晴後雨 (宋)蘇軾(1037-1101)


Drinking By West Lake in Changeable Weather                江紹倫譯

Beaming waves flicker bright under a sunny sky
Colours of hazy mountains create extraordinary scenes to flirt the eye
Should we compare West Lake with Xi Shi the legend beauty
They are equally radiant seen with make-up or presented naturally

沁園春 (宋)蘇軾(1037-1101)

赴密州 早行 馬上寄子由








To My Brother On My Way to Exile           江紹倫譯
Tune: Qin Garden Spring

In this lone inn the lamp burns a dim green
Cock crows are heard too early in morning
Breaking my lingering dream

Quietly the moon recedes its cold rays
Enters the morning frost here to stay
Clouds and hills together weave fine brocades
Morning dews their pearly drops in display

Worldly affairs go on without limit
Man’s toiling lives are but short visits
How I had led a life joyless and oft in defeat

After singing this song
I mount my saddle in silence to go on
Brooding over a thousand past events as I ride along

Remember our days together in the capital
Somewhat like the young Lu brothers in literary fame

On our brush tips essays of a thousand words easily attained
Knowledge in ten thousand volumes within our rein
We advise great emperors in history
With no difficulty
Careers can only advance on the right time
Decisions are mine
Why not stand aside to watch with folding arms how the world goes by

May we keep in good health
To pass our days and years in tranquillity
And don’t forget to keep wine urns empty

行香子 過七里灘 (宋)蘇軾(1037-1101)





Passing Through The Seven-league Shallows          江紹倫譯
Tune: Joy of Union Eternal

 A boat light as a leaf on water glide
Its dipping oars frighten wild geese nearby
With water and sky serene
Clear shadows follow gentle waves green
In and out of water- plants fishes play
An egret dots the misty space in no haste

So I go
On sandy rills rowing bold
On frigid water enduring the cold
On moonlit rivers serene
Every turn presents me with picturesque scenes
Every bent appears a screen

I recall those years past
Empty days spent
In the emperor’s dreams
Then as now
Deeds and fame n’er end up in books of history

Distant hills stay eternal
Cloudy hills in dishevel
Morning hills ever so green

江城子 乙卯正月二十日夜記夢 (宋)蘇軾

不思量  自難忘
千里孤墳  無處話凄涼
塵滿面  鬢如霜

小軒窗  正梳妝
相顧無言  惟有淚千行
明月夜  短松岡

Remembering my Deceased Wife in Dream        江紹倫譯
To the Tune “Riverside Town”   

Ten years since your death you and I drifted in worlds so vague
Even as I try not to contemplate
Your death I can’t negate
With you in a lonely grave ten thousand li away
To whom could I my grief convey
If we should by chance meet you may know me not
Face dusty
Hair frost-grey

At last in a dream I returned home in haste
Sitting by the little window
You were doing make-up with so much grace
We met with not a single word to say
Only tears rolled a thousand lines astray
I recall I visited your lone grave every year in grief
At moonlit nights
On a short pine rise