40 Years of Hope

40 years ago this week, on April 12, Terry Fox dipped his foot into the Atlantic Ocean in Newfoundland and transformed the course of cancer research in Canada. The suffering he saw in the cancer wards after his diagnosis compelled him to act. Terry was an innovator, fundraiser, athlete, humanitarian. His Marathon of Hope is turning 40 years old and his message is as timely as ever.

It feels like the world is in a holding pattern, waiting for this global crisis to end but we know that cancer patients can’t wait for this crisis to be over. Nor can the researchers who have made it their life’s work to save lives.

So this week, in honour of Terry, and his dream of a world without cancer, we are asking you to give if you can.

Stay safe, stay hopeful.

《加國囊括世青冰壺賽男女冠軍》~ 陳瑞文 ’71

【 於上月在俄羅斯舉行的世界青年冰壺錦標賽,加拿大大發神威,囊括男女子兩項冠軍,令人振奮!
加國男女隊皆來自緬省,而女隊教練 Sheldon Zacharias 更是隊長 Mackenzie Zacharias 和隊員 Emily Zacharias 的父親,上陣不離父女兵,傳為佳話! 】

Highlights: Canada v Russia semifinal game https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wDXvoiovQHo