李白詩詞四首英譯 __ 江紹倫


蜀僧濬弹琴   Listening to a Monk from Sichuan playing the Lute

蜀僧抱綠綺  A monk from Sichuan bringing his famous lute Lu Yimonk Li Bai

西下峨眉峰  From west O Mei Peak he came to visit me

為我一揮手  With a single sweep over the strings he began

如聽萬壑松  I heard winds going through ten thousand pines sang

客心洗流水  My soul is purified by caressing springs

餘響入霜鐘  Tunes echo with evening tolls on wings

不覺碧山暮  Oblivion to the sun leaving I see hills still green

秋雲暗幾重  Autumn clouds help mountains dim

登金陵鳳凰台   On Phoenix Terrace at Jinling  phoenix_Li Bai

鳳凰台上鳳凰遊 On phoenix Terrace a phoenix once perches so fond

鳳去台空江自流 The bird gone and terrace vacant the river flows on

吳宮花草埋幽徑 The Wu Palace now barren its paths covered in weeds

晉代衣冠成古丘 Jin Dynasty sages in caps and gowns lie in graves indeed

三山半落青天外 The Three-peak Mount now seen in half beyond the azure sky

一水中分白鷺洲 The Twin Stream goes two directions to have the Egret Isle divided

總為浮雲能蔽日 As floating clouds veil my eyes from seeing the sun

長安不見使人愁 I regret in not working for the Imperial Court as I had done

夜下徵虜亭 Passing the Triumph Pavilion at Night  boat_Li bai  

船下廣陵去  Sailing down to River Town

月明徵虜亭  The Triumph Pavilion bathes in moonlight sound

山花如繡頰  Flowers on the hills pink as a glowing cheek

江火似流螢  Reflections on the river like firefly gleam meek

清平调词三首之一  Three Serene Tunes  (I)cloud_Li bai

雲想衣裳花想容 Her face looks floral her dress floats like cloud

春風拂檻露華濃 Vernal breeze arrives to reveal a beauty proud

若非群玉山頭見 If not seen among the beauties in Mt. Jade-Green

會向瑤台月下逢 Will meet her at Chrystal Hall in moon gleam

2 thoughts on “李白詩詞四首英譯 __ 江紹倫

  1. The lute is an ancient string instrument used to accompamy poem singing. It is called si qin

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