《百字令·登石頭城》 薩都剌 (1272-1355)__ 江紹倫英譯

《Ascending Jin Ling City》__ Sa Du La (1308-1348)
石頭城上  Up on Jin Ling City
望天低吳楚 The sky low over the southern territory
眼空無物  My eye find nothing more of history
指點六朝形勝地 The many lands of glory in the Six Dynasties
唯有青山如壁 Standing strong are but green hills in dignity
蔽日旌旗  Banners covered sun rays
連雲檣櫓  Sails and oars join the cloud ways
白骨紛如雪 Bones scattered like white snow on sunny days
一江南北  North and south of the Big River
消磨多少豪傑 On test were the wills of how many warriors

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《鷓鴣天•題七真洞》 耶律 楚材 (1190-1244)__ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Partridge Sky》YeLu ChuCai (1190-1244)
花界傾頹事已遷  The temple collapsed nothing is the same
浩歌遙望意茫然  To recall the grand songs of yore is in vain
江山王氣空千劫  Hills and rills ruined in dynastic change
桃李春風又一年  Plums and peaches bring in another year in exchange
橫翠嶂  Green trees form screens horizontal
架寒烟  Mists hang cold
野花平草怨啼鵑  Wildflowers and cuckoo calls open the land portal
不知何限人間夢  Who knows the time-space limits of dreams
并觸愁思到酒邊  In sorrow I taste the sweetness of the wine-cup rim

《浣溪沙•野眺》 米芾(1051-1109)__ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Silky Sand Brook•Watching the Wild》 Mi Fei (1051-1109)
日射平溪玉宇中  The sun shines on a namelass brook against a wide sky
雲横遠渚岫重重  Clouds line up mountain ranges with no divide
野花猶向澗邊红  Wild flowers shine the stream banks in red light
静看沙頭鱼入網  I watch leisurely how trapping nets invite fish in
閑支藜杖醉吟風  Leaning on my cane tipsily I sing to the wind
小春天氣惱人濃  Only this unpredictable weather has my mind unsettling