
中歲頗好道    晚家南山陲
興來每獨往    勝事空自知
行到水窮處    坐看雲起時
偶然值林叟    談笑無還期

Retirement at South Hill                   江紹倫譯

I became at mid-life a true believer of Dao
I retire to settle at the foot of South Hill when old
Here I loiter at will with not much in mind
And review in solitude the good deeds I’ve left behind
I saunter to where the mountain stream no longer flows
I sit waiting to watch rising clouds afloat
By chance I meet a firewood gatherer as I roam
We chat and cheer forgetting ’tis time to return home

2 thoughts on “《終南別業》(唐)王維

  1. 【終南別業】 王維
    中歲頗好道﹐ 晚家南山陲。
    興來美獨往﹐ 勝事空自知。
    行到水窮處﹐ 坐看雲起時。
    偶然值林叟﹐ 談笑無還期。

    My Retreat at Zhongnan Mountains Wang Wei
    In middle age I began following Ch’an Dao;
    In old age I dwell at Zhongnan Shan’s foothill now.
    In enlightenment the spirit gaily takes wings;
    I, alone though, am led to most beauteous things.
    Roaming free, I come to the end of a clear stream;
    I sit and watch the rising clouds (sent off by steam).
    I chance on an old woodsman (at the path’s turning);
    We talk and laugh, and have no thought of returning.

    (tr. frank c w yue)

  2. Pingback: 高山仰止 (13) — 談笑無還期 : WYKAAO Blog

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