6/15-day Motorcycling Adventure by Bonbon Hu (65)

Saturday, August 1, 2009 (Day 6)

Last night, the sun didn’t set until 11:30 pm in Whitehorse, and sunrise this morning was about 3 am. There was a false fire alarm in our hotel last night at about 2 am. Everybody was scrambling, I just wanted to have lots of clothing and not wanting to go to the street in my undies.

Tonight we expect the sunset at 12:30 am and sunrise at 2:30 am.

Dawson City

Klondike theme

Downtown Hotel

Today, we travelled about 550 Km north to Dawson City of Yukon, population 1,800+. We left the Alaska Hwy and took the Klondike Hwy. Dawson City is one of those tourist spots with the Klondike theme. It is like in a western movie walking across from the hotel to the saloon across the street in sandy roads with strong wind blowing, with nobody in sight. I was expecting a tumbleweed blowing across the street anytime. The whole town was in that theme. I will explore the town tomorrow. I have decided NOT to take any of the extension runs to further north or to Alaska because the roads are all gravel. I have been lucky to make it this far, and I have enough.

The travelling was good most times except when we came across about a dozen bad sections with gravels. We survived.

So, tomorrow I will rest, and will explore the town.


Our section of the hotel is pretty cool. Our rooms surround a glass covered courtyard, with tables and chairs that we can sit around to BS and drink. There is also a hot-tub which I fully intend to enjoy.

The economy on the Americans is very significant. This town depends on a lot of Americans, via Alaska. Now it is almost half dead. The piano player is only playing to 1/4 full audience.

Cost of living is very high here. Everything has to be imported.

Riders are now humming and hawing about the extension rides. They should just come out like me to say no. They still play this game of “I’ll see”.

I just came out of the hot tub, and even after the shower, I am still sweating.

CanCan Girls

One rider came back and said the CanCan girls were fat. I’ll check it out tomorrow.

I am tired after riding for 3,300 Km in 6 days. I shall rest tomorrow, Sunday.

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