Solveigs Sang (Solveig’s Song) 素爾菲克之歌

Solveig’s Song (Norwegian: Solveigs sang), is sung by Solveig (soprano) in the fourth act of the famous Norwegain composer Edvard Grieg‘s original Peer Gynt Op. 23, and for Suite No. 2, Op. 55, which was written as incidental music for inclusion in Henrik Ibsen‘s play Peer Gynt. (

Song setup: In “Per Gynt” (original Norwegian spelling), Solveig (soprano), who has been abandoned by Per Gynt, sings that she will wait for him, just as she promised. If he awaits her in heaven, then she will meet him there.

Renditions by:

Marita Solberg (Norwegian) 2006 – ; and Lucia Popp (Slovak) – sung in German

YK’s remarks:  Both sopranos sing beautifully, though the original Norwegian lyrics may sound more authentic over another foreign language (German).  The melody is haunting, which fits the nordic scene of fjords and story of the adventurous character of Peer Gynt. 

Since we are on Grieg, Norway’s most famous composer, also listen to his ‘Peer Gynt’ Suite No. 1, Op. 46 – ‘Morning’ at  You may appreciate the mastery of Grieg’s orchestration depicting his native land.  It reminds me of the beginning of  Rossini’s “William Tell” overture (  They both describe morning tranquility, Grieg using woodwinds and Rossini, a solo cello. However, in the second segment of the “William Tell” overture (, Rossini switched from the cello to woodwinds in the initial bars for the calm and charm of morning song birds in Tell’s Switzerland.  Music is a universal language.

The original Norwegian lyrics and translation below is from:

Kanske vil der gaa
Baade vinter og vaar,
Baade vinter og vaar
Og næster sommer med,
Og det hele aar,
Og det hele aar,
Men engang vil du komme,
Det ved jeg vist,
Det ved jeg vist,
Og jeg skal nok vente,
For det lovte jeg sidst,
Det lovte jeg sidst.
Gud styrke dig,
hvor du i verden gaar,
I verden garr,
Gud glæde dig, hvis du
For hans fodskammel staar,
For hans fodskammel staar.
Her skal jeg vente
Til du kommer igjen,
Du kommer igjen;
Og venter du hist oppe,
Vi træffes der, min ven,
Vi træffes der, min ven.
Perhaps there will go
Both winter and spring,
Both winter and spring,
And next summer also,
And the whole year,
And the whole year,
But onetime you will come,
I know this for sure,
I know this for sure,
And I shall surely wait,
For I promised that last,
I promised that last.God strengthen you,
Where you go in the world,
You go in the world,
God give you joy if you
Before his footstool stand,
Before his footstool stand.
Here shall I wait
Until you come again,
You come again;
And if you wait above,
We’ll meet there again, my friend,
We’ll meet there again, my friend.

 See also for an alternate translation. 

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