《Coole and Bally Lee 1931 by W.B, Yeats》__江紹倫(53) 中譯

一九三一年於闊園寓所   (葉慈)

Under my window-ledge the waters race, 河水在我窗楣下奔流
Otters below and moor-hens on the top, 水底的河獺上浮着赤松鳼
Run for a mile undimmed in Heaven’s face 日光照耀在河水奔流一里
Then darkening through ‘dark’ Raftery’s ‘cellar’ drop, 通過鄰家的地窖暗然下注
Run underground, rise in a rocky place 奔向地下又升回石岩平台
In Coole demesne, and there to finish up 到逹闊園即完成河流
Spread to a lake and drop into a hole. 流水在湖中尋找洞穴
What’s water but the generated soul? 水為何物無非是創生靈魂 Continue reading

《My House by W.B. Yeats/葉慈》 江紹倫 (53) 中譯

《My House by W.B. Yeats/葉慈》

An ancient bridge, and a more ancient tower, 古橋那邊是一座更古的塔樓
A farmhouse that is sheltered by its wall, 一間農舍在圍牆內面
An acre of stony ground, 有一畝石地
Where the symbolic rose can break in flower, 薔薇在象徵綻放
Old ragged elms, old thorns innumerable, 數棵老榆樹在荊棘叢中拔起
The sound of the rain or sound 雨聲清洌
Of every wind that blows; 伴同風的每次吹拂
The stilted water-hen 長腳水禽戲水
Crossing stream again 在溪裏來回
Scared by the splashing of a dozen cows; 被一群牛濺水驚起 Continue reading