《歸宜興留題所竹西寺》 蘇軾 (1037-1101)

way home

My Way Home to Yi Xin    江紹倫譯

For ten years west winds carried my dreams back home
This time I have decided to lead a rustic life my own
I repeatedly seek for the sweet well water of my native land
And bring something homely with me across the river to east bank

My life now is free from responsibilities or gains
A good year promises high yields of produces and grains
On my way home from the mountain shrine there is good news
Even wild flowers and singing birds make up a grand view

11th Kowloon Group

11th Kowloon(Design by Leo Chu (67) on FaceBook)

Investiture of 11th Kowloon Boy Scouts Group was held in 1933.  The first Group Scout Master was Mr. Chan Fook Hong, brother of Father Francis Chan, S.J.  Mr. Chan was a teacher in WYK after graduating from WYHK in 1932.  As all school records were destroyed during the Japanese occupation, the official annals of 11th Kowloon Group begin in 1952 Shield.
Please click here is for the story.  We welcome members of the Group send in their photos.

《滿江紅》 江紹倫

《滿江紅》  江紹倫

 Tune: A River in Red        On Air Toronto to Hong Kong           By Kong Shiu Loon, summer of 2013

The silvery bird soarsmoonkonghung copy
Above all clouds float
Leisurely gallantly it goes

Lo the expansive sky
Serene luminous fine
My mind opens valley wide

Twenty-three days I visit places familiar
Forty-six years what ups and downs my career

I went abroad to seek knowledge to apply
My venture was not to keep wings from flights

Now that I had gone through the universe
I dedicate to promote world-wide my Chinese culture

What events in the old country
Deliberating current scenes and resent history

So much had changed for people
Their souls afflicted ample

How I watched cultural legends and lore destroyed
How I anticipate old values reaffirming with joy

Whence a delightful grand purview presents
New colours intense

《紅梅》蘇軾 (1037-1101)

red plum_1 Red Plum Blossom   江紹倫譯

She prefers to drown her grief in sleep so she blooms late
It matters not her icy look up to date
Imitating peach and apricot roughs on her face
To maintain her uniqueness a slender and frosty grace
Her serene character cares not for the brilliance of spring
Her jade skin carries the hue of a subdue wine stain
Alas the old poet knew not how to describe her noble beauty
Only sang songs of peach leaves and apricot boughs ordinary

《雨晴後步至四望亭》蘇軾 (1037-1101)

fourviewAfter Rain at the Four-side view Pavilion   江紹倫譯

This magnificent pavilion is deserted long ago
Below thrives a pond where fishes happily grow
The setting sun sends rays to shine on a thousand hills
Vernal breezes air a hundred fragrances in meadow fields

In this community people are contented not to win
Beside the ancient temple dark vermilion bamboos gleam
From where have these herons come
At dusk their loud cries just awesome

《尼亞加拉》 江紹倫

Niagare Falls
Niagara                           by Kong Shui Loon

Torrent rush coming from the sky
The river gorge deep and wide
Rapids reach the escarpment suddenly fall
Freely forming foams and thick walls

Birds see the water falls as swirls boiling
People on ground hear them thundering
Is this the Niagara world famous
Or nature’s show of motion and sound mighty

I go for the rainbow arching high
And nature’s power through a window of my eyes
I visit nearby orchards and vineries
To sample fresh fruits and wines heavenly
Then appreciate plays of Shaw and Shakespeare
They depict human confidence and fears

《葡京教仔》 【刁民系列之八】__陳柏齡

macau casino詩云:

偕妻攜兒逛葡京   養魚塘水莫太清   兒承父教能隨俗    博彩怡情似用兵
強國人民狂潮湧   萬貫纏腰在今朝   千秋功過人修路    百業興衰鬼印銀



小兒看到女孩子們與他年齡相若,問父親:「Are they on summer break?」
