
(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

澳洲最近有份研究報告, 對家犬與野狗 (dingo) 作一比較, 發覺在獨立思考與解決問題的範圍内, 家犬的智力較低。其原因是人對家犬的馴化 (domestication) 所致。家犬能領悟到主人的命令和手勢 (身體語言), 是進化的過程, 巳是先天具来的。它們依頼主人才能生存, 所以不需要很多求生的伎能, 只要馴馴服服, 就能安享一生了。這就是做狗的現實, 為進化而退化。又何樂而不為呢。

照理来説, 其於人也亦然。這也是住家男人所面對的現實。

“太太, 我的車匙 / 眼鏡 / 大衣在那呀?”


“喂, 亞女幾號電話?”

住家男人, 一切都有靠山。倚頼成性, 結果就產生了 CBC 的真人秀節目, “The Week The Women Went”。節目的題材很簡單, 每season片集, 選加拿大的一個小鎮, 把鎮上全部女仕們, 離鎮放假一星期, 所有男仕留下来, 做其名符其實的住家男人, 打理全部家務, 洗衫煑飯, 照顧孩子。這片集巳放映到第二season , 結論都是, 男人支持女仕不足, 馴化不够。

我又有點不明白? 同樣是”倚頼成性”的 domestication現象, 家犬就是進化過程的退化, 是acceptable的。但對住家男人来説, 卻是末盡全力, 仍需努力。



(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

剛看過電視 rerun, 2000 舊片, 由 Nicholas Cage 與 Tea Leoni, 領函演出的”住家男人” (Family Man), 不其然想起了 President David 的俄羅斯愛情故事 。

電影一開埸, 就是 Jack 和 Kate 在機埸告別, Jack 要飛往倫敦, 去追求他的事業夢想。十三年後, Jack 巳是一位成功的投資銀行家, 但還是吊兒郎當, 過着王老五的生涯。有一晚, 他遇到一位天使, 醒来時, 發覺自己郤置身在一個 Parallel World 裡。在這裡, 他沒有在倫敦留下, 卻立即飛了回来, 與 Kate 結了婚, 還有两個孩子。Jack 並不是位成功的銀行家, 而是 Kate 父親車呔店的一名顧員。當然, Jack 想盡方法, 希望能回到他的原来世界。漸漸他領悟到, 金錢地位不是一切, 擁有美滿家庭, 能享天倫之樂, 才是人生最終目的。但是太遲了, Jack 又被遣回原来世界, Jack 到處尋找 Kate, 在這裡, Kate 巳是位成功的律師, 要搬到巴黎去發展業務。故事結局, Jack 在機場咖啡室, 希望盡量能説服 Kate, 繼續他們在 Parallel World 的命運。

命運弄人, 很多人都會不滿現實, 以為能回到未來, 改寫歷史, 人生就會十全十美。根據這信念, 很多小説, 電影 (例如Michael J Fox的 Back to the Future, 現在上演的Hot Tub Time Machine), 都是認為, 第二次機會, 一定會比原来的更美好。其實在 real life, 又有誰能肯定, 俄羅斯愛情故事中的男女主角, 又一定會有個羅曼蒂克的結局?

我認為, 做人應面對現實, 我們所走過的路, 是好是壞, 是樂是悲, 也都成為歷史陳跡, 只可從中吸取經驗教訓, 放眼世界, 走向美好的明天。

或許, President David 的 ‘迷而不信  五行淺釋 ‘ 講座, 能給我們一點啟示。


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses) 


在上周二, 奧巴馬 (Obama ) 宣戰, 叧一場”海灣戰爭” (Gulf War) 巳經開始, 矛頭直指 BP 石油。這並非是一埸真槍實彈的軍事行動, 而是一埸唇槍舌劍的 Blame Game。

奧巴馬在周二對全美國人民的公開講話中, 用上了很多戰時術語。他認為這次深海原油洩漏, 是對美國的開戰, 對墨西哥灣的侵略。

如何能阻塞封頂這洩漏, 出盡方法還是於事無補, 大量原油繼續湧出, 巳两個多月, 造成環境嚴重汚染。

奧巴馬卻又樂觀地認為, BP 在七月中定能控制 90% 的洩漏。但他跟着又説: “無可置疑, 對這洩漏, 我們會用盡一切, 抗戰到底。”

接着他又指出, 這次事件, BP 要付全責。第二天在白宮, 奧巴馬又與BP executes 談判, BP答應以二十億美元, 補償所有受害者和工業等。

What !? That’s all? 原油繼續湧出, 環境繼續汚染, wildlife, vegetation 繼續死亡。有什麼新的對策, 新的工業科技, 新的專家, 都隻字不提。我們是否只能靜待到七月中, 希望 BP 能顯奇蹟?

看来, 這埸”海灣戰爭”, 只是為了補償而宣戰, 目的巳逹, 奧巴馬就鳴金收兵矣。

報載, BP 行政總裁 Hayward 早巳忘記一切煩惱, 在這周末, 還參加了著名的英國風帆大賽。



(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

什麼G8/G20, 人工湖, 阿富汗拘留犯, 以色列公海事件, BP深海石油洩漏 ………… , 都要靠邊站, FIFA 世界杯足球賽來也。

足球, 是全世界, 全人類最熱愛的體育運動。不論在世界任何一個角落, 都會碰到踢足球的發燒友。球迷, 更是無孔不入, 處處皆是。

這星期剛才開始, 横過加拿大, 由東岸到西岸, 各大小城市, 都有瘋狂的球迷, 在家裡, 在酒吧, 他們都膠貼在電視機前, 大叫大嚷, 突然跳了起来, 手舞足蹈; 或是垂頭衰氣, 粗口百出。

如果你家有座闊銀幕巨形HD電視機, 你就即時成為最受歡迎的人物, 日日都會高朋滿坐, 平添了很多親密戰友。

很多餐館的食客人數, 也急劇下降。但很奇怪, 堂食雖然少了, 相對地, 外賣反而增多。

這两星期, 員工的工作生產率, 也急劇下降。如果老闆禁止收看, 收聽世界杯, 他們就索性告假在家追波。有見及此, 有些大企業, 卻搬来數具大形電視, 讓員工看過够飽。

加拿大更有一個怪現象, 無論是那一個國家的球隊, 在這裡, 你都可以找到它的球迷擁躉。很多發燒友, 更喜歡, 把他們所擁護的球隊國家的國旗, 插在車的两邊, 招遙過市。萬國旗幟飄掦, 彩色繽紛, 實是好看。

多元文化的加拿大, 顯示出了它的本色。


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

美國有一名十六歲女孩, 心懷壯志, 要作個人駕駛風帆, 環渡世界海洋。

在今年正月, 她從美國西岸出發, 巳到菲洲; 但在前往澳洲途中, 遇到三層樓高的大風浪, 連帆船主杆也被折斷, 被迫漂流在驚濤駭浪中, 發出求救信號, 後為法國漁船救獲, 被迫放棄此環球壯舉。

其父母因而受輿論評擊, 指責放容女兒, 作此極其危險的航行, 是不智之舉。

但其父親卻認為, 這次個人航海行動, 跟年青人駕駛汽車, 分別不大, 同樣可以引至交通失事, 都有死亡的危險。

有些父母認為, 教養子女, 要讓孩子親身體會到, 各類挑戰, 從中吸取經驗教訓, 留為後用, 是培育重要的一環。

更有父母, 要子女參加, 有比賽性的體育運動, 例如游泳, 冰棍球, 足球, 疊球等, 對人體, 人格全面詶練, 有助子女德, 智, 育, 都有效地成長。這又未常不可。

話得説回来, 又有多少家庭, 能擁有一艘設備齊全, 能作遠洋航行的帆船, 有足夠資金讓女兒作世界性航行?

看來, 這只是個有錢人的危險玩意而矣。

聴説, 女孩的父親, 早巳跟製片商簽了合約, 來製作一套”女孩與海”的歷險真人 (Reality Show), 我又突然明白過来。


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)


最近, 芬蘭有一個硏究報告, 認為我地D矮仔矮妹, 因心臟病而死亡的機會, 都會比”高腳七”大上一倍半。 烏呼哀哉, 命不久矣。

硏究認為, 這可能因為我們矮人血管較細, 比較容易栓塞; 又可能是先天性賀爾蒙不平行, 或者係營餋不良, 才引至身材矮細, 引至易有心臟病。

我抗議, 這簡直是”體高歧視” 的論點, 是對我們矮仔矮妹的”垂直挑戰” 。

我認為, 短小精桿, 並非營養不良, 不平行的錯誤。 緊湊結實的體格, 正所謂“麻雀雖小, 五臓皆全”, 様様機能都以最高效率運行, 又錯左去邊呢?

講實話, 矮人腳短, 走起路来密步急腳而行, 力氣又比其他人花得更多, 應該是好運動, 對強心實在有利。

况且矮人多計, 頭腦靈活, 早巳是街知巷聞的傳説, 係人都曉得啦。何以見得會有營餋不良呢?

其實, 只要活得精彩, 少活幾年又算得什麼呢?

Top 10 Reasons Why We Need a Fake Lake

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

1. For the own good of the reporters. Keep them away from the real danger of ground zero. No need for any iron fence. Stay with the fake lake, and keep out of trouble.

2. We have money to burn, the taxpayers don’t mind and the oppositions can’t touch us. Just follow the example of China, building our own brand of 民族自豪. We cannot again lose face in the world. To compensate, have to do everything in excess.

3. To top the list of Harper’s Follies, that includes “perogie/ prorogue”, Our Great Musical Leader/Pianoman — the later day Beatle, Pick & Choose Women Health, Redact to Retard, “No Staff Allowed” gag, EMP ……… and now Fake Lake.

4. To create a transcendental atmosphere for all pregnant ladies to relax and meditate, in those Muskoka chairs, to better their maternal health, no need for abortion after all.

5. Pre-emptive damage control. Reporters are all nosy fellows, can’t let them out of our sight. Unexpected digging will definitely ruin our perfectly scripted stagings. Keep them away from the real conferences, create a quiet virtual environment to calm their urge and curiosity. No more bad publicity.

6. It is a Marketing Pavillion, stupid. “There are thousands of visitors from around the world,” Prime Minister Stephen Harper told the House of Commons. “This is a classic attempt for us to be able to market the country.”

7. Prop for our first TV soap series, produced exclusively for our very own big C new TV channel, “Fox News North” — tentatively named the “Faux Muskoka”.

8. A new travelling trend: Virtual Reality Travel, sponsored by Tourism Canada — “Be There Without Being There” (神遊) and lots of Photo-op moments. We will throw in the self-cleaned public washroom for good measure.

9. “Put a fake lake in every Canadian backyard” — this is going to be our next election slogan.

10. Artistic Inspiration — a new song is born: “If I have a Billion Dollars”


(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

民主     咱們的民主

終究     小撮人所擁有


民主     咱們的民主

Wavin’ Flag

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

“Wavin’ Flag” is a song by Somali-Canadian musician K’naan, from his album “Troubadour”. He performed it at the Canadian Winter Olympic, the for Haiti telethon and other events. The song was also remade by a supergroup of Canadian artists, credited as Young Artists for Haiti, and became a charity single. The song was chosen as the anthem for the 2010 FIFA World Cup of this month, to be held in South Africa.

As for the lyrics, it was originally a memoir of K’naan’s childhood in the streets of Mogadishu during the Somali civil war, a life he escaped for Toronto at age 13 on what was, reportedly, the last commercial flight out.

Cut with poignant images from Haiti, the Young Artists for Haiti video begins with K’naan saying, “It started out as my song. But then it became their song. All of these artists’song. Now it’s really going to be Haiti’s song.”

The Young Artists for Haiti performance brought together some of the hottest Canadian acts in the business, including Drake, Hedley, Avril Lavigne, Nelly Furtado, Sam Roberts, Jully Black and, last but not least, the latest pop-ups Justin Bieber and Nikki Yanofsky.

Wavin’ Flag


When I get older, they’ll call me freedom
Just like a Waving Flag.

When I get older, I will be stronger,
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag,
And then it goes back, and then it goes back,
And then it goes back

Born to a throne, stronger than Rome
but Violent prone, poor people zone,
But it’s my home, all I have known,
Where I got grown, streets we would roam.
But out of the darkness, I came the farthest,
Among the hardest survival.
Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Except no defeat, surrender retreat

So we struggling, fighting to eat and
We wondering when we’ll be free,
So we patiently wait, for that fateful day,
It’s not far away, so for now we say


So many wars, settling scores,
Bringing us promises, leaving us poor,
I heard them say, love is the way,
Love is the answer, that’s what they say,
But look how they treat us, Make us believers,
We fight their battles, then they deceive us,
Try to control us, they couldn’t hold us,
Cause we just move forward like Buffalo Soldiers.

But we struggling, fighting to eat,
And we wondering, when we’ll be free
So we patiently wait, for that faithful day,
It’s not far away, but for now we say,

[Chorus] 2x

(Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhh)
And everybody will be singing it
(Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhh)
And you and I will be singing it
(Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhh)
And we all will be singing it
(Ohhh Ohh Ohh Ohh)

[Chorus] 2x

When I get older, when I get older
I will be stronger, just like a Waving Flag,
Just like a Waving Flag, just like a Waving flag
Flag, flag, Just like a Waving Flag


長大成人   他們都叫我   自由
飄揚的旗幟   那樣

長大成人   我會更堅強
他們都叫我   自由
飄揚的旗幟   那樣
它向後飄   向後飄

出身在寶座   比羅馬還強
卻傾於暴力   窮人聚居地
這是我的家   是我的所有
我生長之地   流浪的街頭
冲出了黑暗   我走得最遠
教養在街頭   暗淡而無光
但不能失敗   投降   撤退

繼續爭扎   搶食
問疑   自由將何時
只能   耐心地等待
那一天   的来臨
不太久   聊自慰

無數戰亂   反擊
帶来的承諾   終是窮困
聴説   愛是道路
愛就是解答   有人説
睜眼看   受的什麽待遇
為他們而戰   皆欺騙
控制   但   不能阻止
往前進的   黑人騎兵

繼續爭扎   搶食
問疑   自由將何時
只能   耐心地等待
那一天   的来臨
不太久   聊自慰

(噢   噢   噢   噢)
(噢   噢   噢   噢)
(噢   噢   噢   噢)
(噢   噢   噢   噢)

長大成人   長大成人
我會更堅強   飄揚的旗幟   那樣
飄揚的旗幟   飄揚的旗幟
旗   旗   飄揚的旗幟   那樣

Another Flotilla Raid

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

“Mr. Prime Minister.  Sir.  Baird reporting.”

“Go ahead, Commando Baird.”

“Sir, Mission Impossible IV accomplished. Commandos Paradise, Goodyear and I, stormed the Jaffer-Guergis Parliamentary Inquiry Flotilla, captured the forum by force, with shouting matches; disrupted and dismantled the whole proceedings. We created a smokescreen of bickering, chaos, and left them in total disarray. Unlike the Israeli, we did that without raising any Canadian outrage.”

“Well done, Commando.”

“Thank you, Mr. Prime Minister. We did it again. First we circumvented the attack of the Gang of Three by perogation of parliament. Then we redacted the Afghan detainees documents and perogation. Our sudden dumping of Guergis left the opposition stunned and stared in the dust, with their mouths opened. Now we did it again, by refusing to let our staff to testify. This is a cunning move, if I may say so myself, ha, ha.”

“Yes, Commando. The opposition raised the war with the club of Parliamentary Inquires, using these Inquiries to get at us. I like your idea of throwing the parliamentary rule book at them. An eye for an eye. Don’t expect us to give them the other cheek, or any cheek at all, as a matter of fact.”

“Yes Sir. We are going to continue this Democracy Blockade, to isolate them, to prolong our survival. Divide and conquer. We’ll keep them disorganized. We are fortunate to have such weak characters in opposition, to tell you the truth.”

“They are talking of forming an alliance without the Bloc this time.”

“Don’t worry, the Liberals are falling apart, the visiting professor just announced he is dead set against such marriage proposal. Their window of opportunity to do such is closing fast on them.”

“Losers don’t get to form coalitions. Winners are the ones who form government.”

“Yes, we wish. Sleep tight.”

“Excellent,  Commando. Carry on, with our political games, better than my son’s Nintendo.”

“Good night, Mr. Prime Minister.”