《叢書總序》__ 江紹倫 (53)

本叢書依作者半世紀的半世紀的國際經驗用現代語文寫中華智慧,兼寫在後現代一個世界格局的今天, 我們怎樣做一個中國人,自足安泰而高貴。 中華文化的起點是人,即人的天性(human nature)和人心(mind)。其終點仍是人,即人在自強不息的畢生奮鬥中圓滿平和,安祥歸宿。


《2017 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas》__ Ricardo di California (65)

Our friend Henry Zee (now residing in Las Vegas who just attended the Consumer Electronics Show) is excited that 2017 will be the Year of Technology. It may well be true that technology will shape the narrative of not only 2017 but many more years to come. But instead of sharing his excitement, I am fearful. Having lived and worked in the Silicon Valley virtually all my adult life, I have turned from being a cheerleader to a critic (or at least a skeptic) of technology.

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《“Much Ado About Nothing” __ A Quintessential Case of干卿底事》__ Henry Ku(56)

Dave’s is what Americans euphemistically call a family restaurant, meaning to which you could take the family without having to renegotiate with your banker about the next mortgage payment.   It was where one could order basic fares at a price not too far above McDonald’s.  Needless to say, one also had to adjust one’s culinary expectations, south. 

Last Saturday I spent the whole day by myself and went to vigil mass at 5.  After that I went home and found it dark and quiet.  Then I remembered my wife had told me to take care of my own dinner.  She had gone to a class of some sort on the use of her new toy — the iPhone 6S.

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《Chinese Tales for Everyone: Myths and Legends_3-伏羲》__ Kong Shiu Loon(53)

(3)  Fuxi: Creator and Emperor
After Pangu opened the universe, and 
Gun-Yu () channeled the flood into the sea, the earth became a suitable habitat for the ancient Chinese. Gods and human beings intermingled in heaven and earth in all kinds of activities, sometimes in harmony, sometimes in conflict. Events in the universe were not as defined as we know them today.
Legends were described in many classic books, like Lie Zi 列子and Boshu 帛書》, a piece of cloth unearthed from an ancient tomb.
Fuxi (伏羲) was one important legendary god-man figure. His birth was an unusual event, and his life a signal contribution to Chinese civilization.

Click the image to read the tale.







《Ten Talks on Poetry Appreciation: 1_王禹偁》__ Kong Shiu Loon (53)

( 1 ) Influence of a Single Ci 

In the Ci (long and short verse poems) of the Song Dynasty, the apex of achievement is in the expression of wide and deep emotions in a clear simple song. The poet Wang Yu Cheng (954-1001) 王禹偁 had left us with a single Ci only. But he was acclaimed as a very influential master, the forerunner of Xin Qi Ji 辛棄疾, a dominant Ci master who arrived a hundred years later.
