《浣溪沙》劉敏中(1243-1318) __江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Silky Sand Brook》Liu Min Zhong

虢虢清流淺見沙  A river flows chattering on sands clear
沙邊翠竹野人家  A family lives at riverside where bamboo shades waver
野人延客不堪誇  Serving visitors tea is a simple matter Continue reading

《南鄉子》張弘范(1238-1280) __江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Southern Country Song》Zhang Hong Fan

深院日初長                 Deep where I dwell summer days prolong
萬卷詩書一炷香          Ten thousand volumes and incense sticks burn long
竹掩茅齋人不到          No one visits this humble dwelling in bamboo shades
清涼                             Cool and serene
茶罷西軒讀老莊          I read Lao-Zhang after tea in the west wing Continue reading

《鷓鷓天*室人降日, 以此奉寄》魏初(元) __ 江紹倫英譯

《鷓鷓天*室人降日, 以此奉寄》魏初(元)
《Tune: Partridge Sky*To My Wife on Her Birthday》Wei Chu (1232-1292)

去歲今辰卻到家  This day last year home I was not near
今年相望又天涯  Today this year I pine for you from faraway here
一春心事閑無處  My love for you floats like a spring with no dwelling
兩鬢秋霜細有華  Like autumn frost my hairs are greying Continue reading

《中國行 2015 – 拿車牌記》__陳柏齡(71)

每年返鄉,必有一事困擾著我:「沒有中國車牌開車」。Licence 2


友人勸告,在國內駕駛情况復雜,你年過六旬,道路不熟,開車會有危險,坐的士地鐵, 叫uber為妙。

我偏不服老,總覺得自己才三十出頭。趁在廣州逗留十天的機會,我決定辦手續拿中國車牌。  閱讀全文 

《解佩令*王害風》王哲(1112-1169)__ 江紹倫英譯


《Tune: Receiving the Command Symbol》Wang Zhe

茶無絕品                     No supreme tea exists in truth
至真為上                     The best tea is with friends amiable
相邀命             Invitation standing
貴賓來往                     Friends coming and going
盞熱瓶煎                     On heated kettles Continue reading