Scenic Hawaii #4 – Kauai (with 24 photos)

Kauai is the northernmost of the Hawaiian Islands.  Similar in origin to the other islands of the chain, Kauai was also formed by volcanic activities.  However, being the oldest geologically, all its volcanoes are now extinct.

Also known as the “Garden Isle’ due to its plush green vegetation benefit from its abundant rain fall,  this picturesque island is where many Hollywood movies and TV shows, including Avatar, Jurassic Park, Pirates of the Caribbean, Blue Hawaii, South Pacific, King Kong, among over seventy others are filmed.

Kauai is also well known for its red dirt.  The volcanic soil with its high iron content was oxidized easily due to the heavy rainfall of the island and turned red over time.

Situated on the west side of Kauai,  with a drop of over 3,600 feet and a width of 1 mile and a length of over 10 miles, nicknamed ‘The Grand Canyon of the Pacific’ by Mark Twain, is the magnificent Waimea Canyon.  It was formed millions of years ago by an abrupt cave-in of that part of the island, with erosions eventually set in to create those majestic gorges that we see today.  Lookout points around the canyon rim give you panoramic views of this wonder of nature in multitude of colours created by the exposed volcanic soil and tropical vegetation.  Later in the day, the higher and cooler elevations attract more low lying clouds creating a mystic sensation of floating in the midst of the haze (in Chinese depiction 騰雲駕霧).   These spectacular sceneries without doubt will take your breath away.

In the close by town of Waimea, Hawaii first came into contact with western civilisation.   Royal Navy’s Captain James Cook first set foot here in 1778 and named the island chain Sandwich Islands in honour of the sponsor of his trips of discovery, the Earl of Sandwich.  A statue of the Captain was erected here to commemorate this historic event.

In the south shore of Kauai is an area known as the Spouting Horn.  With incoming sea water rushing through lava tubes and shooting spouts of water up over 50 feet high with a hissing sound, it is truly an amazing sight.  Nearby there is a monument to Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole, a man who perhaps would be the king had the Hawaii Kingdom not been overthrown and eventually annexed  by the Americans.  Instead he became a 10-term U.S. Congressman.

Interesting enough, ubiquitous on this island are the roaming free range chicken.  With no fear of human presence, it is a chicken here, chicken there, chicken everywhere scenario.  For whale watchers, in the water of Nawiliwili Bay many hump back whales can be observed on the surface breathing and tail flapping.

Scenic Hawaii #3 – ‘Big Island’ of Hawaii (with 24 photos)

The whole archipelago of Hawaiian Islands takes its name from the largest island, the ‘Big Island’ of Hawaii.  Formed from five volcanoes with three of them active, it is also the youngest geologically.   Lava is still pouring out continuously from the active volcanoes; flowing downstream to the ocean, creating more land every day.   The Big Island boasts the biggest active volcano in the world, the Mauna Loa and one of the most active, the Kilauea.  In the Volcano National Park that encompasses these two volcanoes, steam can be seen venting from craters and ground cracks and solidified lava flows can be seen everywhere.

Lava tubes are natural channels through which lava travels beneath the surface of the ground.  When the lava flow has stopped and the rock has cooled down a long, cave like channel is formed.   They can be as wide as 50 feet and many miles long.  The famous Thurston Lava Tube is truly a natural wonder unique to Hawaii.

Hilo, the island’s largest city, is located on the windward or east side and has seen its shares of tsunamis and lava flows that destroyed parts of the town.  It is also renowned as one of the rainiest places on earth.   Along its water front which has been rebuilt after being destroyed a couple of times by tsunamis, many humongous banyan trees were planted by celebrities, honouring movie stars, political leaders, authors, adventurers etc and among them a certain Richard M. Nixon whose tree is said to be the most crooked one in the tree-lined Banyan Drive.

Situated on the summit of Mauna Kea volcano, 13,796 ft above sea level, is a collection of world’s highest astronomical observatories.  The ‘Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope’ is one of the twelve international scientific facilities established here.

Located in Hilo is the well known Mauna Loa Macadamia Nuts Factory.  The nuts were actually not native to Hawaii but were introduced from Australia in the 1920’s and later became a commercial success.   To savour some exotic taste, do not miss the shredded cuttlefish dipped in chocolate with its exquisite favour and mouth feel, only found here in the Big Island Candy Company.

Kona, the first capital of the unified Kingdom of Hawaii, is on the leeward or the west side of the Big Island and has a drier climate compared to the windward side.  However, it still rains briefly almost every day around 4 pm.  On the water front, Kailua Pier is the starting and finishing point for the Ironman World Championship Triathlon.  Kona is well known for its excellent Kona coffee, introduced here from Brazil in early 19th century and planted on the slopes of the surrounding volcanoes.   Abundant fruits are also cultivated around here and their papaya is arguably one of the best money can buy.

Scenic Hawaii #2 – Oahu (with 30 photos)

Duke's statue, Waikiki beach USS Missouri

Oahu is arguably the best known and certainly the most developed and the most densely populated of the Hawaiian Islands.  Honolulu is the capital and the largest city of the state.  A modern American big city by any standard, it has its wide boulevards, high rise office towers, condos and hotels plus expensive designer shops and then of course its share of traffic jam, statistically the worst in the whole USA.

Just off the Aloha Tower, the city’s landmark since the 1920’s, schools of good size fishes can be seen swimming in the pristine water of the harbour.  Farther out from the shore many dolphins can be observed in more open water.  Waikiki Beach, a beachfront neighbourhood of Honolulu, is where people flock to the island for sunshine, beach and surfing. Another landmark, the ʻIolani Palace, built in 1882, is the only royal palace in the US.  It had electricity and running water even before the White House!   Fans of the original TV series Hawaii 5-O can recognise it as the headquarter of this fictitious police task force.  The Supreme Court building across the street, the Aliʻiōlani Hale, with the statue of King Kamehameha the First in front, can also be instantly recognised by fans of the current Hawaii 5-O TV series, being represented in the show as their headquarter.

Of course history buffs won’t want to miss the ‘World War 2 Valor in the Pacific National Monument’ in Pearl Harbor.  In the museum, there are many Pearl Harbor attack artefacts on display and rare film footages being shown in two theatres.  The Arizona Memorial itself is a structure that spans the mid-portion of the sunken battleship. Still lying in shallow water is the wreckage of the USS Arizona, with oil drops still floating up from its leaking fuel tank after being blown up by the Japanese surprise attack on 7 December 1941.  Not far away from the Arizona memorial berths the USS Missouri. It was on this ship that the Japanese signed the document of surrender to the Allies on 2 September, 1945 bringing a close to the war.  Standing on the spot where the surrender took place, looking at the photos and documents, you are really reliving history.  The question is, ‘we won the war but who won the peace?’

Scenic Hawaii #1 – Maui (with 16 photos)

Maui is said to be the most scenic of the Hawaiian Islands.  Everywhere you go you can see lava rocks which actually created the Hawaiian islands from scratch millions of years ago.  The Highway to Hana that runs along the east coast is particularly breathtaking among the beautiful sceneries of Maui.  It has 600 curves, 54 bridges and numerous water falls. Most part of the road is one lane and unpaved with the ocean just on the side and the rain forest on the other.  Starting from the port of Kahului, the windward side of Maui is lush and green with rain forest around. After passing through Hana, it’s the dry desert like leeward side and the landscape and flora change.  To view all the photos, please click ‘continue reading’.

M-1     Highway to Hana Continue reading

What Happens to Your Digital Records after You Die?

Have you thought about what will happen to your digital property if you die or become incapacitated?

Most of us haven’t. Access to digital property has only recently emerged as an important part of will planning. But it’s important to plan ahead so your family can access your data in the future.

Learn more about planning for your digital property in this brief article by Jim Lamm. Jim is an estate planning lawyer who has made a specialty of this new area.

Click this Article by Jim Lamm to read the details.

回春內壯功 (尹冠英1967)


一、 坐馬,提肛收胯,閉口咬牙,鼻用力吸氣,使腹脹滿,送入丹田,用肺再吸,再送入丹田。

二、 把氣壓入丹田下部,腹肌明顯收入壓實,閉氣六秒。

三、 丹田用力呼氣,用力發聲 - 噓、呵、呼、呬、吹、嘻,每聲一口氣,六口為一節,可咬牙則咬牙增加呼氣壓力,用力呼盡。



百歲老人曹文錫 自我推拿健身術 (尹冠英1967)

1. 仰臥,擦熱雙手
2. 左手覆臍,右手順時鐘推左胸三十六次
3. 右手覆臍,左手逆時鐘推右胸三十六次
4. 左手蓋右手,順時鐘推按心坎/膻中三十六次
5. 左手蓋右手,順時鐘推按上腹部 (胃)三十六次
6. 左手蓋右手,順時鐘推按肚臍四周三十六次
7. 左手蓋右手,順時鐘推按下腹部 (臍下 / 丹田)三十六次
8. 左手推擦右跨(股摺紋) 十六次
9. 右手推擦左跨(股摺紋) 十六次
10. 左手覆右手,順時鐘推按恥骨三十六次
11. 雙手十指插下腹部,搓麵粉式,抓搓二十次
12. 雙手向下推兩大腿至膝
13. 輪流兩腳踭(根)推腳底(湧泉)二十五次
14. 側睡,左手推左腰眼十次,右手推右腰眼十次,
15. 坐姿,右手按左拳,用虎口位擦後命門二十五次
16. 坐姿,左右手握拳敲雙腿外側,由大腿至腳根6 轉
17. 坐姿,左右手拍打雙腿內側,由腳根至大腿根6轉
18. 仰臥,左右提腿屈(抱)膝至胸二十次
19. 仰臥,深呼吸吐吶六口氣,(意念經肛門呼吸)


強壯身體各部位功能,包括心臟、消化、生殖、排泄 ……..

頭面按摩保健法 (尹冠英1967)

一. 擦熱雙手,閉目,用手心暖雙眼。
二. 閉目,用雙手姆指指甲,揉按雙眼眼臉,順時鐘十下,再逆時鐘十下。
三. 閉目,雙手食、中、無名指蓋眼,眼球順時鐘打轉十下,再逆時鐘十下。
四. 雙手中指沿鼻翼邊用力向上推至髮際十次。
五. 雙手姆指按牙關 (咬牙突高處) ,食指推按兩眼眼框,順逆時鐘各十下。
六. 用雙手中指推按眼內框上、下各數次,有小粒狀物推走,推眼上內框時同時 用食指擦眉骨。
七. 用雙手姆指外側至掌根位,沿牙關向上推頭部兩側至頭頂十次。
八. 用十指指面,從面下緣向上推至髮際 (十指洗臉) 十次。
九. 用十指推面至眼眉,改沿太陽穴用姆指根 (雞比) 向後推按頭兩側十次。
十. 用雙掌按耳,用力壓搓兩邊耳朵十下。
十一. 用雙手蓋耳及後腦,用雙手食指從中指指背彈打後腦骨 (鳴天鼓) 。
十二. 用雙手手指推揉後頸 (上至下)大靜脈十次
十三. 用手指輪流推揉頸大動脈 (耳下至肩)十次,左手推右頸,右手推左頸
十四. 用手指向下推揉全頸各側。
十五. 用手指輕拍頭頂百會穴十次,改用兩手指尖扣打 (敲) 百會十次、通天 (百會旁開一吋) 十次,再用十指從前額沿頭頂敲至後腦六轉,再從前額沿兩側敲至後腦六轉。


用手指從眼下分三線向下推: 一. 沿眼內緣、鼻側至口角六次。 二. 從眼下 (四白穴) 向下推至面頰骨。三. 從顴骨內側沿下側再下推至鰓骨邊。
閉咀吸三口氣,吸每口氣時,用右食指外緣沿右邊咀角經人中 (擦及鼻尖) 推至左咀角五次,共十五次。

養生與保健 (尹冠英 1967)

各位老師‚ 同學, 朋友, 今天我在這裏, 希望把我三十多年來對養生, 保健 (利用中醫理論及自然療法) 的研究心得, 對大家講一講, 希望能對大家的健康有所幫助, 可以二十/三十年後仍然經常一起聚會.

人的身体能操作正常, 最主要是氣血的供應. ‘血’ 大家都知道是什麼, ‘氣’ 則比較抽象, 它代表精氣, 腎氣等等, 可以解釋為能量, 提供血遊走全身的原動力(是綑綁在一起的), 在這裏我不花太多時間演釋, 總之缺乏氣血的供養, 整個身体的各部份, 人体的器官會衰退, 不能正常操作, 各種疾病會出現. 在這裏我做一個簡單的比喻, 例如你不發工資給你公司的員工, 他們會怠工, 無力工作, 甚至餓死, 或者作反. 人体的器官則會衰退, 或局部細胞萎縮, 嚴重者更會因缺氧而發生異變, 成為癌細胞.(1931年諾貝爾醫學獎得主Dr. Warburg的得獎研究)

1. 貧血或缺血, 沒有足夠的血液供養全身各器官.
2. 血液循環受到阻礙, 令到血液不能到達身体某部位.

當你体檢驗血時, 紅血球, 血小板指數正常, 不代表你的總血量是充足的, 可能應有8公升血量而只有6公升時, 簡單驗血會做成假象, 特別影響做手術時輸血的決定而做成危險.

貧血的原因除營養不良之外, 睡眠休息時間是一重要因素. 人体造血最活躍的時間是晚上十時到凌晨二時, 如果大家不能夠在這時段好好休息, 讓身体有效率地造血, 你貧血的機會會相當高, 又如果你脾胃功能不正常, 不能有效地消化進食的食物, 你不一定會瘦, 而未能吸收的食物會成為脂肪積聚於体內, 是垃圾而不是能量儲存, 會做成亞健康狀態. Continue reading