《To Adam and friends—an open letter》__ Kong Shiu Loon

Dear Adam,

These are thoughts which come to my mind as I read your dad’s piece on Father and Son. They may be helpful to resolve your immediate decision, and to your study as you go through university and life.

Dropping Russian literature so that you may get a higher mark with MMSS is not relational because you can do both and get high marks. As for not liking your literature professor, there are two types of professors, those you admire and learn or not learn, and those you dislike and learn or not learn. It all depends on you, not professors of this type or the other.

To a large extent I think you have “a problem” because you have a choice, but not necessarily freedom. It means that you have to go to school and take courses and high marks. But you cannot be yourself acting as you like.

…. continue reading

Two Poems of Jaroslov Seifert __ tr. by SL Kong

Jaroslov Seifert (1901-1986)   雅羅斯拉夫‧塞弗特 seifert

Nobel Laureate, 1984, for he “provides a liberating image of the indomitable spirit and versatility of man ….
He conjures up another world than that of tyranny and desolation – a world that exists both here  and now ….
One that exists in our dreams and our will and our art.”
