《早秋》《秋日赴闕題潼關驛樓》許渾 (791-858) 江紹倫英譯

《早秋》         許渾 (791-858)

遙夜泛清瑟      西風生翠蘿
殘螢棲玉露      早雁拂金河
高樹曉還密      遠山晴更多
淮南一葉下      自覺洞庭波

Early Autumn    Xu Hun 

The serene zither music hovers all night
The west winds stand green vines high
Fading fireflies rest on jade-like dews
Early wild geese bring the Milky Way in view
At dawn tall thick trees loom bright
Distant hills project plenty of sunshine
To see a single leaf fall south of the River Huai
I feel autumn is here waves in DongtingLake high Continue reading