《清平樂•憶梁汾》納蘭性德 (1655-1685) 江紹倫英譯

《清平樂•憶梁汾》納蘭性德 (1655-1685)

才聽夜雨  便覺秋如許  繞砌蛩螿人不語  有夢轉愁無據
亂山千疊橫江  憶君遊倦何方  知否小窗紅燭  照人此夜淒涼

《Tune: Serene Music•Remembering My Friend》Nalan Xinde

Night rains ring
Feeling deep autumn in
Amid cricket chirps silence reign
I saw you in my dream were you in

Hills piled along the river at random
I remember your career services not blithesome
D’you know with the red candle I sit by the window
Thinking about you all night in sorrow

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