《Two Word Quizzes》__ Yu Fong Ying (61)

Quiz_1   (Think Old)

Quiz  2     (Names and People)

Quiz 1:  (Answers: 1 k; 2 g; 3 h; 4 j; 5 o; 6 p; 7 a; 8 s; 9 l; 10 f; 11 i; 12 n; 13 b (the meaning ‘an elderly woman’ would be standard rather than informal); 14 c; 15 e; 16 q; 17 d; 18 m; 19 r; 20 u; 21 t)

Quiz 2:  (Answers: A2, B11, C7, D23, E15, F18, G9, H12, I1. J25, K3, L4, M22, N5, O14, P10, Q6, R24, S8, T16, U13, V17, W19, X20, Y 21, Z26)

《To Diana of Merida》__ Arthur Cheung (71)


[Click the Roman Temple image to view the video]

《To Diana of Merida》

Since the Romans’ reign,
You have braved the rain falling on the plain,
Your ruins are still standing tall,
Admired by tourists and all.
Through many more Springs and Falls,
May your remains remain in Spain,
Braving the thundering tapping and clapping,
Testament to the Romans’ pains!

[Amphitheatre and Roman Temple in Merida, Spain by Thomas Shum]

《Lessons for Elementary Schools (18)》__ Kong Shiu Loon (53)

Responsibility and Life

It is the second last day of school. Mr. Shaw tries to have the children share their choice of famous quotes on responsibility and life, to open up their minds, and to discuss with their parents on what they have learned in school over the summer holidays. Each student brings in two famous quotes of her/his choice, and shares with the class the meanings felt. At the end of class, Mr. Shaw has all the quotes recorded in his computer to print out for the students.


Canadian Geese at Mon Sheong Court, Richmond Hill

“Extremely successful at living in human-altered areas, Canada geese have proven able to establish breeding colonies in urban and cultivated areas, which provide food and few natural predators, and are well known as a common park species. Their success has led to them often being considered a pest species because of their depredation of crops and issues with their noise, droppings, aggressive territorial behavior, and habit of begging for food (caused by human hand feeding), especially in their introduced range.” ~~ wikipedia Continue reading

《Lessons for Elementary Schools (15)》__ Kong Shiu Loon (53)

Everyone Is A Poet

“Grandpa, do you write poems?” Nancy asks the minute she gets home from school.
“Well, I tried once, long ago, when I was in Grade 4, back in the old country.”
“That makes you a poet. I like to have your poem.’
“I do remember it well, because it is the only one. It has only two lines: ‘I like to be a cloud, Freely I float around,’”
“That’s great!” Nancy applauds. “I like it, Grandpa. We have a very special visitor in class today, a poet from India whom Mr. Shaw knows by correspondence. He recited many poems in Bengali. They sounded just like music. They are beautiful even when we did not understand the words.”


《狗的故事》: 攪笑打油詩二首 (71)


早前 Don Chan 寫了一首詩,月旦北韓領導人金正恩,我和何老師等看到笑不停口,更把原詩略作修改,嘲謔本年之年獸。

Don Chan 原詩:

Chan Sui Man 修改版: