鹤蚌相爭 漁人得利

(Through Rose-Coloured Glasses)

Strategic Voting for the Anyone But Harper (ABH) force.

More than 60 percent of Canadians do not support Harper and his government’s contempt for democracy. Yet, he could win a majority with as little as 35 percent of the popular vote. Especially now, when Jack Layton’s NDP is soaring in popularity in Quebec and BC, the Liberal and NDP can very well split the anti-Harper votes, and Harper can squeak through and win his majority.

Scary thought.

Drastic time for drastic measure.

A group of “democratic” activists is advising voters in contested ridings not to vote along party lines but rather to back whichever candidate has the best chance of defeating the local Conservative.

Project Democracy (http://www.projectdemocracy.ca/), as the group calls itself, isn’t so much an advocacy group for democratic principles as it is a collaborative online effort to promote strategic voting to block a Conservative majority by whatever means necessary.

The group’s method: to persuade voters in the country’s “contested ridings” to strategically abandon weaker candidates at the local level and throw their support behind whichever non-Conservative candidate the group deems most able to win — even if that means voting for the Bloc Québécois in some cases.

Go to the Project Democracy website and punch in your Postal Code, immediately it will spit out their analysis and recommendations of your riding.

May the force be with you.

4 thoughts on “鹤蚌相爭 漁人得利

  1. Harper scares me.

    At my age, just want a more decent and democratic Canada for my chilren.

  2. I’ve already voted, strategically. 😉


    We should be glad that we are in Canada. That’s how democracy should play out:
    -Political scandals can’t escape the news media.
    -Justice is more independent of the ruling class.
    -WikiLeaks should operate internationally and win a Nobel Peace Prize.

    When Stevie wins, he also loses…a lot. Keep in tune! When Jackie wins, a more effective opposition is expected to keep dictatorship in check. When Iggy wins, he has to show up more often in the House. When Eliza wins, she’s is the lone voice in the desert.

    Watch the post-election drama of the federal budget yet to come. Another new chapter will be written, till 2014.

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