《江南曲》《敦煌曲子詞: 菩薩蠻》《敦煌曲子詞: 浣溪沙》李益 (748-821) 江紹倫英譯

《江南曲》李益 (748-821)《A Song from the South》Li Yi

嫁得瞿塘賈  Since I became a roving merchant’s wife

朝朝誤妾期  I miss his presence every day in my life

早知潮有信  If I knew the rhythmic trust of the tide

嫁與弄潮兒  I would choose to be a sailor’s bride 

《敦煌曲子詞: 菩薩蠻》

枕前發盡千般愿  要休且待青山爛  水面上秤錘浮  直待黄河彻底枯
白日参辰現  北斗回南面  休即未能休  且待三更見日頭

《Lyrics from Dunhuang: Buddhist Dancers》

In our pillow talks we make vows thousand times over
Our love will last unless the green hills rod and fall under
Or water is able to float big lumps of lead
And the Yellow River dried exposing its bed

And stars were seen in broad daylight
The Dipper moved south to shine bright
Even then our love will not wane
Unless the sun appears at midnight again

《敦煌曲子詞: 浣溪沙》

五两竿頭風欲平  長舉棹覺船行  柔橹不施停却棹  是船行
满眼風波多閃灼  看山恰似走來迎  子细看山山不動  是船行

《Lyrics from Dunhuang: Silk-Washing Stream》

After passing the Five-Mile Beach the wind ceases blowing
Our boat with sails unfurled seems light on rowing
Even with oars out and no rowing our boat is moving

What enchanting scenery filling our eyes
The hills move toward us as if they are nigh
On closer look they stand still only our boat is moving

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