《LOVE PREVAILS》__ Chan Sui Man (71)

(Today in the funeral for three of the victims of the Quebec City mosque attack, Prime minister Trudeau said, “It is with a heavy heart that we come together this afternoon to grieve the loss of these innocent lives. But as a community and as a country, together we will rise from this darkness stronger and more unified than ever before — that is who we are.”)
Bullets suddenly reigned,
Blood splattering thicker than rain,
In the peaceful Mosque
Where the innocents were slain,
Canada shattered in grief and pain,
Candles in the thousands led our noble way,
Through icy cold darkness Love prevails!
—written for the people murdered in the Quebec City Mosque, for Canada, and for Humanity.

《Ten Talks on Poetry Appreciation: 4_禪詩》__ Kong Shiu Loon (53)

(4) Chan, Poetry, Being Free  

China is the kingdom of poetry. It is so because we Chinese love poems and being free, in body and mind. Fortunately, we also live a Chan () way of life, caring for self and others, mindful of Nature and things, and knowing life and death in cosmic meanings.
All cultures have poems and songs to express human emotions and aspirations. Only the Chinese culture has poems and songs to do so in the spirit and wisdom of Chan, integrating the wisdom of all ancient sages and Buddha.

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