《Tune: Jade Pavilion in Spring – To Jester a Friend》 Liu Ke Zhuan (1187-1269)
年年躍馬長安市 Galloping through the Capital years in a row
客舍似家家似寄 Away from home you linger in brothels as usual
青錢換酒日無何 Sparing no coins you drink your days away
紅燭呼盧宵不寐 By candlelight your nights are sleepless but gay
易挑錦婦機中字 Words from your faithful wife you forsake readily
難得玉人心下事 To fathom the feelings of a mistress is not easy
男兒西北有神州 Remember your motherland while you roam the north-west
莫滴水西橋畔淚 Waste no tear parting a wayward mistress