Four Funerals And A Wedding

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

Just last week, we were busy trying to squeeze two funeral services into one weekend. I guess at my age, this is becoming more frequent. The first one is the mother of an old friend, and the other is a relative of a relative. As a matter of fact, I have never met this vague relation before. We ended up going to one visitation on Friday, and the funeral service of the other on Saturday.

Friend’s mom was 95, as everyone said, she lived a long full life. We stood around and chatted up a storm; shaking hands, hugging, and reconnected with friends we haven’t seen since our university days, and promised ourselves we shoud be in contact and get together more frequent, but are also well aware, we will meet again under such circumstances.

Relative’s relative also had a full life. After retirement, he actually threw his whole energy and dedication to the development of several construction projects and of the training of numerous engineers in China. His daughter’s eulogy touched my soul and opened my eyes. She said, the essence of life, is not the numbers of breath you take, but the numbers of moment that take your breath away. Yes, that completely took my breath away. Food for thought, for an old man.

Only a few months ago, we said goodbye to another old friend. We were closed, but drifted apart after graduation. We saw him just the Christmas before, in a gathering. He was complaining about a back pain, but blamed it on too much snow shovelling. Then we heard, he was in hospital, diagnosed with recurrence of kidney cancer. He was surrounded and well looked after by a group of dedicated friends, who took care of his finance, and ran all his daily chores , visited him daily in hospital, brought him his favourite food, newspaper and DVD, to ensure his comfort. I visited him once in hospital. He was wasted away slowly, but content. A few weeks later, he was gone, surrounded by his faithful friends.

Ming was the only child of my good friends. We even took him on our trips in the summer. People always thought he was our eldest. A year ago, I got a call from his dad. They were in China, and Ming developed this cough and xray showed shadows in the lung. TB, I jumped to conclusion. He came home. Further testing were inconclusive and took over a month to find the cause, malignant lung cancer, so virulent that spread quickly and destructively. I wished it was TB, at least that was curable. Within a few months, he was gone. His funeral was the most excruciatingly painful one. It was attended literally by hundreds and hundreds of people, and mostly young people. We tried to comfort the parents. In silence, we felt their pain and loss. We uttered no words. Life was so unjust. We shaked our heads slowly, murmuring, only the good died young. He was not even thirty.

And now something to cheer about. The big date is almost upon us. Our classmate Donny (WYK 65) is getting married tomorrow. The lovely couple met on the dance floor, and have not stop dancing ever since. So you think you can dance? Ask Donny first. Last time I was in Calgary and called him up, he was naturally on the dance floor again, with his significant other half, talking to me on his cell. They plan to take a cruise, after the wedding, to sail into the sunset, while dancing on the cruise deck. What a fairy tale ending, and live happily ever after. Congratulation, Don & Eliza. A new drug has just come out, Don, for your special occasion. Priligy, that’s the name, check it out. In the mean time, to commemorate the event of the year, here, this is for you.


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

長命百歲, 歷來都是人們夢眛以求的境界。追尋青春之泉, 返老還童術, 隨着”更年期”大軍的急劇膨脹, 現在更是迫切的課題。

人生歷程, 從嬰孩到老年, 不外是幾十年。就算在醫學昌明的今天, 巳戰勝了無數頑疾, 但人類生命的極限年齡, 還是大約一百一十五而矣。人體機能, 到了七八十歲就開始衰退; 過了一百, 就巳透支淨盡了。

在人類不斷進化的過程中, 為什麼還不能使疾病, 衰老被途汰消失呢? 進化論者認為, 在進化過程中, 如果因子(Gene)能提高人類壯年時期的生存與生產能力, 就會被自然選擇(Natural Selection), 遺傳下來, 就算這因子到晩年會對人體有害。

舉例: 色素性肝硬化, 是人類一種吸收太多鐵質的遺傳病, 弄至肝硬化, 中年死亡。但這遺傳病對年青, 有生育能力的女性, 卻又甚為有利 —- 女子經期失血太多, 這病使患者能大量吸收鐵質, 造血補充, 以保生存能力。

舉例: 在生物學研究, 有生物學家繁殖甲蟲, 如果只選早產多子的甲蟲, 四十代後, 甲蟲雖然都能多產早產, 但也老死得特別快。又有科學家繁殖果蠅, 但卻專選遲產者, 結果這類果蠅壽命較長, 但產子卻較少。

舉例: 又有科學家研究報告, 在實驗室飼養老鼠, 如果把老鼠處於半飢餓狀態, 其壽命會延長三成, 但卻大大減低了生產能力。

這都説明, 衰老並非是遺傳的錯誤, 而是進化過程的妥協。為了加強人類生存的能力, 就要面對衰老這難関了。

其實, 只要我們生活得美好, 八九十年巳很足夠, 還是大有作為的。


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

疏離 ( Alienation ) 是個六十年代的思潮。

那時代的青年人, 尤其是中產階級的, 受專上學院教育的青年, 大多數都不滿現實, 不願意走上父母的老路, 去追求那 “亞美利加” 拜金主義的美夢, 成為 “反叛的一代” 。

他們反越戰, 寧做 “和平主義” 的逃兵, 搞黑人運動, 學生通動; 他們的理想就是反政制, 追求 ”烏托邦” 的樂園 。

也有不談政治的嬉皮士 (Hippies), 投入毒品文化 (Drug Culture), 吸食 LSD, 大蔴, 来尋求自我的 high和解决。主張 Make Love, Not War. 對金錢全無興趣。Money, can’t buy me Love.

消極者更趨向虛無, 甚至遠訪印度法師取經, 或與社會疏離, 或組公社羣居。就算生活在社會, 喧嘩的人羣中, 還是感到孤獨, 與人隔絕, 不作溝通。正所謂 “各家自掃門前雪, 莫管他人瓦上霜 “的心態, 過着疏離, 寂寞的歲月。

到了七十年代後期, 八十年代, 社會漸漸平靜下來, 一般的年青人, 早巳大學畢業或 dropped out, 巳成家立業, 思想來個一百八十度大轉灣, 由嬉皮士搖身一變而為野心勃勃的入皮士 (Yuppies). Young Upward-mobile Professionals, 是列根的經濟政策 (Reaganomics) 的惡果。他們被認為都是貪婪, 過於現實的物質主義者, 又有自大狂, 自戀狂 (Narcissistic), 又是對社會和環境麻木不仁的野心家。他們深信, 金錢就是上帝 (Money is God) , 是地道的ME Generation 唯我主義者。

到九十年代 DOT-COM 泡沫破滅和近年世界性金融危機, 引至經濟大衰退, 再加上大企業貪婪 (Corporate Greed), CEO 都先中飽私嚢, 這都拜入皮士思想的遺毒所賜。

這次由美國 Sub-Prime Mortage 崩潰, 引起世界經濟大衰退, 影響尤大。Baby Boomers, 也許是以前的嬉皮士, 辛苦工作了數十年的公司, 突然裁員, 甚至倒閉関門。差不多巳到退休之齡, 卻突然失業, 加上金融危機, 退休金早以少了一半以上, 養老與將來, 都失去保障, 使人心惶惶, 又開始與社會疏離, 再感到孤獨, 與人隔絕, 不作溝通。

報載, 在紐約, 有一位流浪漢為了阻止賊人傷害一名女子, 結果自己受刀傷, 卧在路邊, 沒人理會, 因而死亡。

報載, 在多倫多, 在地鐵, 有一位七十九歲老翁, 被两名少年歐打, 還搶去銀包。而全車卻沒有人援手。

報載, 在温哥華, St Paul醫院, 最近設立一停放處, 無條件, 保正不作追究, 方便接納棄嬰。

疏離, 這個六十年代的思潮, 又再重現了。

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

連日来天雨連綿, 出門都要携帶雨傘, 以備不時之須。

下雨打傘子, 是人類一大發明。

在古時, 下雨了, 人們用蕉葉遮頭, 漸漸進化成為油紙, 布蓬, 再改進成為能夠開関的雨傘。 最後, 為了便於携帶, 更推出了縮骨遮。

傘, 能起保護作用, 但又不似樹底, 屋簷下, 雖然可以避雨, 卻不能給人自由行動。傘子可以陪伴你, 保護在你的身邊。

你曾否見過, 熱戀中的情侶, 打着傘子, 在雨中漫步。既能起護花作用, 更俱羅蔓蒂克的氣氛。

傘, 更能是隨身武器。還記起, 那電影的畫面: 一個老太婆, 拿着傘子, 猛力打在賊人頭上。

傘, 又是地位的象徵。英國紳士, 不是人手一柄的嗎? 小小的花布遮, 更是英國上流社會, 窈窕淑女的流行時裝, 不可缺少的標緻。

在東南亞, 傘, 又可以用來遮擋猛烈的太陽, 所以又名晴雨遮。

但是在北美, 人們喜歡曬太陽, 認為棕色才是健康的膚色, 結果, 傘子在夏天就不派用場了。

現在還會看到, 在傾盆大雨之下,有人卻施施然, 在街頭漫步, 早巳成了落湯雞, 還是尤然自得的。


更想到, 沈默的大多數

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

Sound of Silence

Simon & Garfunkel

Hello darkness, my old friend, I’ve come to talk with you again,

Because a vision softly creeping, Left its seeds while I was sleeping,

And the vision that was planted in my brain,

Still remains, within the sound of silence.

In restless dreams I walked alone, Narrow streets of cobblestone,

‘neath the halo of a street lamp, I turned my collar to the cold and damp

When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light

That split the night, and touched the sound of silence.

And in the naked light I saw, Ten thousand people, maybe more.

People talking without speaking, People hearing without listening,

People writing songs, that voices never share.

And no one dared, Disturb the sound of silence.

“Fools” said I, “You do not know, Silence like a cancer grows.

Hear my words that I might teach you, Take my arms that I might reach you.”

But my words like silent raindrops fell,

And echoed, In the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayed, To the neon god they made.

And the sign flashed out its warning, In the words that it was forming.

And the sign said, “The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls

And tenement halls.” and whisper’d in the sounds of silence.

黑暗, 老朋友, 你好

觸摸到, 沈默的音響

上萬的人, 或許更多
在説話, 但沒有説出
在聆聴, 但沒有聴到
在寫作, 沒有分享的樂章
不敢打擾, 那沈默的音響

儍瓜, 你是否知道
但, 我的忠告
像雨點, 靜靜地

人們鞠躬, 祈禱
它説: 先知的話, 早巳寫在地鐵的牆壁
耳語着, 沈默的音響

(~ Editor) Here is a vintage video of Simon & Garfunkel’s performance, while enjoying the fabulous translation from FB




聞一多 的《一句話

An utterance can cost lives

An utterance can light a fire

Five thousand years of silence

Why the volcano so quiet

One day it may suddenly gone mad

Abrupt thunder from the clear blue sky


“Cry our beloved country”

What can I say today?

Believe it or not

An utterance you have to listen

When the volcano can stand the silence no longer

Don’t tremble, stick out your tongue, stamp your feet

When thunder from the clear blue sky


“Cry our beloved country” 



(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

我們這一代, 擁有很多古怪的名堂, 什麼戰後嬰兒, 嬉皮士, 憤怒青年, 失落的一代, 入皮士 (YUPPIES), 夾心世代 (SANDWICH GENERATION), 嬰孩潮兒 (BABY BOOMER) 等。

但我卻認為, 我的人生里程碑, 是可以用各類礶頭湯來代表的。

和罐頭湯結了不解之緣 , 自小巳經開始。

在小孩時代, 母親不善廚藝, 每逢傭人放假, 我們都會到附近商店, 購買金寶 (Campbell) 什菜湯, 罐頭 Del Monte 沙甸魚之類, 維持兩餐。説實話, 年小的我, 是十分喜歡這類菜式的。這就是我的什菜湯時期

中學時, 參加童子軍活動, 穿上制服威威, 而且特別喜歡露營。野外生活, 三餐都要靠自己動手。由我任大廚的那一餐, 菜單一定是奶油粟米湯, 豆豉鯪魚, 午餐肉, 蒸臘腸與三及底飯。當在發育時期, 精力旺盛, 吃起什麼來, 也覺津津有味。這是粟米湯時期

來加拿大升學, 在校園外租房閒住宿, 為了忙於功課, 或是咪書考試, 那會有心情來煮食? 結果, 每天都是靠雞麵湯, 麵包頭, 公仔麵渡日, 而且營養還是過得去, 精力還是十分旺盛, 成績也馬馬夫夫的。這是我的雞麵湯時期

結婚初期, 两口子每日的家常便飯, 當然十分簡單, 但購買的罐頭湯種類, 卻多了起來。在超級市場架上出售的品種, 例如牛尾湯, 法式洋葱湯, 新英倫蜆周打, 萬克頓周打等, 都一一買回來品嘗。這是多樣化時期

後來, 夫妻俩都忙於工作。每晩回到家裏, 都很疲倦, 巳沒有多餘精力來煑飯, 罐頭湯又大派用場。妻先把雞(或豬扒) 先摲件調味, 放在大碗內, 再倒下一礶奶油磨姑湯, 不加水, 就放進微波爐煑二十分鐘。上枱前把雞塊及白汁倒在每碟飯面, 就是一餐美味快捷的奶油雞飯, 真是經濟實惠, 慳水慳力。這就是奶油磨姑湯時期

現狀, 戰後嬰兒老化, 嬰孩潮兒大軍殺到, 各國政府, 惶恐老年人醫療費用, 將會急劇上增, 國庫都會吃過不消。想到有一天, 牙齒脱落, 再不能嘴嚼食物, 就要用湯泡着飯来吃, 那時, 又要回到什菜湯時期了。

You Know You Are Over The Hill When …….

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

  • McDonald gives you senior discount coffee automatically
  • Kids give you their seats on public transit respectfully
  • Spent hours every morning reading the newspaper from headlines to obuitary
  • Spent more time surfing the Internet than watching reality shows
  • Diagnosed with Repetitive Injury of wrist tweetting or using mouse
  • Forwarding all interesting articles and tipbits to all your email friends/groups
  • Keep losing your car in the shopping mall parking lots
  • Need two or more pill boxes to hold your daily pills
  • Keep on travel before arthritis and cataract kick in
  • The designated baby/pet sitter
  • Go to more re-union gatherings than the past 30 years total
  • Who do you see more frequent: your doctor and pharmacist
  • Sleep less and pee more
  • Sudoku and dancing are your preferred  exercises, for a beautiful mind and body
  • Keep repeating yourself, like a broken record
  • Busier than ever before, with fully booked activities every single day
  • ___________________________ (Fill in your own blank)


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)


在加拿大, 地大人少, 出門都要以車代歩。如果要靠两條腿走路, 大半天也不能走到; 乘搭巴士, 一等就是半個鐘頭, 又要轉車數次, 很是麻煩。汽車巳是北美生活的必需公具。

北美人 (尤其是男任們) 談到汽車, 卻又眉飛色舞, 列舉各種名牌車, 如數家珍; 由引擎的各種汔缸, 到馬力的勁差, 再加上各類車呔, 汽車新歷聲, 都是津津有味。嚴然又是另一種文化。

每到周末, 總得花上半天時間, 把汽車內外, 洗刷乾淨, 再重新打蠟。愛護之情, 比自家孩子, 有過之而無不及。

但另方面, 有一奇怪現象, 又令我百思不得其解。

拿我家附近一區来説, 全是獨立房屋, 各家都有两個車房; 但到了晚上, 每家門前就停放了两三輛車, 棄車房而不用。

長年累月, 汔車是丢在外邊, 在屋前通道, 甚至在街上, 日曬雨淋, 下雪時更被埋在雪堆。

在一些天氣寒冷的城市, 在嚴冬時, 汔車引擎還要插電保暖, 才可保正能啟動發動機, 但汽車還是停放在外邊。

拉開車房門一看, 都堆滿了傢俬雜物, 變成為一個額外儲物室。

朋友花了數千元購買了一隻小型摩打艇, 打算夏天出海鈎魚, 游泳。也把艇放進車房, 而其名牌座架車卻停放屋外, 吸收日月精華。

笑問: 汽車, 小艇, 究竟那樣昂貴!?


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

第一次上圖書館, 在中學時代。中一那年, 學校剛成立了一個小型圖書室, 趁大隊走去拿了張圖書証, 還借了一本書回家。結果那本書, 一放在櫃頭就整整一年, 原封不動, 連書也沒有打開過, 到學期尾, 唯有硬着頭皮去還書, 給圖書館長教訓了一大頓, 還好, 沒有罸錢。

以後就一直再沒有踏足圖書館。到中五, 為了會考衝綫, 臨渴掘井; 但在家裏讀書, 因為天氣炎熱, 邊讀邊抹汗, 很不方便, 便又上公立圖書館, 嘆其冷氣。

上大學, 每晚都往圖書館跑, 抱着厚厚的教科書, 講義, 美其名是讀書, 趕功課, 其實花上大部份的時間, 在咖啡室和同學們打牙較。有時, 夜車開得太多, 實在太累了, 就伏在書桌上, 打起噸来。

卅多年前, 在加拿大的華人還是不多。這裡的公立圖書館對中文書並不重視, 收藏極少。有位朋友郤想出一個妙法来, 他每星期都到他附近那間圖書館, 不論是那類的中文書, 都大批地借回来, 一星期後, 連看也末看, 就拿回去還, 又從新再借一批, 周而復始。結果圖書館的記錄, 就顯示到中文圖書的借出率很高, 一定是很受歡迎; 圖書館也就撥款購置一批又一批新的中文書了。

漸漸移民多了, 對中文圖書的要求高漲, 再不需要人為的提高。各圖書館紛紛設立中文圖書部。成為我們平時閲覽中文書, 報章, 雜誌的好去處。

曾記得, 多年以前, 圖書館又有過新的妙用。有一位先生, 從美國回港, 登報誠徴女友, 先友後婚。聲明每天長駐大會堂公立圖書館, 歡迎有意的女士前来”單睇”, 看過夠飽。如合心意, 才上前應徴。

書中自有顏如玉, 此君一定是熟讀聖言書者也。