
(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)


Reported by Sarah Millar of the Toronto Star.

On the March 29 season finale of the Rick Mercer Report, Rick Mercer issued a challenge to Canada’s youth: Vote

And across the country, youth vote mobs rise up and accept the challenge.

First it is the students of University of Guelph:

Then others follow.

University of Victoria :

Ottawa University:

McMaster University (as reported by The National):

And the University of Guelph even made a second video:

For more information, please visit the LeadNow website ( http://leadnow.ca/en/vote-mobs ) and the Star article on Youth Nation

3 thoughts on “希望寄托在你们身上

  1. Your guess is as good as mine.

    Did the VoteCompass of CBC (http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadavotes2011/votecompass/), my views are closer to the Green’s.

    Sitting here in north Victoria, BC, the riding of Elizabeth May, only if I can vote here 😉

    On the other hand, this is Gary Lunn, the Natural Resource minister territory. He just finished an infrastructure project of building an Interchange to the airport right here, another pork barrel giveaway.

    Who wants to predict against a skewed outcome.

  2. FB,

    The VoteCompass told me that I am aligned with Liberal policies, but I think I am between Liberal and NDP.

    E. May is quite challenged to win a seat. I wish her luck. She can bring some fresh air to the House. Layton ran a good English debate and may be pivotal in another minority gov’t.

    My bold prediction is that Harpy will be back with a minority or even majority, especially if he gains seats in ON and QC. 🙁 I hope that I am wrong.

    I am hoping for a minority, any party. A minority or coalition govt always works better for the people.

    Harpy has to go if he wins another minority; Iggy will stay if he wins more seats. I’ve seen him in concerts several times.


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