《Chinese Tales for Everyone: Myths and Legends_9-七夕》__ Kong Shiu Loon (53)

On that date, she summoned all the magpies on earth to fly to the celestial river to form a bridge for the couple to meet. There, the parents and children would have a time together. They shed tears as they expressed their longings for one another, and their wish to be united again.
On earth, the Chinese, later also the Japanese, had since celebrated the Double Seven Festival (七夕) to remember the tragic event. At night, people would search the sky for the Celestial River, known as the Milky Way, and point to two bright stars with blinking eyes…..

Click the image to read the tale.

《和黃展華老師》__ 陳瑞文 (71)

[youtube_sc url=”bOmCqAEwWD0″ rel=”0″]

His son, Wong How Man (67) posted 《Mr. Wong addresses Wahyanites》,我的預科班主任黄展華老師示唱英語粵劇,又朗誦他寫的詩:

《Chinese Tales for Everyone: Myths and Legends_8-嫦娥》__ Kong Shiu Loon (53)

Myths and Legends
(8) Celestial Lonely Regrets 

   After the Great Archer Yi (羿) shot down the nine playful suns, Tien Di (天帝) banished him and his beautiful wife Chang O (嫦娥) from heaven.
   They settled down on earth amid people who respected him for saving the universe. They had a son and a daughter in a few years, and lived happily in central China.
   However, Chang O had always a complaint for being changed to be a human when she was born a goddess. She was particularly concerned that she would die one day, being human. Yi tried all he could to comfort her, and to make life easy for her.

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《Ten Talks on Poetry Appreciation: 2_詞》__ Kong Shiu Loon (53)

 (2) Melodic Lyrics and Poems 

The Tang and Song (唐宋) dynasties were great moments for literature. The former was open, when China took in diverse foreign things in exchange of her own wisdom. The latter was under the attacks of powerful tribes from the north, when the Emperor immersed himself in esthetic creation. It was an epoch of consolidation and contradiction, a time of consistence and change. It was an age for songs and poems.

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《和平》__ 陳瑞文 (71)

[youtube_sc url=”RwUGSYDKUxU” rel=”0″]




《Chinese Tales for Everyone: Myths and Legends_7-黃帝》__Kong Shiu Loon (53)

Myths and Legends
(7) Wisdom of the Yellow Emperor

In the mythical times of Yandi (炎帝), a child was born when thunder continuously lit the sky. He grew up to be Huangdi (Yellow Emperor/黃帝), a much accomplished scholar, technologist and political leader. Together, Yandi and Huangdi are recognized as the common ancestors of the Chinese people.

Click the image to read the tale.