About YK 1965

Class of WYK1965 Microbiologist (Environmental Microbiology) Honorary Research Fellow Agriculture Canada, Ottawa

« Vissi d’arte »* Luigi Illica (1857-1919) & Giuseppe Giacosa (1847-1906)

Soprano aria from Puccini’s opera « Tosca »

我为艺术而活* () 路易治.易利卡 与 吉汝瑟皮.基亚高萨 谱词


Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译

Vissi d’arte, vissi d’amore, 我为艺术而活,为愛情而活,
non feci mai male ad anima viva!…
Con man furtiva
quante miserie conobbi, aiutai…
Sempre con fe’ sincera, 我时常诚懇地
la mia preghiera
ai santi tabernacoli salì.
Sempre con fe’ sincera
diedi fiori agli altar.
Nell’ora del dolore 在这個悲痛的时刻
perché, perché Signore,
perché me ne rimuneri così?
Diedi gioielli
della Madonna al manto,
e diedi il canto
agli astri, al ciel, che ne ridean più belli.
Nell’ora del dolore,
perché, perché Signore,
perché me ne rimuneri così?


Sung by Maria Callas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVkJPL-_T0I

by Suzanne Murphy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyhEMD6rAOI

by Angela Gheoghiu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OIExoUb8jk&feature=related Z

by Liping Zhang:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wACxL0d9Qm

“La canzone del salice” Arrigo Boito (1842-1918)

Desdemona and Emilia

Soprano aria (death song)1 from Verdi’s opera “Otello” 

Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译

柳之歌               () 阿里高.布意徒 譜词 

芃尓第歌剧<奧赛罗>女高音咏叹调 (哀歌) 1

Son mesta tanto, tanto.                                 我觉得非常非常悲伤。

Mia madre aveva una povera ancella     我妈曾有亇贫窮的女僕

Innamorata e bella;                                       她衷情又漂亮;

Era il suo nome                                                 她的名字是

Barbara. Amava                                              巴巴菈。她愛上

Un uom che poi l’abbandonò, cantava         一亇後來拋棄她的男人,她唱過

Una canone: la canzon del Salice.              一首歌:柳之歌。

[Mi disciogli le chiome]                                   [把我的头发松散吧]

Io questa sera ho la memoria piena          今晚我記得很清楚

Di quella cantilena:                                            这首小曲:

“Piangea cantando                                          “她边唱边哭泣,

Nell’erma landa,                                                在那荒地上,

Piangea la mesta.                                             那怨女在哭泣。

O Salce! Salce! Salce!                                       噢柳树! 柳树! 柳树!

Sedea chinando                                                她坐着俯首

Sul sen la testa!                                                於懷!

O Salce! Salce! Salce!                                    噢柳树!柳树! 柳树! 

Cantiamo! Cantiamo! Il Salce funebre            让我们唱吧!我们唱吧!那喪殯般的柳树

Sarà la mia ghirlanda.”                              将是我的花环 

[Affrettati; fra poce giunge Otello.]      [快點吧;奧赛罗快來到啦!]

“Scorreano irivi fra le zolle in fior,       “溪水流过种滿鲜花的大地,

Gemea quel core affranto,                          那破裂的心呻吟着,

E dalle ciglia le sgorgava il cor                和她的心在眼底放了出來

L’amara onda del pianto,                            是痛苦的淚潮,

Salce! Salce! Salce!                                          柳树! 柳树! 柳树! 

Cantiamo! Cantiamo!                                      让我们唱吧!我们唱吧!

Il Salce fenebre sarà la mia ghirlanda.     那喪殯般的柳树将是我的花环。 

Scendean gli augelli a vol dai rami cupi   鳥兒们从黑暗的树枝飛下來

Verso quel dolce canto.                                   朝着那甜蜜的歌声。

E gli occhi suoi piangean tanto, tanto,      她的眼睛也多多哭泣着,

Da impietosir le rupi.                                       可帶动石头的哀憐。”


[Riponi quest’anello.]                                        [你把这指環放到別处吧.]

Povera Barbara !                                                 可憐的巴巴菈!

Solea la storia                                                      这個故事一般是

Con questo semplice suono finir                 以此简单的調子完結的:

“Egli era nato per la sua gloria,                 他是为他的榮耀而出生

Io per amar…”                                                    而我是为愛情… ”


Ascola.  Odo un lamento.                              听着,我听到有呻吟声。

Taci.  Chi batte a quella porta ?…              靜一下。誰在叩那门?…


1 Sung by Renata Tebaldi:


“La Primavera” Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)

Vivaldi was born on 4 March 332 years ago.  He was known as the “Red (hair) Priest” of Venice.  See his biography at


Each season of his “Le quarttro stagioni/The Four Seasons” violin concerti is an independent violin concerto of three movements, accompanied by poems.  See  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Four_Seasons_(Vivaldi)#List_of_concertos_and_movements.

Listen to the Spring concerto without  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4kTei0XrCs or with animation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-dHxJNsxJc.

春                           (意) 安东尼奧.菲凡尔迪

Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国譯


Giunt’ è la Primavera e festosetti

La Salutan gl’ Augei con lieto canto,
E i fonti allo Spirar de’ Zeffiretti
Con dolce mormorio Scorrono intanto:
Vengon’ coprendo l’ aer di nero amanto
E Lampi, e tuoni ad annuntiarla eletti
Indi tacendo questi, gl’ Augelletti;
Tornan’ di nuovo al lor canoro incanto.


quindi sul fiorito ameno prato
Al caro mormorio di fronde e piante
Dorme ‘l Caprar col fido can’ à lato.

Di pastoral Zampogna al suon festante
Danzan Ninfe e Pastor nel tetto amato
Di primavera all’ apparir brillante.



随着農村節日風笛 的欢声


“Celeste Aïda” Antonio Ghislanzoni (1824-93)

Tenor aria1 from Verdi’s opera “Aïda”

Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译

Ramades, Egyptian general, tenor

天堂般美的阿伊达            () 安东尼奧.吉斯兰索尼 谱词


Se quell guerrier io fossi!                  假若我是那亇战士!

Se il mio sognosi avverasse!…           假若我的夢想成真!

Un esercito di prodi                           一支勇武的兵团

Da me guidato…e la vittoria          受我指挥…又获胜利…

E il plauso di Menfi tutta!                  又获全曼菲城的拥戴!

E a te, mia dolce Aïda, tornar           与及你阿伊达,让我回到你可爱的身旁

Di lauri cinto…                                   戴着橄欖冠…

Dirti: per te ho pugnto,                      我告诉你:我为你而战,

Per te ho vinto!                                     为你获胜!

Celeste Aïda, forma divina,                天堂般美的阿伊达,天赐的形象,

Mistico serto di luce e fior,                 神秘光辉花环,

Del mio pensiero tu sei regina,          你是我思念中的女皇,

Tu di mia vita sei lo splendor.           你是我生命的光彩。

Il tuo bel cielo vorrei ridarti,            我会还你可愛晴空,

Le dolci brezze del pario suol;          和你乡土上的和风;

Un regal serto sul crin posarti,         给你戴上髮顶的皇冠,

Ergerti un trono vicino al sol.            给你迠立邻近太阳的皇座。


1 Sung by the Canadian tenor, Jon Vickers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Nsi3kGjxnE

By the Swedish tenor Jussi Björling:


Trivia: Sophia Loren played the title role of the Ethiopian princess, Aïda, in a 1953 Hollywood film.  See http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0045483/

“Sempre libera” libretto by Francesco Maria Piave (1810-76)

Greta Garbo in "Camille" as Marguerite (=Violetta in "La Traviata")

Soprano aria from Verdi’s opera La Traviata

时常自由自在                      (意) F.M.1皮亚费 谱词


Tr. YK Chan 陳耀国译

Gioia!…Gioia!…                                                     欢乐吧!…欢乐吧!…     

Sempre libera degg’io                                      我必须时常自由自在    

Foleggiare di gioia in gioia,                          於欢乐中來去雀躍,

Vo’ che scorra il viver mio                               我愿旋滑在生命

Pe’ sentieri del piacer.                                        享乐的途径。

Nasca il giorno, o il giorno muoia,                无论是日出日落,

Sempre lieta ne’ ritrovi,                                     在交际会內时常寻欢,

A diletti sempre nuovi                                        常到新鲜的欢乐景界

Dée volar il mio pensier.                                    我的感想随此飛达。


1 Francesco Maria 法兰车斯高.马里亚

2 Sung by Maria Callas–  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1Vof_gHnNs

                Anna Netrebko–  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSPK7Ayuw3s

Going Home* William Arms Fisher (1861-1948)

Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2aLSat3h0w

回老家              陳耀国中譯及備注   Footnote from Wikipedia; translation by YK Chan for singing-along

Going home   going home      I am going home

Quiet like       some still day   I am going home

It’s not far      just close by      through an open door

Works all done   cares laid by   never fear no more

Mother’s there expecting me    Father’s waiting too

Lots of faces gather there   all the friends I knew

I am just going home

回老家   回老家   我正回老家

安静的   休止日   我正回老家

家不遠   相当近   門開從此進

工作完   関懷近   永不再害怕

母親在   等候我   父親也在等

很多人在一起   都是我朋友


No more fear   no more pain

No more stumbling by the way

The Walk to Paradise Garden, W. Eugene Smith, 1946

No more longing for the day

Going to run no more

Morning star lights the way

Restless dreams all gone

Shadows gone   break of day

Real life has begun

There is no break   there is no end    just living on

Wide awake   with a smile   going on & on

不再怕   不再痛






影己往   天正亮


沒中断   沒止境   只有永生

真清醒   又欢笑   永遠是如此

Going home   going home   I am going home

Shadows gone   break of day   real life has begun

I am just going home

回老家   回老家   我正回老家

影己往   天正亮   真生命己始



It has been claimed that the theme from the Largo (2nd movement in Dvořák’s Symphony No. 9)  was adapted into a spiritual-like song “Goin’ Home”, by black composer Harry Burleigh, whom Dvořák met during his American sojourn, and lyricist William Arms Fisher,[9] but the song was actually written by Fisher and based on Dvořák’s Largo theme.

“Di quella pira” libretto by Salvatore Cammarano (1801-52)

[Tenor aria* from Verdi’s opera “Il Trovatore”]

那恐怖的柴堆    (意) 沙尔发多雷.卡马兰奴 谱词


Tr. YK Chan 陳耀国译

Di quella pira l’orrendo foco                         那柴堆上恐怖的火焰

Tutte le fibre m’arse, avvampò!                燃烧着, 使我气熖焚身!

 Empi, spegnetela, o ch’io fra poco               妖怪们,熄灭它,


Col sangue vostro la spegnerò!                    就用你们的血来熄灭它!

Era già  figlio prima d’amarti;                             我爱您之前已是您的兒子;

Non può frenarmi il tuo martir…                   您的苦难不能遏止我…

Madre infelice, corro a salvarti,                   不愉快的妈妈,我快來营救您,

O teco almeno corro a morir!                         或最少我快來与您同归于尽!

All’amrmi!  All’amrmi!                                      准备战斗吧!准备战斗吧!


* This aria is well-knwon for its ending in a high C.

     Di Quella Pira sing-Off   

  1. Past tenors: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTaZtrf_Y7M&feature=video_response
  2. Modern tenors:







“La donna è mobile” libretto by F.M. Piave (1810-76)

A popular English song version of this aria is known as "Over the Summer Sea"

La donna è mobile                  F.M.1 Piave (1810-76)

[Tenor aria2 from Verdi’s opera “Rigoletto”]

女人是善变的         (意) F.M. 皮亚费 谱词


Tr. YK Chan 陳耀国译 


La donna è mobile                  女人是善变的

Qual pium al vento,                她像一根羽毛随风

Muta d’accento                        改变她的话语,

E di pensiero.                           也转換她的思构。

Sempre un amabile                那经常可爱的

Leggiadro viso,                       优美的臉孔,

In pianto o in riso                    在哭泣或欢笑中

É menzognero.                          尽是在说谎。 

É sempre misero                      男人常常是可悲的

Chi a lei s’affida,                       因他相信女人,

Chi le confida                            也委托地

Mal cauto il core!                    错把心交给她!

Pur mai non sentesi                唯佢永远沒有感到

Fèlice appieno                         充份欢欣

Chi su quell seno                     倘在那胸脯上

Non liba amore!                      尚未品尝到爱情!


1 Francesco Maria 法兰车斯高.马里亚

2 Sung by Nicolai Gedda: 


sung by Luciano Pavarotti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCFEk6Y8TmM&feature=related

过零丁洋 (南宋)文天祥




人生自古谁无死?  留取丹心照汗青。

Crossing Lingding Sea              Wen Tianxiang (1236-1283)

Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译:

Hardship endurance began with my scripture exam,

Sporadic struggles lasting over four decades thence.

A kingdom vanquished, in the wind catkins fly.

Like duckweeds struck by heavy rain I fall and rise.

Retreat from Panic Beach tells a panicky action,

On Lingding Sea I lament my lone incarceration.

Since the beginning of time who can ever not die?

My unwavering devotion shall in history shine! 





Bad dreams* Robert Browning (1812-1889)

Robert John Browning 1858

Last night I saw you in my sleep:
And how your charm of face was changed!
I asked “Some love, some faith you keep?”
You answered “Faith gone, love estranged.”

Whereat I woke–a twofold bliss:
Waking was one, but next there came
This other: “Though I felt, for this,
My heart break, I loved on the same.”

陈耀国译  Trans. YK Chan:

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

 惡夢                              () 罗伯特.博朗寧




我问你尚保留我的爱心, 我的信念矣?”








This is the shortest poem of the Bad Dreams series of four that Browning wrote.  It appears in Asolando: Fancies and Facts (1889).