《魯迅兩周年祭(1938)》__ 鄧拓 (1922-1966) 江紹倫英譯

《魯迅兩周年祭(1938)》鄧拓 (1922-1966)93

當年長夜度春時  苦戰人間滿鬢絲
荷戟孤征誅腐惡  投槍萬眾望旌旗
傷心兩載風雲色  咽淚重刊吶喊詩
再祭他年烽火後  血花一綴自由衣

《On the Second Anniversary of Lu Hsun’s Death》Deng Tuo (1922-1966)

You spent many a dark year striving for social spring
To improve human affairs your hair added gray strings
Alone you use your pen to vindicate corruption
And call all citizens to hoist banners for better options
Two years of mourning our motherland is still in confusion
With tears we strive to republish your poems in Loud Calls
We will repeat the oblation after the end of this civil war
Our bloodsheds will stain the coat of freedom red petals fall

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