《留別人民日報諸同志 (1959)》 鄧拓 (1912-1966)
筆走龍蛇二十年 分明非梦亦非烟
文章满纸書生累 風雨同舟戰友賢
屈指當知功与过 關心最是後爭先
平生赢得豪情在 舉國高潮望接天
Words to Colleagues at the People’s Daily before Leaving (1959)
For twenty years my pen had moved among snakes and dragons
Neither in smoke or dreams did such events happen
To fill a national daily with substantial essays had cast me in fatigue
On the same skiff we had weathered winds and rains undefeated
I ought to know my deeds and faults with a count of my fingers
Of vital importance my successors will outpace this forerunner
I take pride in having won high acclaims from all sides
Throughout the land our tidal wave is high touching the sky