《與諸子登峴山》《臨洞庭上張丞相》《夏日辨玉法師茅齋》孟浩然(689-740) __ 江紹倫英譯

《與諸子登峴山》《Up Mt. Xian with Friends》Meng Hao Ran

人事有代謝  Human affairs go through vicissitudes
往來成古今  They rise and recede so history constitutes
江山留勝跡  Immortal sites remain bright in hills and rills
我輩復登臨  We visit them to admire and feel
水落魚梁淺  Water flows to fill the shallows of Kindle Shoal
天寒夢澤深  In cold weather I dream of deep pools
羊公碑尚在  The legend Wiseman Yang his monument standing old
讀罷淚沾襟  Reading his words I shed tears wetting my clothes

《臨洞庭上張丞相》《To PM Zhang from Lake Dongting》

八月湖水平  In the Eighth Moon the lake is full to the brim
涵虛混太清  Its limpid vastness blends in with cosmic rims
氣蒸雲夢澤  Rising vapor urges cloud dreams for mash sites
波撼岳陽城  Roaring waves shatter the Yueyang City dykes
欲濟無舟楫  I wish to cross the lake skiffs are not available
端居恥聖明  I recall our imperial legends their glories signal
坐觀垂釣者  Sitting to watch anglers waiting for catches so serene
徒有羨魚情  How I envy their appreciation for fishes in clever swim

《夏日辨玉法師茅齋》《My Buddhist Teacher’s Hut》

夏日茅齋裡  Inside the straw hut all summer day long
無風坐亦涼  I sit feeling cool even no breezes come along
竹林深筍穊  New shoots sprout up in the bamboo grove
藤架引梢長  Vines extent new growths over the spectacle
燕覓巢窠處  Pairing swallows search for a safe nest site
蜂來造蜜房  Busy bees turn nectars into honey sweet and fine
物華皆可玩  All things in the universe we can appreciate
花蕊四時芳  In all four seasons floral fragrances substantiate

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