《子夜歌》《Midnight Song》 Li Yu
人生愁恨何能免 Who could avoid rancor and grief in life
銷魂獨我情何限 Limited is happiness of a singular kind
故國夢重歸 I dreamed returning to my old country
覺來雙淚垂 Waking up I find wet tears plenty
高樓誰與上 Who was with me up the high tower
長記秋晴望 I recall looking far out in autumn
往事已成空 Past events now empty
還如一夢中 They live still in dreams
《浪淘沙》《Tune: Waves Refining Sand》Li Yu
往事只堪哀 Recounting past events makes me sad only
對景難排 Difficulty to forget facing the scenery
秋風庭院蘚侵階 Mosses occupy the steps in the yard in autumn wind
一任珠簾閑不卷 Let the pearly drapes hang freely
終日誰來 No one visits
金劍已沉埋 I had buried my iron sword deep
壯氣蒿萊 Youthful ambitions not keep
晚涼天淨月華開 The moon shines the clear sky in a cool night
想得玉樓瑤殿影 I long to see the shadows in my palace up the jade tower
空照秦淮 They appear vaguely over the Chin River