《題大庾嶺北驛》宋之問 (656-712) __ 江紹倫英譯

《At the Post House Up Dayu Ridge》 Song Zhi Wen  (656-712)  Song Zhi Wen

陽月南飛雁 Geese migrate south comes the fall
傳聞至此回 Folks say they will return here one and all
我行殊未已 My journey certain its date unsettled
何日復歸來 Returning home alas a future riddle
江靜潮初落 The river calm its tides ebbed
林昏瘴不開 The woods foggy as the day abate
明朝望鄉處 I shall watch at dawn where my home rests
應見隴頭梅 Wavy mume-blossoms are looking their best

《渡漢江 》 (唐)宋之問 (656~712)

嶺外音書斷             經冬複曆春
近鄉情更怯             不敢問來人

《Crossing the Han River 》                    江紹倫譯

In exile home messages in voice or writing are blocked absolutely
Through harsh winter and caring spring none comes successfully
I grow timid more and more as I step by step approach home
Dare I inquire what had happened these years and to whom