




(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)



(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

上周美國廣播公司 (ABC) Jimmy Kimmel 的深夜脫口秀 (吉美雞毛秀) 中之“小孩圓桌會議”上, 有名六歲孩童, 在談及”美國欠中國的1.3萬億美元, 該如何来償還”時, 居然聲稱要”殺光所有的中國人”来避免還債, 立時震撼了美國輿論及各地華人。此事更不断升温, 已有超過3萬人在白宮網站發起請願, 要求删除这个助長种族仇恨的節目。很多華人更呼吁 ABC 道歉。

照理, 童言無忌, 不應上綱上綫, 大可不了了之。但該節目主持, 和 ABC 的負責人, 都是有經驗, 有見識的成年人, 就不應選擇播出这种含有种族主義的節目, 这只会助長了种族仇恨。作為一個公正, 政治敏感, 負責任的媒体, 散播这种扇動性的言論  (雖然是發自一名孩童口中)  实在令人費解。

試想想, 如果有孩童狂言, 要殺清所有黑人, 那不立時引起全美暴動才怪呢! 又如果要殺清的是所有美國人, 那又会引起一片打倒”恐佈份子”的叫吼。

再者, 風從那裡来? 孩童言論, 不会空穴来風, 無中生有, 一定是從父母, 長輩, 老師, 媒介反映过来的。而在这一言論背後, 所反映的, 和帶来深遠影響, 及其嚴重後果, 卻又令人三思, 不寒而栗了。

有借有還, 上等人也。但借錢不還, 還要殺人, 是強盗邏輯, 是赤裸裸的横行無道的霸權主義。發窮惡, 連六歳小童, 都殺殺作聲, 這顯露出一個超級大國經濟和權勢的衰落, 正作翻身的爭扎。難怪这社会的怪現象, 擁有槍械是美國公民的基本權利, 以備格殺勿論。

这, 又多可悲矣!

PS   Obama should listen to our Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, “You’re darn right, pay the money back!”  🙂

Rob o’Call ®

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

If you are a Schoolyard Bully,

Who ya gonna call?


If you are a Facebook, Twitter Bully

Who ya gonna call?


If you are Rob Ford,

Who ya gonna call?



Here is an App for you, to show your teeth, and your muscle, and to let your unfortunate, unfortunate opponents know, you mean business. DO NOT ever stand in your way again.

The creator of this App, i.e. Mayor Ford, has raised the Art of Bullying to a new height. And he promised, there are more to come.

Using this App is as easy as 1-2-3.

  1. Pick your victim
  2. Choose your message (We have a whole list to choose from, from the subtly threatening to the explicit %$#&!?@*)
  3. Send

But there are a few Pre-requisites.

You have to have friends in high places, the higher the better.

You have to have friends in low places, for example, BFF you won’t throw under the bus, and those who can retrieve your lost items.

Take a beer or two (or even something stronger) before using the App, to build confidence and atmosphere.

Use your own money, I repeat, your own dough only, that won’t cause the taxpayers a cent (and of course, unless it is that Subway).

Nowadays it is difficult to be a bully. Look at the 2 Florida girls who got charged after their bullied victim jumped to her death.

Using this App, Mayor Ford has bullied and blasted a path through City Hall. Councillor Paul Ainslie threatened to complain to the city’s integrity commissioner and to a federal regulator, but the most he can get is an apology. Big deal.


So when your bullying is in trouble,

Who ya gonna call?


David Gilmour’s comments

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

David Gilmour is a U of T professor facing allegations of sexism and homophobia, after he told Hazlitt magazine that he doesn’t teach women or Chinese writers. He only teaches books by “serious heterosexual guys.”

Here are his Top Ten  Reasons:

  1. When I was given this job, I said that I would only teach the people that I truly, truly love. Unfortunately, none those happen to be Chinese, or women.
  2. What I teach are guys, serious heterosexual guys.
  3. Real men don’t read chick-lit
  4. Mo Yan (莫言)? Wait till I finished my Rosetta Stones tapes
  5. When I was given this job, I thought I was hired to lead a book club
  6. 有教無類, as long as they are not Chinese, nor Women
  7. Next on the hiring list : Doug Ford1
  8. I only teach books that I wrote
  9. Want unbiased lectures? Go, down the hall
  10. I don’t have a sexist or racist bone in my body, only in my teaching



1 Councillor Doug Ford has fired back at world-renowned author Margaret Atwood for her criticism of suggested library cuts, telling reporters: “I don’t even know her. If she walked by me, I wouldn’t have a clue who she is.”

In Memory Of

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

Dr. Donald Low passed away on September 18, 2013, seven months after being diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. We wish to express our heartfelt condolences to Dr. Low’s family.

Dr. Low was one of Canada’s leading microbiologists, best known for his pivotal role in helping Toronto respond to the SARS crisis. Eight days before he died, Dr. Low participated in a video interview in which he talks candidly about his experience facing the end of his life, including his concerns about being able to die with dignity. Please take a moment to watch.

(The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer )

In this stormy sea of life

You are the anchor, the captain

To steer us through SARS


 A leader, educator

Using science, calamity

To beat back that ferocious tiny virus


 Once a teacher, always a teacher

Beyond the grave, you made us ponder

The precious of life, the control of own destiny


The ship sails on

Leaving a trail of wisdom

Of great women and men


 Fare thee well

Our teacher

Till we meet again


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

還記得, 在七十年代的一天, 一位中年的醫生, 到醫院廵房, 帶着一條顏色醒目的領呔, 呔上的圖案是一隻又一隻的小豬, 佩有”MCP”的英文字。

笑問他: 你知道什麼是 MCP 嗎?

他驕傲地答道: Yeh, Male Chauvinist Pig, 大男人之謂也。還補充了一句, 這是女兒送的禮物。

在七十年代的九月, 是大學的 Frosh Week, 是玩新生(美其名為 Freshman Initiation) 的行動。活動更是五花八門, 由溫和( mild )的校園巡遊(campus tour),到充滿 sexual innuendo , 含有色情成份的言行, 學生都引以為榮, 認為這是校園生活不可缺少的新經驗。

這劣習流傳至今, 早已見怪不怪矣。

誰想到, 到了這世紀, 卻招来人們的咒駡, 反對; 認為所唱的 Frosh 歌很 MCP , sexist, 鼓吹性愛亂交, 強暴, 輿論齊起而誅之, 結果有兩所大學的學生領袖被革職。

性政治正確(Sexual Political Correct)風越吹越烈, 連今年的美國選美大會 (Miss America Beauty Pageant)也出了問題。選美, 本来就是 MCP, 大男人 的玩意兒。今屆的冠軍是一位印度裔的女子, 這就立即引起一些種族歧視者在 twitter 亂吠, 叫她為 terrorist, Miss 7/11, 等, 比 MCP, sexist 還恐佈的言論, 立時引起了人們的狂轟, 結果又不了了之。

世代不同了, 連教皇也讓了一步, 認為教友的性傾向 (sexual orientation) 是他/她自已的事, 教會不應強調, 涉及,信主就足夠了。

回頭再看《魁省价值宪章》(Quebec Values Charter), 一出就弄至一塌糊塗, 反對之聲四起。皆因是魁省政府打響了要禁止公務員穿著宗教服飾的旗號, 利用反少數民族情緒, 来喚起法裔魁人的民族感, 希望能加強法裔人的自我的 Identity, 繼而激發他們的分裂情懷, 博取下屆大選的選票。

時代不同了, 反對的人卻越来越多。其实, 如果一開始就打出 了: “解放婦女被宗教服飾捆紥為二等公民”的反 MCP 旗幟, 那可能還會大有作為呢!


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

魁北克的分裂主義運動已日走下坡, 要再燃奌魁人的分裂熱情, 真是大傷腦根。

有女權組織, 提出論奌, 認為亞拉伯婦女的民族服裝, 不准露頭露腳, 要把全身包裹起来, 是貶低婦女的表現, 要反对禁止。

魁省政府為了要提高魁人的身分(identity)認同, 来提高法裔民族感, 立即乘机推出了排外法律—-《魁省价值宪章》 (Quebec Values Charter),禁止公務人員穿帶宗教服飾。这又引起了聨邦三党以及各省各地的反对, 認為這是一種排外的歧視。

説到排外,就得請教我們中國人。自古以来我們就自稱為中國—中間之國所謂也; 東夷、南蠻、西戎、北狄, 四面受敵, 我們穏坐其中, 唯我獨專。

我們認為外國人都是鬼佬,洋鬼子, 日本人是架頭, 印度人為亞差, 黑人是黑柴, 正統猶太人的帽仔黨, 法裔為豆羮 ……… 這都是種族歧視的表現。就算身為中國人,不同地域,民族,都存有排外的悪習。

最近有文章談到中國各地的歧視, 發表了以下有趣的插圖:

文章更認為,一直以自由开放标榜的香港却能时常在公开场合—-乃至新闻媒体中听闻排斥大陆人,歧视内地人的言论:例如在双非婴儿、抢购奶粉等事件中频繁出现的对内地人占用香港资源的不满,甚至在报纸上公开做广告称大陆人为蝗虫等等。而且更進一步, 除了意識形態的歧視, 香港政府還施行法例 : 内地来港工作人员的家属无法获得长期居留权,更不解决子女读书;禁止孕妇入境;更抱怨全国人民都来港旅游购物等等。

同样地,今天魁北克推出這《魁省价值宪章》, 人們已從只在意識形態,私下裡抱怨的種族歧視, 成為正統的,有法律為依歸, 明正言順的種族歧視。

看来,高人一等,優秀民族,大魁(漢)沙文的優越感, 很快就会抬頭了。


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

最近, 埃及又出現了叧一次的「亞拉伯之春」。羣衆起義, 軍人推反了由民主选举出来的 Muslim Brotherhood 政權, 改由軍人専政, 連 Mubarak 也被放出監獄, 自由身。

這一切突然而来的風云変幻, 又令我们这些局外人, 真是八丈金剛摸不着頭腦, 看儍了眼。喊一句 What happened!?

閒来看流行小説, 卻給我帶来了一个驚喜, 就是解釋了我對这局勢引起的一些疑問。

Eric Van Lustbader (Jason Bourne series 的作者) 去年出版的驚險小説 (thriller) — Father Night, 有这样的的描述:

“Arabic Spring,” started when the corrupt Mubarak regime in Egypt was ousted by a coalition made up of shopkeepers, teachers, students, doctors, mechanics, bus and taxi drivers, and housewives — everyone, in fact, clamoring, it seemed, for an end to dictatorship and a start to democracy.”

“It won’t last. A new beginning, indeed. It all sounds so rosy now, everyone, Christian and Muslim, getting along, but it won’t last.”

“Every regime in the Middle East is corrupt, it’s simply a matter of degree.”

“No one knows what they’re talking about. Now that the Muslim Brotherhood has won the election, how long do you think it will take until the army starts muscling in, trying to regain the traditional power it’s lost? The brotherhood knows what I know. Those other factions could never get along; they’ll continue to fight and tear each other apart. The brotherhood was quick to move into the power vacuum.”

“Instead of the Brotherhood, the Egyptian military insinuated itself into the fabric of not only Egypt’s government, but its economy as well.”

“A feeding frenzy for power is going to erupt not only in Egypt, but throughout the Middle East.”

看至此, 我又不禁搖頭長嘆。




还是 混淆不清


Who’s That ? The Answer

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the honorary Canadian Ranger, in Nunavut. Vladimir Putin wouldn't be impressed. (Aug. 21, 2013)Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the honorary Canadian Ranger, in Nunavut. Vladimir Putin wouldn’t be impressed. (Aug. 21, 2013)

何老師有令, 出了試題, 就不能交白卷, 索取答案, 否則等住吃蛋可矣。如果跟據以上圖片 caption, 答案似乎是 PM Stephen Harper, honorary ranger, 但縂是有奌不滿意。

在網上搜索了多天, eureka ! 特然发現, 就是他, 那个滑溜 (evasive) 的 Waldo !

看官, 有圖為証, 你話, 是不是有奌相似嘛 !?


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

近日, 奧巴馬非常煩惱, 叙利亞問題甚囂塵上。

Assad 用上化學武器, 殺人過千, 一定要重重懲罰。炸! 奧巴馬一言既出, 四馬難追。

正是騎虎難下, 何去何從, 真是大傷腦根。想退一步, 先請事國会, 恐怕, 还是行不得也哥哥。進退兩難。G20 又一事無成。

天公可憐奧氏, 派出特使下凡, 為奧氏解災救難。

特使: Barack, 本使專治一切奇難雜症, 請盡管發問。

奧巴馬: 問題有三, 望特使多多指教。

問題一, WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction). 有據為証, Assad 用 sarin gas 武器, 殺害國人, 大罪彌天, 應要重重懲罰, 天公地義, 但 Iraq, Afghan 以来, 美國人民早已精神疲乏, 無心執義, 此問題一。

問題二, 當總統以来, 美帝國勢力更日形衰落, 眼見他國國務蒸蒸日上, 我們堂堂頂尖大國, 还不能駕駛其他小國, 声譽一落千丈, 大江東去矣, 此問題二。

問題三, 一貫以来, 美國都是到處當「世界憲兵」, 抱打不平, 維護小部份人的權益。歷年来東征西戰, 處處用兵, 國庫已日形不支, 加上苛捐重稅, 金融与经济危机, 人民怨声載道, 已到了沸騰頂奌, 此問題三。

特使答道: 對, 全都是大問題, 而且更是互相关連。但最基本的, 还是要自我反省, 反省所犯过的錯誤, 吸取歷史經驗教訓。越南, 伊拉克, 阿富汗, 叙利亞 …………… 都是千編一律, 同一個版本。 歷史重演, 还是不斷發生, 吃到同样的苦頭。你們何時才会学乖呢!?