About YK 1965

Class of WYK1965 Microbiologist (Environmental Microbiology) Honorary Research Fellow Agriculture Canada, Ottawa

E lucevan le stelle–tenor aria from Puccini’s “Tosca”

E lucevan le stelle is the romanza of Mario Cavaradossi in act III of Tosca, the opera composed by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa. It is sung by Tosca’s lover, the painter Mario Cavaradossi (tenor), while awaiting his imminent execution by firing squad.

Video sampler: Salvatore Licitra (tenor) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qgIG3jw-rw

Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译

Cavaradossi imprisoned

E lucevan le stelle, 星光在这儿闪亮过,

ed olezzava la terra 那里又有土香的气息.

stridea l’uscio dell’orto 果园的闸门在响动,

ed un passo sfiorava la rena. 脚步轻轻的印在沙地上.

Entrava ella fragrante, 她随着芬芳的香味进,

mi cadea tra le braccia 投入我的怀抱.

O dolci baci, o languide carezze, ! 甜蜜的吻! ! 延绵的拥抱!

mentr’io fremente 我战战兢兢,

le belle forme disciogliea dai veli! 慢慢地开启她绝丽的美貌!

Svanì per sempre il sogno mio d’amore. 现在, 我梦中的爱人已永远消失了.

L’ora è fuggita, e muoio disperato! 我的时辰已到, 就是我绝望的死亡时刻.

E non ho amato mai tanto la vita! 同时, 我从来没有如此热爱过生命!

“Musetta’s Waltz” Lyrics Luigi Illica (1857-1919) & Giuseppe Giacosa (1847-1906)

Soprano aria Quando me’n vo’ from Puccini’s opera “La bohème

“慕瑟太之圆舞曲”      (意) 伊力卡 与 芝亚高沙 譜詞


Intro: With this seductive and risqué song, Musetta teases her old flame, Marcello, at Café Momus in the Latin Quarter of Paris (Act II, ending).  The naughty rendition by Renata Scotto in the NY Met (1984) production (last link below) is one of the most vividly directed performances.

Anna Moffo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S99I6S4PHj4&feature=related

"La Boheme" poster

Anna Netrebko: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZzC6e6olCY&feature=related

Maki Mori: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdnHvxmo2N0&NR=1 (including “The

   Doll Song” from Tales of Hoffmann.

Renata Scotto: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYZzAlxmG5k

Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译

Quando men vo,  当我上街,
Quando m
en vo soletta per la via,  当我上街独行,
La gente sosta e mira.
E la bellezza mia tutta ricerca in me,  都探索我的美貌,
Ricerca in me da capo a pie.

Ed assaporo allor la bramosia sottil,  我又覺到一鼓思慕,
Che da gl’occhi traspira.

E dai palesi vezzi intender sa  那种魅力的感受

Musetta's teasing and flirting song

Alle occulte belta.  是由隐蔽美貌所引发的。
Cosi l’effluvio del desio  这般慾望
Tutta ma’ggira.  全部圍绕在我身旁。
Felice mi fa!
Felice mi fa!  使我暢快!

E tu che sai,  你又知道

Che memori e ti struggi,  記憶过往与渴望將来,
Da me tanto rifuggi?
So ben:  我深知:
le angoscie tue non le vuoi dir,
Non le vuoi dir,  你不愿表达情绪,
So ben ma ti senti morir!

“M’appari, tutt’amor”

You may have listened to “M’appri, tutt’amor” (“You appear to me, full of love”) as a popular Italian opera aria with a beautiful melody, such as that sung by Jussi Bjorling in his tender way: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFnHkOX_bbQ&feature=related;

and Placido Domingo’s expressive yearning: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KU6F3_XMU_w&feature=related]

陈耀国译 Tr. YK Chan

The market at Richmond


il mio sguardo.....l'incontro:
bella si.....che il mio cor,
ansioso a lei volo:
mi feri, m'invaghi
quell'angelica belta,
sculta in cor dall'amor 
cancellarsi non potra:
il pensier di poter
palpitar con lei d'amor,
puo sopir il martir
che m'affana e stranzia il cor e stranzia il cor


il mio sguardo.....l'incontro:
bella si.....che il mio cor,
ansioso a lei volo:

Marta, Marta, tu sparisti


e il mio cor col tuo n’ando!


Tu la pace  mi rapisti,


di dolor io moriro.


di dolor morro,  ah, morro!


This tenor aria actually is from a German opera “Martha 玛太” [See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_(opera)] by Friedrich von Flotow (1812-1883) with German libretto.  The original German aria is “Ach, so fromm, ach so traut” (“Oh so sweet! Oh so true!”  The romantic comic opera is based on a Scottish story of idealized love that crosses the class boundary between royalty and peasantry.

The German tenor , Fritz Wunderlich, sings it perfectly


Placido Domingo, who is very versatile, also sings the original version:


Compare the Italian lyrics to the original German below.  The English translation that follows is not mine.—YK

Ach! so fromm, ach so traut,
Hat mein Auge sie erschaut;
Ach! so mild, und so rein
Drang ihr Bild in’s Herz mir ein.
Banger Gram, eh’ sie kam,
Hat die Zukunft mir umhüllt,
Doch mit ihr blühte mir
Neues Dasein lusterfüllt.
Weh! Es schwand, was ich fand, ach!
Mein Glück erschaut ich kaum,
Bin erwacht und die Nacht
Raubte mir den süssen traum.
Ach! so fromm, ach so traut,
Hat mein Auge sie erschaut;
Ach! so mild, und so rein
Drang ihr Bild in’s Herz mir ein.
Martha! Martha!
Du entschwandest, und mein Glück
Nahmst Du mit Dir;
Gib mir wieder, was Du fandest,
Oder teile es mit mir.

Oh so sweet! Oh so true!
This is how my eyes saw you;
Oh so kind and so pure!
Of this my heart was very sure.
Before you came was only sorrow.
Worried gloom was my tomorrow.
Then with you life blossomed new,
Only joy with you I knew.
Alas! Alas! you did not stay,
My happiness it went away.
Sleepless nights do I endure,
My sweetest dream has gone for sure.

Oh so sweet! Oh so true!
This is how my eyes saw you;
Oh so kind and so pure!
Of this my heart was very sure.
Martha! Martha!
You went from me
And took my happiness with thee;
Bring back to me what once you brought,
Or send me just some word or thought.

« Plaisir d’amour » Jean de Florian (1755-1794)

A song from Célestine by Jean Paul Égide Martini (1741-1816)

爱情之乐” ( ) .狄佛罗里阑   


Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译

Comments: This classical French love song (Joy of Love) was originally intended for the male voice singing about his lost love (of a woman named Sylvie).  However, there are many interpretations by female singers as shown in the links below.  I find that of Victoria de Los Angeles the most outstanding in portraying a languishing lover.  I am also surprised and impressed by the Chinese-Canadian countertenor, D. Kai Ma, in comparison with Elizabeth Schwarzkopf and Janet Baker.  The contralto voice of Marian Anderson gives a dark and heavy version.

Of the popular simplified English versions of this song, Joan Baez offers a sweet and meditative folksy soprano voice, which is self-accompanied on the guitar, singing the first and last stanza in French (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA63-slwZCs).  Elvis Presley sang the melody in the pop song “Can’t help falling in love”. 

Note that the reference to flowing water in the lyrics parallels that in Jia BaoYu’s singing of “Song of the Red Bean” in Dream of  Red Mansions.

Of the tenor voice, I prefer Fritz Wunderlich’s expression of lost love. 

Performed by Fritz Wunderlich (tenor): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kICm5Lb04c&feature=related

By Jose’ Van Dam (baritone): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9-N1JKWmtM&feature=related

By Tito Schipa (tenor): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88qCOensANw&feature=related

By Victoria de Los Angeles (soprano): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HU2yiR5DTyk&feature=related

or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CBbi3o8k7I

By D. Kai Ma (馬稚凱) (counter-tenor): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjA9wszGM0I or


By Elizabeth Schwarzkopf (soprano): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjBNp07_qok&feature=related

By Janet Baker (mezzo): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWNiKOBu3jE&feature=related

By Marian Anderson (contralto): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L856hexNxUU&feature=related


Plaisir d’amour


ne dure qu’un moment,


Chagrin d’amour dure toute la vie.


J’ai tout quitté pour l’ingrate Sylvie.


Elle me quitte et prend un autre amant.


Plaisir d’amour ne dure qu’un moment,


Chagrin d’amour dure toute la vie.


Tant que cette eau coulera doucement


Vers ce ruisseau qui borde la prairie,


Je t’aimerai, me répétait Sylvie,


L’eau coule encore, elle a changé pourtant.



Plaisir d’amour



ne dure qu’un moment,


Chagrin d’amour dure toute la vie.


“Choeur des Soldats ” Jules Barbier (1825-1901) et Michel Carré (1821-72)

Chorus from Gounod’s opera “Faust”

“士兵合唱曲”     (法) 巴比尔 与 卡雷 谱词

古诺歌剧 « 浮士德 » 合唱曲

Best Version with Lyrics   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ck-Ph-Zb2MI

Performed by Chœurs des Opéras de Région, Chorégies d’Orange, théâtre antique – 5 août 2008 


Gloire immortelle
De nos aïeux,
Sois-nous fidèle,
Mourons comme eux!
Et sous ton aille,
Soldats vainqueurs,
Dirige nos pas, enflamme nos cœurs!
Pour toi, mère patrie,
Affrontant le sort
Tes fils, l’âme aguerrie,
Ont bravé la mort!
Ta voix sainte nous crie:
En avants, soldats!
Le fer à la main, courrez aux combats! 
Gloire immortelle
De nos aïeux,
Sois-nous fidèle,
Mourons comme eux!
Et sous ton aille,
Soldats vainqueurs,
Dirige nos pas, enflamme nos cœurs!

Vers nos foyers hâtons le pas!
On nous attend; la paix est faite!
Plus de soupirs! ne tardons pas!
Notre pays nous tend les bras!
L’amour nous rit, l’amour nous fête!
Et plus d’un cœur frémit tous bas
Au souvenir de nos combats!

Gloire immortelle
De nos aïeux,
Sois-nous fidèle,
Mourons comme eux!
Et sous ton aille,
Soldats vainqueurs,
Dirige nos pas, enflamme nos cœurs!


Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译  for Bastille Day (14 July, RF) and Army Day 建軍節 (1 August, PRC)




























“Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen”* Gustav Mahler (1860 – 1911)

“Lorraine Hunt Lieberson sings Mahler (July 7 1860 – May 18 1911)


This Wednesday is the 150th anniversary of the birth of the great Gustav Mahler, who was born in Kaliste, Bohemia on July 7, 1860. His late-Romantic musical idiom was a link between the Romantic Era and the modernism to come later. His music was under-appreciated during his lifetime, but it underwent a revival starting mid 20th century. Today his symphonies and his songs are considered a cornerstone of the standard repertoire. To remember this important anniversary, orchestras around the world are programming Mahler, and special celebrations are taking place this week in Austria and Hungary. Our own TSO is unfortunately in hiatus, but the Toronto Summer Music Festival is calling this year’s theme Song of the Earth, and will perform the chamber version of Das Lied von der Erde (2) on August 7.  To celebrate Mahler’s birthday, I’ve chosen the fifth song of his transcendent Ruckert Lieder, “Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen” (1), sung by the late, great mezzo Lorraine Hunt Lieberson. She tragically died at the much too young age of 52 from breast cancer on July 3, 2006. To many, “Ich bin der Welt” is the most inspired and deeply moving of all Mahler songs. Heard here in a live performance by Hunt-Lieberson accompanied by Roger Vignoles, it takes on an almost unbearable poignancy.”

– Joseph K. So  [http://videoblog.scena.org/]
Footnotes by YK:

*(1) “I have lost track of the world”, set to song by Mahler.  For an English translation of the German lyrics, see


(2) Four of Li Bai’s poems were used by Mahler in this work.

“Old Folks At Home” Stephen Foster (1826-64)

Rosa Ponselle Sings Stephen Foster’s Old Folks At Home (or Swanee River):


“This Sunday, July 4, is Stephen Foster’s birthday. He was born on July 4, 1826 in Lawrenceville, Pennsylvania, and died in poverty at only 37 in New York on January 13, 1864. Considered the Father of American Song, Foster had a melodic inspiration second to none. One has to have a heart of stone not to be moved by his songs the likes of Beautiful Dreamer, My Old Kentucky Home, Old Folks At Home, and many more.  To remember the birthday of this great song writer, I have chosen Old Folks At Home, sung by another great American, soprano Rosa Ponselle.  Opera lovers will be familiar with Ponselle, who sang in the era of Caruso.  It is so intriguing to hear a great Norma, Aida, Santuzza, and Leonora (Forza) sing this very sentimental ditty. Ponselle actually sings it without excessive sentimentality, only varying her tone colours for expression.  This is a performance to remember.”
– Joseph K. So           http://videoblog.scena.org/

« Anvil Chorus » Salvatore Cammarano (1801-52)

Chorus from Verdi’s opera Il Trovatore

“打鐵歌”             (意) 沙尔发多雷.卡马兰奴 谱词


Performed by:

Orchestra e Coro del Teatro Regio di Parma

DRESDEN. SINOPOLI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXFZckzjcKw

Chorus of the Hungarian State Opera House             http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjMHCzoneuM&feature=related

GMCLA.ORG             http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3x-pwJGsgU

Tr. YK Chan 陳耀国译

Vedi! le fosche notturne spoglie                            看!巨大的天穹
de’ cieli sveste l’immensa volta;                            脫落了黑夜的斗篷;
sembra una vedova che alfin si toglie               如寡妇终於卸下
i bruni panni ond’era involta.                                 裹在身上的喪服。
All’opra! all’opra!                                                             开工吧!开工吧!

Dagli, martella!                                                                上吧!打鐵吧!
(Danno di piglio ai ferri del mestiere.)            (众拿鐵鎚准备鐵钻的工作。)   
Chi del gitano i giorni abbella?                             谁为吉卜赛人过的日子欢呼?

La zingarella!                                                                    吉卜赛女郎!
Versami un tratto; lena e coraggio                   给我添酒;酒给我          
il corpo e l’anima traggon dal bere.                 身心上的勇氣及活力。

 Oh guarda, guarda! del sole un raggio           看,一线陽光的閃爍

brilla piu vivido nel tuo bicchiere.                   在你的杯中更灿烂。
All’opra! all’opra!                                                          开工吧!开工吧!        
Chi del gitano i giorni abbella?                           谁为吉卜赛人过的日子欢呼?
La zingarella!                                                                   吉卜赛女郎!



《送元二使安西》* (唐)王维



Farewell to Yuan II on a Mission to Anxi *   Wang Wei (699-759)  

Tr. YK Chan  陈耀国译

Morning rain dusts Wei City clean,

Willows by the inn shimmer green.

Down yet another glass thee I pray,

Exit west from Sun Pass old friends fade.


*又名《渭城曲》、《阳关曲》、《陽关三叠》、或《赠别》。Also known as “Melody of Wei City”, “Sun Pass Melody”, “Three Refrains of Sun Pass”, or “Farewell”.

古筝自伴女中音独唱 Mezzo-soprano solo self-accompanied on the zhen: http://union.bokecc.com/ccplay.bo?vid=1843324&uid=16672&isp=3&skin=1&protect=1

or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QVHeqLbp30

古琴独奏 Guqin solo: http://union.bokecc.com/ccplay.bo?vid=4931821&uid=16672&isp=3&skin=1&protect=1

“L’Estate” Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)

夏            (意) 安东尼奧.菲凡尔迪

Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国譯

For introduction, see “La Primavera” Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)

Listen to Vivaldi’s Summer Concerto of the Four Seasons:


With sand animation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=go7wlUOC5dg&feature=related

Allegro non molto – Allegro
Sotto dura Staggion dal Sole accesa
Langue l’ huom, langue ‘l gregge, ed arde il Pino;
Scioglie il Cucco la Voce, e tosto intesa
Canta la Tortorella e ‘l gardelino.
Zeffiro dolce Spira, mà contesa
Muove Borea improviso al Suo vicino;
E piange il Pastorel, perche sospesa
Teme fiera borasca, e ‘l suo destino;




Adagio e piano – Presto e forte
Toglie alle membra lasse il Suo riposo
Il timore de’ Lampi, e tuoni fieri
E de mosche, e mossoni il Stuol furioso!

柔板及緩慢 – 急板及強音



Ah che pur troppo i Suo timor Son veri
Tuona e fulmina il Ciel e grandioso
Tronca il capo alle Spiche e à grani alteri.

