《Lessons for Elementary Schools (9)》__ Kong Shiu Loon (53)

Development and Competition

It is an early summer day, when people realize that the school term is about to come to an end. Nancy and her classmates are talking about what they will do during the summer holidays.

Many of them have their summer programs set already. Their parents have engaged tutors to teach them do a variety of things, such as swimming, tennis, dancing, cycling, painting, piano, violin etc. These are in addition to tutorials on school subjects. Dianna says her parents had arranged her to learn modeling, so she can earn lots of money.

Mr. Shaw learned about the sharing of plans. He asked: “Who will have a summer free of tutored learning?”Nancy raised her hand, together with eight classmates. The rest of the class all had summer tutoring programs waiting for them.


《Lessons for Elementary Schools (8)》__ Kong Shiu Loon (53)

Big Bird and Small Sparrow

“Grandpa, do you see things far away?”
“I wish I do”
“I mean do you or do you not?”
“I know. But I can’t see things far away, because I have glaucoma, and also because I am old. That is why I said I wished.”
“But you often tell me about things far away.”
“Yes, in tine. That is what was in the past, not in future. Far means the future. Dose it not?”
“I don’t really know, Grandpa. Today, Mr. Shaw invited his friend to talk to us. He is a psychologist, Professor Fang who teaches at Stanford University in California.”


《舊夢重温》__ 陳瑞文 (71)



【 在日前舉行的世界女子冰壺錦標賽,以鍾斯為首的加拿大隊勇奪冠軍,鍾斯在十年前亦曾獲此殊榮。右一為隊長鍾斯。

《台灣 單車環島之旅》__ Sammy Lee (71)

台灣環島單車遊 1100km


第1天 ~本日景點特色介紹~ 2017/12/09日 本日120公里


午餐—通宵(自理) 晚餐—台中港酒店 住宿—台中港酒店
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